The wolf who cried MAGA

I'm sorry, I forgot you are not able to understand subtlety.

Just saying, that the level of attention this is being given is not justified.

the level of attention this was given at the beginning might have been justified if it was a real attack...

its only because of the initial attention that this case still has legs on it and rightly so.

theres enough bullshit going on without some 2 bit actor stirring up race hate in an attempt to get more money

and again buck bumped this thread it was heading of main page without his post
the level of attention this was given at the beginning might have been justified if it was a real attack...

its only because of the initial attention that this case still has legs on it and rightly so.

theres enough bullshit going on without some 2 bit actor stirring up race hate in an attempt to get more money

and again buck bumped this thread it was heading of main page without his post
Which cultures do you deem less competent and want to phase out, nazi boi?
the level of attention this was given at the beginning might have been justified if it was a real attack...

its only because of the initial attention that this case still has legs on it and rightly so.

theres enough bullshit going on without some 2 bit actor stirring up race hate in an attempt to get more money

and again buck bumped this thread it was heading of main page without his post
I get that if it doesn't hit you on the head, you won't understand, so I'll just state bluntly.

The people who first jumped on this saw a black gay man and without justification of facts simply assumed this gay black man had done something wrong. There was nothing official to justify this, merely a belief that was obviously biased against gay people, black people and people hurt by hate crimes. The attention given was driven by wishful and hateful racism and nothing more. Not a fact to support the claim.

Later, it turns out that a gay black man was charged by the Chicago Police for submitting a false claim. They produced their evidence and gave the banal motive as an actor wanting better pay. Does this really deserve front page attention? How many of the avid readers of this banal story even knew who Smollett was before the story blew up?

I laugh at your need to object to my saying this when you said it yourself. He isn't all that important. It's a one-off story about a single nobody who staged a hate crime when as reported recently, real hate crimes rose 30% last year. Each and every one of THOSE stories were given filler status in the middle pages of Gannet's or other conglomerate papers and nothing national.

Now, after days of people convincing each other Smollett is guilty, counter-stories are beginning to show that maybe he's not guilty after all. I don't know, I'm just saying this all belongs in the entertainment section and should be left to the professionals to determine rather than the army of Trumpkins who want to believe this country is gender and race neutral.

So, agree this story is irrelevant. That's what I said. Quit hyperventilating.
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I get that if it doesn't hit you on the head, you won't understand, so I'll just state bluntly.

The people who first jumped on this saw a black gay man and without justification of facts simply assumed this gay black man had done something wrong. There was nothing official to justify this, merely a belief that was obviously biased against gay people, black people and people hurt by hate crimes. The attention given was driven by wishful and hateful racism and nothing more. Not a fact to support the claim.

Later, it turns out that a gay black man was charged by the Chicago Police for submitting a false claim. They produced their evidence and gave the banal motive as an actor wanting better pay. Does this really deserve front page attention? How many of the avid readers of this banal story even knew who Smollett was before the story blew up?

I laugh at your need to object to my saying this when you said it yourself. He isn't all that important. It's a one-off story about a single nobody who staged a hate crime when as reported recently, real hate crimes rose 30% last year. Each and every one of THOSE stories were given filler status in the middle pages of Gannet's or other conglomerate papers and nothing national.

Now, after days of people convincing each other Smollett is guilty, counter-stories are beginning to show that maybe he's not guilty after all. I don't know, I'm just saying this all belongs in the entertainment section and should be left to the professionals to determine rather than the army of Trumpkins who want to believe this country is gender and race neutral.

So, agree this story is irrelevant. That's what I said. Quit hyperventilating.
The Nazis need any distraction they can get from Donald’s utterly failed and illegitimate presidency
. . . . . . . . . . . . I don't know, I'm just saying this all belongs in the entertainment section. . . . . . . . . . .
Do you think if a black gay plumber had gone to the CPD with a report of a hate crime based on race or sexual orientation that it would be in the news? This guy was on TV or this story would never have been "news worthy".

Blacks and gays have a right to be pissed. This Bozo just made it harder for real victims to come forward.
Do you think if a black gay plumber had gone to the CPD with a report of a hate crime based on race or sexual orientation that it would be in the news? This guy was on TV or this story would never have been "news worthy".

Blacks and gays have a right to be pissed. This Bozo just made it harder for real victims to come forward.
If that were the news, do you think it would have been news worthy?

First off, it's still not clear what really happened.

Second, I'm willing to bet that a black plumber has been assaulted in a hate crime and it never made the news. Smollett's story was at first believed, sensationalized and then not really paid much attention until questions started to pop up, THEN it went ballistic. Using this thread as an example, most of the Trumpkins who post here went absolutely nuts about unfounded stories saying Smollett is guilty. Why is that? Surely not because they were concerned about how this cast aspersions on other victims. Just read their posts. They loved this story and jumped to the conclusion Smollett was guilty without any facts found.

