Well-Known Member
just a different mindset before IG. Everyone can do as they want and whine and cry as they want. oh, yea, and everyone is a master gardener who knows all and who knows best for everyone else. LMFAO And herms can never be grower error, LOLOLOLOL
Happy Birthday Ric Flair, Woooooooooooooooooo!
People have always done those things.. It's not like they invented IG and then people started acting an ass. Before IG people were on the boards acting like they knew everything.. Before the boards people were in the magazines acting like they knew everythings and spreading a lot of misinformation etc. Before the internet there were the same issues, you're just now able to interact with a lot more people without even brushing your hair/teeth.
People take themselves, and this weed shit in particular, too seriously and care wayyy too much about other people and what they think. If people dont like what you're doing, and you're not hurting anybody, put the fuckers on ignore and leave them in your dust. Fuck even giving them the time of day