The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Looks like more indictments coming Friday, I wonder if the MAGA morons are getting tired of all the bigly winning.
Things have been warming up nicely, March should be a hot month for Donald and company and by April the house should be ready to burn the fucker at the stake. This is just getting started, grab yer popcorn and strap into yer seat cause it's gonna be the greatest show on earth and one Helluva ride. Once ole Uncle Sam shits out Donald from the POTUS job, he'll stomp him into the ground like a cockroach.

Hard core MAGA morons are incapable of learning, he'll always have 35% no matter what happens. They could have a video of him blowing Putin and it wouldn't make any difference to his base, same thing goes for shooting Uncle Sam on 5th Avenue. Donald might be an idiot, but he's smarter than the 40+% of the country who would vote for him and who think he's doing a great job.
the strategy is not for one bombshell or another, it is for a long and slow process that repeatedly hammers home one simple message. donald is a criminal

after enough hearings over many many months this message will be an inescapable part of any discussion involving politics

it will not matter to the brainwashed 35% but for the rest of america it will be hammered home

same thing happened to nixon
the question that keeps popping into my head is "how the fuck did it take this long for people to see this shit?"...i never, ever looked at trump and thought "there's a fine human being.".....from the day i became aware of him, my opinion has been low, and has dropped the more i learn....well before he had any political aspirations, he was just a slimy slum lord with delusions of grandeur, an overblown used car salesman, truly the descendant of draft dodging pimps and slum lords...with a rich tradition of failed businesses going back at least three, he's all those things, AND a traitor, a tax cheat, a ....well, you know the litany....
and i am average at best....i saw it, and i'm average...that means that at least half of the country is not only below average (which is...well, average) they're voting this motherfucking monkey into the whitehouse below average.
that's scary...
the strategy is not for one bombshell or another, it is for a long and slow process that repeatedly hammers home one simple message. donald is a criminal

after enough hearings over many many months this message will be an inescapable part of any discussion involving politics

it will not matter to the brainwashed 35% but for the rest of america it will be hammered home

same thing happened to nixon
Cohen had that many suitcases of documents with him during his committee testimony yesterday that it looked like he was gonna move into the house. He had three cart loads of documents for a day's worth of closed door testimony and I'm pretty sure they were all full of juicy stuff. I figure Cohen is more of a threat to Trump than Mueller and this process could move along more swiftly than many people realize, they got Donald by the balls a dozen different ways. If they can remove Donald from office the RICO charges and Russia business can come later, it'll be a hard rain of shoes for Trump from here on out.

oh no....trump has to debate...this motherfucker CANNOT shut his god damn mouth to save his life...and he's going to turn down an opportunity to lie to the American people AGAIN?....not fucking likely...if this narcissistic cocksucker can pass up an opportunity to be on tv, better look up, cause the fucking sky will be falling...
And the hits keep coming, yet another slam dunk impeachable offence...
Trump FBI Building Scandal Returns Minus GOP Cover From Oversight | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow reports on the evidence suggesting that Donald Trump, to the detriment of taxpayers, interfered in plans for a new FBI headquarters to protect his hotel from potential competition from a new neighboring development.
Trump will never face a RICO charge. I don't know where you're getting that idea.
When he's removed from office, I don't see why he shouldn't, but there's plenty to put him away on for the rest of his life anyway. RICO would make cleaning up the mess so much easier, pardons for all would be problematic if there were also a couple of dozen Russians involved along with Trump. Uncle Sam will have some kind of conspiracy charge(s) waiting for Donald and they should be easy to prove too, just like everything else seems to be. Once this guy goes down, the fall will accelerate fast, yer gonna see a cascade effect of indictments and convictions.
How Donald Trump Got Involved in a Global Fraud | The New Yorker
Adam Davidson follows the money trail in one of President Donald Trump's past deals all the way to Vladimir Putin.
When he's removed from office, I don't see why he shouldn't, but there's plenty to put him away on for the rest of his life anyway. RICO would make cleaning up the mess so much easier, pardons for all would be problematic if there were also a couple of dozen Russians involved along with Trump. Uncle Sam will have some kind of conspiracy charge(s) waiting for Donald and they should be easy to prove too, just like everything else seems to be. Once this guy goes down, the fall will accelerate fast, yer gonna see a cascade effect of indictments and convictions.

I don't think you know what the RICO statute is.

Trump breaks the law. Several times. That does not constitute RICO. It doesn't meet the statute.

Now if Trump, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Sean Hannity were all in business together breaking the law, then you have a RICO. One man cheating on his taxes and making illegal campaign contributions and inflating his net worth doesn't constitute a multi-player ongoing criminal conspiracy for a RICO case.
I don't think you know what the RICO statute is.

Trump breaks the law. Several times. That does not constitute RICO. It doesn't meet the statute.

Now if Trump, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Sean Hannity were all in business together breaking the law, then you have a RICO. One man cheating on his taxes and making illegal campaign contributions and inflating his net worth doesn't constitute a multi-player ongoing criminal conspiracy for a RICO case.
When taken in it's totality I think RICO would apply to Trump and his associates, but there would be no need to go there. As you said there are plenty of laws that have been broken and impeachable offenses committed and the evidence is overwhelming. The first priority is to remove Trump from office, then worry about picking from a large menu of possible indictments. There will be lot's of public hearings happening, America and Trump will learn a lot about congressional oversight, especially when real crimes are involved.
When taken in it's totality I think RICO would apply to Trump and his associates, but there would be no need to go there.

