Apex fucking LEGENDS


Well-Known Member
Anybody else jump on this train?

I haven't played and FPS in years and even on PC i'd rather use a gamepad. it is easier for me as I am left handed and the control schemes are set up for RH play, even switching the controls I'm just not as good.

anyways I'm picking up a cheap-o game pad later today and a headset and jumping in again. I did a solid 3 hours yesterday after the family went to bed at night

I came in 2nd place one time - I don't know how I did it.... one of the guys on my team was like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. surviving asshole and I made it to the end somehow...

anyways if you like FPS games this is def one to try. it is free to play and it really is a bunch of fun...

It's pretty good, I can keep up in this one. Unlike PUBG and H1z1 I can do decent in apex haha

it took me 5 days and 17 hours of playing to get my first kill man. Yesterday we had a team down to one guy and he downed us, I pushed too quick and missed a jump fell to the low ground and he grenaded my ass, my squad was down to 1 player and the guy that bsically carried us the whole round also fucked it up at the end and we lost.... we had it - I landed 3 hits on the guy -2 more and victory.....

I'm mid-30s very casual gamer, mostly play RTS and sports games...... but this was free to play and I saw some vids I said I'm getting on this shit.....

I also have a problem: I play on PC, not console. And this means I tried with KB/Mouse. But I have an issue with my right hand(I broke it when I was12 and even though it works for daily life for twitchy PC gaming it's just not fast/flexible on the pinky and ring finger and I can't move the mouse with my right hand I'm a lefty - just doesn't work. So I play with a gamepad makes it easier for me -

but you can imagine gamepadding on PC is always a losing venture - but I'm getting better.

I saw a streamer that only plays PC with gamepad and he kills it but obviously he's a full time gamer - but I'm gonna keep practicing I'm going to hang with the KB/Mouse guys on this game - it's doable..

I saw a video of a guy on console that has one arm he does it with his one arm and his toes (granted he's on console, console games have slight aim assist and everybody's on gamepads, PCs have no aim assist and very very few play with pads at a HUGE disadvantage) and he got a victory.... it's gonna happen... I can feel it.
Amazing game, 300+kills
with wraith as my main 17+ wins with just wraith not counting other characters 10/10 great battle Royale game
debating on it. haven't played video games in a while now. used to play competitively on WoW for i think 10-12 years already. i like apex over other battle royale games though. fornite it is okay but the graphics are too cartoony for my liking and the building stuff is just meh. i feel like it's cheesy compared to say pubg/apex. im more a fan of mmorpg's but the genre is kinda dying in the sense that not too many people have time to invest into gearing or raiding so all the newer content is half assed and quick play type stuff like in WoW it's just all about speed running dungeons and raids
Amazing game, 300+kills
with wraith as my main 17+ wins with just wraith not counting other characters 10/10 great battle Royale game

jesus I am on that struggle bus I am not that good at video games. I only got my first team win last night and I only got 3 kills my first 20 hours of playing.

I practiced my gameplay with an aim trainer on Steam and got on yesterday for like 30 mins, played like 6 games got a few more kills and helped a squad get the win playing Lifeline.

But I'm doing better and will keep playing this game is super fun.....
jesus I am on that struggle bus I am not that good at video games. I only got my first team win last night and I only got 3 kills my first 20 hours of playing.

I practiced my gameplay with an aim trainer on Steam and got on yesterday for like 30 mins, played like 6 games got a few more kills and helped a squad get the win playing Lifeline.

But I'm doing better and will keep playing this game is super fun.....
Lifelife or wraith is the best characters ATM if u are ganna main lifeline then Everytime u revive yet in the habbit of using ur bot and you also need to remebrre to be the one going for revives. Best guns are r-301,r99,wingman,flatline,longbow,
Both shotguns are good it's up to preference u can put the choke mod on the peacekeeper to make it charge up and u can use it to snipe lol but the semi auto purs out a more consistent damage
Lifelife or wraith is the best characters ATM if u are ganna main lifeline then Everytime u revive yet in the habbit of using ur bot and you also need to remebrre to be the one going for revives. Best guns are r-301,r99,wingman,flatline,longbow,
Both shotguns are good it's up to preference u can put the choke mod on the peacekeeper to make it charge up and u can use it to snipe lol but the semi auto purs out a more consistent damage
Oh there's also the new gun (havaoc) alot of people like it I can't stand it but it's the only gun u can choose which hopup to put on it between the selectfire and the turbocharger (turbocharger is the better of the two)
I like using a shotgun + automatic - but I suck so I don't know... I picked up a havoc last night only to be obliterated running in the wide open and my squad mates ran away like a bunch of cowards lol

