Hello to all and thank you for your contribution and sorry for my late replay, is very important for me to create this spectrum and this light and every help and contribution are appreciated. I’ll answer late sometimes but I’ll always answer to all the questions.
Thank you for your answer and the sharing of your project and test I try to answer your question better than I can
Answer post number 11#
I’m not a botanist (not yet) so my answers aren’t the real truth or sure at 100% but I study a bit and made some research but I also have to finish to read. I think before change the photoperiod we have to understand how it works and why and also how we can hack them for having advantages for the plant and us.
A.1 Short day plants need just 12 hours of dark or more for start to bloom (maybe less than 16 hours could be better [3]), the night drive the bloom phase [2] , so your idea of 28 hours day could be good because the night time is 12 and u have extra light that could help to grow bigger buds, BUT plants have circadian clock [1] like human, and they can understand something is different and their clock doesn’t work well, this is just a hypothesis. In the research called
lisson2000 I posted there is a phrase:
Borthwick and Scully (1954) observed that flowering occurred promptly in daylengths of 14 or fewer hours and with considerable delay, or not at all in daylengths above 16 h”
another research confirm this called
Hemp flowers quickly under light periods of less than 14 h. Lisson et al.(2000) showed that flowering was not delayed until a minimum of 14 h of light period was exceeded. It was also concluded that, as flowering time did not plateau over the range of 14 to 16 h, the critical photoperiod was
not reached. The critical photoperiod is defined as the longest photoperiod allowable before flowering ceases entirely and plants remain vegetative.
A critical photoperiod of around 20 h was suggested by Lisson et al. (2000) for industrial hemp. “
The problem is: the extra light makes the game or not? is useful? could stress the plant circadian rhythm? I think we have to find a way to spend less and earn more.
A.2 Like I said yes, the night drives the bloom u can find more info in the wiki source part
A.3 I don’t know and I can’t hypnotize, I don’t have enough data. I can say you are one of the first [4] so u can just test and collect data, this is the best thing to do when u made something new. Good luck and keep us update
Answer at post #18
Seems a good configuration I’m using the Samsung LM561C too with very good results but more watt/sf
Do u you use blue and uva together and all day? Wich diode? Do you use or tried the Emerson Effect? Do you have a light schedule? Is a test/theory/idea or is based on some research? If is research-based, could you link me something and I’ll read it with pleasure ^^
Answer at post #27
I think we are near too and that makes me happy; I have a theory:
“Each of their studies included more than 20 species.
Their studies confirmed the findings of Hoover (1937) and indicated only small differences among
species. The differences among studies are significantly greater than differences among species
within a study.” (Toward an optimal spectral quality for plant growth and development: The importance of radiation capture)
That means we can use a lot of scientific research about spectrum and short-day plants and not only about cannabis. I’m wrong?
We can use the research and brainstorming like a starting point and make an experiment or more research to validate something can be interesting to try.
The channels control isn’t a problem, like Randomblame says there are solution and I hope to find a cheap one with my friend is a software maker and worked with Arduino so a relay board a real-time clock and esp32 could solve the problem we just need some time but also multiple
sonoff could be helpful and cheap.
About the light shock and also the slow reduction of the light until you go in bloom, I think don’t make a BIG difference but plants have and are more sensitive than what we can image, so if we can help them without a huge work why not?
https://cannabisdigest.ca/dr-allens-16-hour-dark-photoperiod/ (bad results)
Thank you for your answer and sharing.
Answer at post #15
Samsung is a farsighted company that understands the power of indoor agriculture and sure they upgrade their horticulture diode.
I never try Nichia but a friend of mine loves them 2000k mixed with 4000k LM301B I think about this solution but is hard to put them in the same pcb because nichia are 0.5w/diode and Samsung are 0.2w/diode so in the same pcb in 2 different rows 90/95cm m long is pretty asymmetric and I thought the light distribution could be not optimal, maybe u can help me to find a solution.
About the red and far-red I could ask the company that will make the pcb if they can find Osram first but the VMVO if is possible or the Cree
I know Solstripes but they aren’t the solution I like and desire, I want a pcb with the led we and I need and that is made as we desire, we need customizable pcb for create the best spectrum and so I asked to a company that made custom pcb but I need the spectrum and project before they say to me the price.
About uva and UVB do you know some good diode or led aren’t effective?
About the IR and leaf temperature, I have to read more but could be useful for who have a cold grow room integrate them in the normal spectrum? only lights on?
My conclusion and sharing
I think we are near to find the best spectrum is just about time and research; when we have that I’ll make the pcb and we can start to test it.
I’m studying every day when I can and discovering more and more, I’ll share all the research I think could be helpful for the cause and if someone what to talk about it I’m happy to do
I think this image can help us to save some money, because we can keep the plants in vegetative just with some red in the night , low wattage and good results, I read about this technique but I don’t remember the name (maybe something like the candle in the night) but now we can suppose that isn’t just a technique based on stoned science but there is something more; I’ll probably make a test.
We can have the vegetative phase with just 12+1h far-red light on instead of 18 or 20.
Research I think could be interesting and I’m reading:
http://www.uniroma2.it/didattica/sviluppobis/deposito/Coincidence_Flowering_Kay__TIPS_SECONDO.pdf I’m reading now so I don’t have finish yet but looks interesting talk about circadian and also hormones, the plant in the study is a long day plant so not useful.
Nightbreak and short day plant with far red very detailed; seems good I find the link yet.
This is a nice research well made the part about spectrum but the comparison data are fake, this research was made in my country and the company that produce the lamp probably pay for the results, I talked with one of the researchers and he doesn’t like led (hps are better and cheaper) and don’t tell me anything about the result . The company made the light is this
I hope I answer to all and share enough to understand more and grow each other.
Thank you