How Does Your Garden Grow??????

the watermelons aren't scaring me too much, the pumpkins, on the other hand, will be like " FEED ME, SEYMOUR" by the time they can go out...
My pumpkins took over the whole back yard last year, they even invaded my neighbor's yard. Good luck. :bigjoint:

Going to try acorn squash this year, hopefully get more harvest for the square footage the vines take up.
My pumpkins took over the whole back yard last year, they even invaded my neighbor's yard. Good luck. :bigjoint:

Going to try acorn squash this year, hopefully get more harvest for the square footage the vines take up.
Year before last I did real good with the Acorn squash. We cooked them lots of different ways, but baking with butter and brown sugar is hard to beat.
Speaking of Acorn squash. A strange hybrid that I got. I think it's an Acorn crossed with a yellow squash.

have any viable looking seeds? some crosses are able to reproduce, and some aren't...

I've got the seeds somewhere but I'm probably not going to grow them in my garden. I don't have time or space to play around with it. Nor do I want to. If it was anything good they would have already been selling seeds of this hybrid.
I've got the seeds somewhere but I'm probably not going to grow them in my garden. I don't have time or space to play around with it. Nor do I want to. If it was anything good they would have already been selling seeds of this hybrid.
probably, but you never know, if i grow any weird crosses i try to grow one out the next year, just to see if i can, and if i like it...might find the next new thing...
probably, but you never know, if i grow any weird crosses i try to grow one out the next year, just to see if i can, and if i like it...might find the next new thing...

I'll probably end up growing a couple. It would be hard not to. My problem is that I already have plans to grow more than I actually have room for. But I'll fit them in somehow I guess. I'm definitely moving to a place with more property in the next few years. I just don't have the real estate where I'm at to do what I want to do. I like my place but I just need more room.
I was down at the river field day before yesterday. Saw a violet and went to get the camera. Got side tracked when I saw my orange trees had got bit by the frost. These are some seedling oranges I got from a cousin in law down in Wewa. The tree they came off of has been growing in the swamp for about 80 years. It gets a little colder where I'm at, and some of these have been killed back to the roots. I planted 50-75 of them in the pines years ago. They are about chest high.
