12/12 from seed Party Cup Comp - Mystery Meat Grow

man my old lady found my Lil notebook, and she asked if there was a reason I misspelled "green" lol I guess I was high...

gunna change my name grennthumbs, lmfao
Remember the original Revenge of the Nerds? It was an absurd 80’s movie. Some may say cult classic, some might say lame — some might say both. Anyway, there’s one line in the end, when Ogre joins the nerds, in which a medicated nerd says, “What if along with infinite bigness, is infinite smallness?”

That’s followed by Ogre’s famous line: "What if C-A-T really spelled, Dog?"

Nope. Probably either a 3 or 5 gallon smart pot. But before that I have to make space. I always get ahead of myself and have a overflowing veg spot.
I got yelled at earlier today because I have 50+ seedlings sprouting in the living room rather than my man cave in the basement. In fairness though they get great sunlight/warmth and I save on electricity...

I warned her once we bought another house I’d be gardening.
I got yelled at earlier today because I have 50+ seedlings sprouting in the living room rather than my man cave in the basement. In fairness though they get great sunlight/warmth and I save on electricity...

I warned her once we bought another house I’d be gardening.
I do the same shit lol.. Haha in till my daughter trys to rip out all the little sprouts. :shock::grin::grin:
Nice veg area J.J. What are the dimensions of that shelf? What type of strips are you using?
I'm digin that shelf. Wat kind of light's are thos. @J.James
The shelf is 18 x 35 x 72 and the top two shelves both have two Cirrus DUO LED Clone Stick's - https://cirrusledgrowlights.com/product/duo-led-clone-stick/
And the bottom shelf has two SunBlaster 36 inch LED Strips - https://www.sunblasterlighting.com/our-products/grow-lighting/led-strip-lights/
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