Random Jabber Jibber thread

I'm hungry for Beer Nuts and couldn't find them in Giant Eagle last couple times.
View attachment 4290366
My mission tomorrow will be to find Beer Nuts.
This is RIU, so cheers



A perusal of my atlas shows a town in southern Colombia called Pedro Dorado. Now my Spanish isn't spotless, but I'm pretty sure it means Golden Peter.


They build some cool barns in Golden Pecker.


The pic calls it a "maloca" which translates as "tribal village" or "longhouse". Gotta admire people who like each other enough to make it a one-house town. I'll wager there are malocas called "OK Dammit Who Farted" in indigenous languages.
I'm hungry for Beer Nuts and couldn't find them in Giant Eagle last couple times.
View attachment 4290366
My mission tomorrow will be to find Beer Nuts.
There is no polite way of spitting out the skins. I'm a lady. I save the spitting of skins for the ball park and then it's a competition between roasted peanuts and sunflower seeds.
Morning everyone, hope everyone is having a good day of it......

62F this morning with a light mist in the air....gonna be nice....before our last freeze next week i'm guessing.....

Ck'd in the old girl this morning realized that i might have a height issue...hmm...me and the mrs start up clones of the Centronilla plant last night in shot glasses as well. Left overs from monday were just a good too....