Again, if the story were about how victims are being hurt by a fake story, then it would just get filler status. The thing that sensationalizes this story is by racists who want to believe hate crimes don't happen. They are all over this shit.
Do you think if a black gay plumber had gone to the CPD with a report of a hate crime based on race or sexual orientation that it would be in the news? This guy was on TV or this story would never have been "news worthy".

Blacks and gays have a right to be pissed. This Bozo just made it harder for real victims to come forward.
Two dozen police investigators for two weeks for an actor, how many for a plumber? A plumber that faked this probably would have far better odds of getting away with it.
. . . . . . . .Second, I'm willing to bet that a black plumber has been assaulted in a hate crime and it never made the news. . . . . . .
That is my point. News is entertainment.

The extremes on both sides jump on something they think will help their cause, and they don't really let the facts get in the way.
Two dozen police investigators for two weeks for an actor, how many for a plumber? A plumber that faked this probably would have far better odds of getting away with it.
And a plumber that was really the victim of a hate crime would just be shit out of luck. He might get one over worked detective to look into it for an afternoon.
That is my point. News is entertainment.

The extremes on both sides jump on something they think will help their cause, and they don't really let the facts get in the way.
not my point.

Racists piled onto this story and are continuing to foam at the mouth over it. Yet we really don't know what happened.

Yes, there are those who see this as entertainment and they will always be there but the ones who sensationalized it were like the OP.
Two dozen police investigators for two weeks for an actor, how many for a plumber? A plumber that faked this probably would have far better odds of getting away with it.
speaking at foam at the mouth racists who just love this story,

Real hate crimes are up 30%, bugs. You really shouldn't defend Nazis they are bad for public health.

of course, you do have the dissenting voice
...people actually watch this guy, and believe a word that comes out of his mouth?....what fucking America does he live in? Cause it ain't the one i live in....this guy is so out of touch i can't believe anyone on the planet can listen to his opinions and not think he's fucking stupid....

Wohl has been investigated for pedophilia. Wohl has been linked to chinese immigrant sex rings.
it has been alleged that he has had meetings with known Russian Agents.
it has also been alleged that he is a slimy lying scumbag piece of shit, who will lie and slander to keep his hateful agenda going. further, there have been rumors that he is in a deep, personal relationship with a gay black sheep

now, spread these and any other rumors you can think of, and call it " not a bad campaign"

of course, you do have the dissenting voice
...people actually watch this guy, and believe a word that comes out of his mouth?....what fucking America does he live in? Cause it ain't the one i live in....this guy is so out of touch i can't believe anyone on the planet can listen to his opinions and not think he's fucking stupid....
My math says the hate crime rate is about 1 per 50,000 people in USA based on numbers in your links. Given the number of messed up people in this country, I sort of expected it to be worse than that.
My math says the hate crime rate is about 1 per 50,000 people in USA based on numbers in your links. Given the number of messed up people in this country, I sort of expected it to be worse than that.
Don’t worry, your hero donald will get us there
My math says the hate crime rate is about 1 per 50,000 people in USA based on numbers in your links. Given the number of messed up people in this country, I sort of expected it to be worse than that.
i did too, actually...but one is too many...not liking someone is not an excuse to hurt them. there are a lot of people i don't like in my life, and i don't give most of them the satisfaction of even knowing they're annoying me...I am not a tower of willpower, i am not a shining beacon of integrity, and i can usually make it through a day without running anyone over, punching anyone in the face, or calling anyone a racially or sexually oriented epithet....if i can do it...everyone else should be able to as well...
i do slip occasionally...but so far it's been people's politics that have set me off, not the color of their skin, or their gender, or lack there of, or overabundance of....(and by the way, at 1 per 50,000, that's still 6,500 incidents a year...doesn't sound quite so insignificant that way, does it?)
i did too, actually...but one is too many...not liking someone is not an excuse to hurt them. there are a lot of people i don't like in my life, and i don't give most of them the satisfaction of even knowing they're annoying me...I am not a tower of willpower, i am not a shining beacon of integrity, and i can usually make it through a day without running anyone over, punching anyone in the face, or calling anyone a racially or sexually oriented epithet....if i can do it...everyone else should be able to as well...
i do slip occasionally...but so far it's been people's politics that have set me off, not the color of their skin, or their gender, or lack there of, or overabundance of....(and by the way, at 1 per 50,000, that's still 6,500 incidents a year...doesn't sound quite so insignificant that way, does it?)
7,515 on a base of 325,700,000 is pretty insignificant, assuming you are not one of the 7,515 victims! Yes, 0 would be preferable. May we at least appreciate our differences if not celebrate them. That goes for political differences too Roger! Without the Yin, the Yang would just be a sperm looking thing.
The problem is that hate crimes aren't committed against the entire population. They are committed against less than 25% of the population, so it's actually far worse than that.

But that's why he's not known for his math skills.
that is true, i had not considered that myself...don't suppose rich old white people in the suburbs have to worry about crowds of unruly hooligans painting "CRACKER" on their doors....