You are completely, totally, and in every way possible WRONG. What you THINK is irrelevant.

First off, Trump has never been involved in racketeering. Guess what? That's what the R in RICO stands for. For fucks sake man, it's OK to admit you don't know.
That's what the R in RICO stands for
As in a money laundering racket, which was an on going long term criminal conspiracy. RICO is not that big a reach in this case, but it should be unnecessary, Donald has provided plenty of proof. I'm just speculating on the news, I'm not a lawyer, but I have heard lawyers speaking of it on the cable shows. There's a lot to choose from when indicting Trump, I imagine they are gonna go with the low hanging fruit first.

Again, one person laundering money does not make a RICO case. At all. Not even close. Trump isn't even being investigated at all for Money Laundering to begin with. He's being investigated for illegal campaign contributions, abuse of power and possible tax evasion.

But do continue to make shit up because it makes you feel smart.

Again, one person laundering money does not make a RICO case. At all. Not even close. Trump isn't even being investigated at all for Money Laundering to begin with. He's being investigated for illegal campaign contributions, abuse of power and possible tax evasion.

But do continue to make shit up because it makes you feel smart.
That's just the beginning of the list, we are really just getting going in the house with the investigations. Where do you think Trump has been getting his money for the past ten years with his credit rating? He's been the Russian condo king for years and eventually that is where this whole sordid mess is going, money laundering for the Russians and it's part of Putin's hold over him.

Ya start with the low hanging fruit and we've seen plenty of examples of that in the past week with illegal campaign contributions and Cohen's testimony, but that is just the beginning.

"RICO allows for prosecution of all individuals involved in a corrupt organization."
they might be able to make a rico case about the charity he ran into the ground, because so many people are involved in it, but that would about be it, and it doesn't seem like the best way for them to go in that case. they would probably be better off pursuing individual charges, and using them as leverage to get some of them to testify against the rest...

"RICO allows for prosecution of all individuals involved in a corrupt organization."
they might be able to make a rico case about the charity he ran into the ground, because so many people are involved in it, but that would about be it, and it doesn't seem like the best way for them to go in that case. they would probably be better off pursuing individual charges, and using them as leverage to get some of them to testify against the rest...

Relevant part highlighted.

The biggest fraudster of all time was Bernie Madoff. Not even he was RICO'd. Why? Because it was HIS organization. Nobody else's.

If Trump has proven anything, it's that he works of, by and for himself. It's HIS charity, nobody else's. It's HIS university, nobody else's. That's why they couldn't RICO him: it's JUST HIM. It doesn't matter how many people are working for him, that doesn't constitute a RICO.


Let me dumb it down:

The FBI is investigating a drug dealer in Virginia. The guy is pretty big time. He moves, by their estimates, 20 million dollars per year. Over the course of a multi-year investigation, they find out that he buys his drugs from a kingpin in Texas. After investigating him for a year or two, they also find out that both of those guys are using an investment banker in New York to launder their money by way of real estate and stocks/bonds.

Now, the FBI has options. They can either charge each man individually, OR they can RICO them and try them all simultaneously for all their crimes together.

RICO is a very, very risky proposition and is very, very rarely used. It's like the insanity defense: you see it a lot on TV, but the reality is far, far different because the bar is set very, very high for both.

In a RICO, you would have to prove that ALL of those entities acted knowingly together over a period of time in an ongoing criminal conspiracy to get a conviction. If you lose against one, you lose against them all.

Trump will never, ever in a million years face a RICO. At most, they'll nail him for campaign finance violations, tax evasion, bank fraud and that's about it. On a good day. About the only people he's ever laundered money for are the Russians, which of course wouldn't constitute a RICO.
Relevant part highlighted.

The biggest fraudster of all time was Bernie Madoff. Not even he was RICO'd. Why? Because it was HIS organization. Nobody else's.

If Trump has proven anything, it's that he works of, by and for himself. It's HIS charity, nobody else's. It's HIS university, nobody else's. That's why they couldn't RICO him: it's JUST HIM. It doesn't matter how many people are working for him, that doesn't constitute a RICO.


Let me dumb it down:

The FBI is investigating a drug dealer in Virginia. The guy is pretty big time. He moves, by their estimates, 20 million dollars per year. Over the course of a multi-year investigation, they find out that he buys his drugs from a kingpin in Texas. After investigating him for a year or two, they also find out that both of those guys are using an investment banker in New York to launder their money by way of real estate and stocks/bonds.

Now, the FBI has options. They can either charge each man individually, OR they can RICO them and try them all simultaneously for all their crimes together.

RICO is a very, very risky proposition and is very, very rarely used. It's like the insanity defense: you see it a lot on TV, but the reality is far, far different because the bar is set very, very high for both.

In a RICO, you would have to prove that ALL of those entities acted knowingly together over a period of time in an ongoing criminal conspiracy to get a conviction. If you lose against one, you lose against them all.

Trump will never, ever in a million years face a RICO. At most, they'll nail him for campaign finance violations, tax evasion, bank fraud and that's about it. On a good day. About the only people he's ever laundered money for are the Russians, which of course wouldn't constitute a RICO.
Dude, RICO was made to prosecute scumbags like donald