I only use Lifeline because her ultimates especially in the later rounds are clutch.... but I saw the smallest hitbox was measured to be Wraith - so I think I might start using her lol

that made her instantly more popular - it went from seeing a wraith every 2-3 games to it's the first character chosen almost every game.....
I like using a shotgun + automatic - but I suck so I don't know... I picked up a havoc last night only to be obliterated running in the wide open and my squad mates ran away like a bunch of cowards lol

I only use Lifeline because her ultimates especially in the later rounds are clutch.... but I saw the smallest hitbox was measured to be Wraith - so I think I might start using her lol

that made her instantly more popular - it went from seeing a wraith every 2-3 games to it's the first character chosen almost every game.....
I've been using her since she came out her and lifeline have in my opinion been the best choices since game came out mirage and caustic are both crap for the team more for if ur ganna run solo or something the robot is good if ur good with handling the guns. If your are the robot u can flight yourself and slide to tripple tell distance any other character can. His ult is good for late game
I've been using her since she came out her and lifeline have in my opinion been the best choices since game came out mirage and caustic are both crap for the team more for if ur ganna run solo or something the robot is good if ur good with handling the guns. If your are the robot u can flight yourself and slide to tripple tell distance any other character can. His ult is good for late game

I fucking hate using the robot.... "Grappling" SPLAT right into the fucking wall..... he also has the 3rd largest hitbox.....

I did manage to set up a zipline to a super high spot one game but it wasn't the last ring so we had to jump down, but it was a good spot, albeit I couldn't hit shit of course.....

I hadn't really gotten the hang of the shooting mechanic until yesterday I think from here on out I'll get better......
I fucking hate using the robot.... "Grappling" SPLAT right into the fucking wall..... he also has the 3rd largest hitbox.....

I did manage to set up a zipline to a super high spot one game but it wasn't the last ring so we had to jump down, but it was a good spot, albeit I couldn't hit shit of course.....

I hadn't really gotten the hang of the shooting mechanic until yesterday I think from here on out I'll get better......
Yeah on PS4 it took me a good while to figure out what response curve to use
I did use the robot well once - a teammate was downed and they pushed us hard up a hill grappled over their ass revived the dude and we repositioned healed and went back to find our early demise... position 8 though...

I'm really good at the movement and the platforming the sliding... it's the shooting I suck at... and that damn grapple you need a lot of practice and in game it's impossible to just mess around....
I did use the robot well once - a teammate was downed and they pushed us hard up a hill grappled over their ass revived the dude and we repositioned healed and went back to find our early demise... position 8 though...

I'm really good at the movement and the platforming the sliding... it's the shooting I suck at... and that damn grapple you need a lot of practice and in game it's impossible to just mess around....
Yeah I never use him only person who I know can successfuly use him is my buddy and he only uses him u either main him or he's garbage
Apex was too easy.. Until people started getting too into it lol. But on the plus side cod blackout got real easy now because all the try hards are playing apex
Apex was too easy.. Until people started getting too into it lol. But on the plus side cod blackout got real easy now because all the try hards are playing apex

it's fucking ridiculous last night I played like 2 hours after the fam went to bed - every other match had the champion squad with the leader with like 2000+ kills, the other with 1500 the support with 800......

half the kills were TTV someshit or god knows what channel... you know twitch streamers trying impress the ladies that don't watch their channels....

I had like 3-4 fair matches where we made it far and the fights were fun.... won one match(I have 2 team wins now YEAA, I did deal 400 or so damage that round and got 1 kill that match so it wasn't all in vain, the kill was clutch too our really good dude was about to die I saved his ass).....

I wish there was a way to make matchmaking a little bit more fair.... the really good players are just leveling up on easy pickins like myself and sending me back to the damn lobby frustrated wanting to rage quit :(

the only way to get better is to play with better players and to do hot drops where you are forced to quickly play well if not you die.... but the "try hards" really do make it less enjoyable for people like me....
it's fucking ridiculous last night I played like 2 hours after the fam went to bed - every other match had the champion squad with the leader with like 2000+ kills, the other with 1500 the support with 800......

half the kills were TTV someshit or god knows what channel... you know twitch streamers trying impress the ladies that don't watch their channels....

I had like 3-4 fair matches where we made it far and the fights were fun.... won one match(I have 2 team wins now YEAA, I did deal 400 or so damage that round and got 1 kill that match so it wasn't all in vain, the kill was clutch too our really good dude was about to die I saved his ass).....

I wish there was a way to make matchmaking a little bit more fair.... the really good players are just leveling up on easy pickins like myself and sending me back to the damn lobby frustrated wanting to rage quit :(

the only way to get better is to play with better players and to do hot drops where you are forced to quickly play well if not you die.... but the "try hards" really do make it less enjoyable for people like me....
Try to get a good squad they will make or break a game I pretty much squad wipe at least once a game while my team is down or etc so being good just by yourself will only get you so far and with the game only being 3 player it's all team based so anything less puts u at a huge disadvantage if u played PS4 I'd help u out haha but there isn't cross platform yet