US to support coup in Venezuela


Well-Known Member
That cunt Mike Pence is set to announce "concrete steps" and "clear actions" to address the Venezuela crisis when he meets this morning with regional leaders in Bogota, Colombia, a senior U.S. administration official said.

The official declined to comment on what the new measures would entail ahead of Pence's speech, to be delivered to a summit of the Lima Group this morning after he meets with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, that Capitalistic suck up to Washington that will give the American Oil company's control again in Venezuela.

That's what this is all about, restoring the rights of American oil companies to rape and pillage as they seem fit in Venezuela.

You do understand that, right?

The meeting will come after convoys of U.S. aid designed by Trump to further fuck things up and add fuel to an already volatile situation (that's Trump) were blocked at the Venezuelan border by forces loyal to President Nicolas Maduro. The United States and most other Western nations led by that asshole (go figure) no longer recognize Maduro as the country's leader (kill that Commie)

"What happened yesterday is not going to deter us from getting humanitarian aid into Venezuela (we'll shoot to kill)," the official said on Sunday, speaking with reporters on condition of anonymity. So in other words, we're taking over the country, and if Maduro won't let the aid in, we'll simply kill him, and that will be that.

"The vice president will announce concrete steps," the official said. "You should expect him to announce clear actions tomorrow as he speaks to the Lima Group."

Asked by reporters whether the United States would provide military force if requested by Guaido, the official said that Pence would listen to his suggestions and take them back to Trump.

"Ultimately, it would be a decision for the president to make," the official told reporters, so in essence you know we're fucked, at least those Americans that are sick of the US meddling in Central/South American countries internal affairs.

We have left a legacy of death and carnage in Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, El Salvador, not to mention (but I will) our other accomplishments in destabilizing regions around the Globe, such as Afghanistan, Korea, Viet Nam, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya, just to mention a fucking few (too many to list, my fingers are tired)

So, who's a betting person?

I'm betting on Civil War in Venezuela, aided, abated, and actually instigated by the USA.

You see, the right of a sovereign nation to determine it's own course, without the USA subverting those rights if we don't agree with them, that doesn't exist.

And we have the balls to complain about Russian interference in elections.

Ha, Ha, Ha!
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"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."

"I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

Maybe the patriot Rob Roy can identify the author. ^^^
Maybe the patriot Rob Roy can identify the author.
I know it, but I can't remember who wrote it.
Yup, that's pretty much sizes up military action taken by the US military since inception.
To protect this country from foreign intervention?
I call bullshit, it was to impose the will of a few American billionaires on nations that had what those capitalistic rapists wanted, to increase their OWN personal wealth.(Divine Intervention comes to mind)
For one simple example, did we enter WW2 to save the Jew's or avenge Pearl Harbor?
Fuck no, most of our greatest industrial leaders, Henry Ford being the most notable, said let all the Jews fucking die, the world would be better off without them, and we did let them die (but we said we were sorry later, so we'll give you a place you can call home called Israel, and fuck that other group that had lived there for millennium in the process, and that has fucking worked out really well for the World at large, hasn't it)
As far as Japan was concerned, it was an economic threat that was curtailing our expansion in Asia, and we backed them into a corner, waiting for them to react, and they did, and we destoyed them and Germany in one fell swoop, cementing our establishment as the Worlds Economic and Military leader.

This nation doesn't do a fucking thing unless there's a buck to be made, and that is the sad truth.

Moral righteousness?

We have none.
That cunt Mike Pence is set to announce "concrete steps" and "clear actions" to address the Venezuela crisis when he meets this morning with regional leaders in Bogota, Colombia, a senior U.S. administration official said.

The official declined to comment on what the new measures would entail ahead of Pence's speech, to be delivered to a summit of the Lima Group this morning after he meets with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, that Capitalistic suck up to Washington that will give the American Oil company's control again in Venezuela.

That's what this is all about, restoring the rights of American oil companies to rape and pillage as they seem fit in Venezuela.

You do understand that, right?

The meeting will come after convoys of U.S. aid designed by Trump to further fuck things up and add fuel to an already volatile situation (that's Trump) were blocked at the Venezuelan border by forces loyal to President Nicolas Maduro. The United States and most other Western nations led by that asshole (go figure) no longer recognize Maduro as the country's leader (kill that Commie)

"What happened yesterday is not going to deter us from getting humanitarian aid into Venezuela (we'll shoot to kill)," the official said on Sunday, speaking with reporters on condition of anonymity. So in other words, we're taking over the country, and if Maduro won't let the aid in, we'll simply kill him, and that will be that.

"The vice president will announce concrete steps," the official said. "You should expect him to announce clear actions tomorrow as he speaks to the Lima Group."

Asked by reporters whether the United States would provide military force if requested by Guaido, the official said that Pence would listen to his suggestions and take them back to Trump.

"Ultimately, it would be a decision for the president to make," the official told reporters, so in essence you know we're fucked, at least those Americans that are sick of the US meddling in Central/South American countries internal affairs.

We have left a legacy of death and carnage in Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, El Salvador, not to mention (but I will) our other accomplishments in destabilizing regions around the Globe, such as Afghanistan, Korea, Viet Nam, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya, just to mention a fucking few (too many to list, my fingers are tired)

So, who's a betting person?

I'm betting on Civil War in Venezuela, aided, abated, and actually instigated by the USA.

You see, the right of a sovereign nation to determine it's own course, without the USA subverting those rights if we don't agree with them, that doesn't exist.

And we have the balls to complain about Russian interference in elections.

Ha, Ha, Ha!
I'm mixed on this one.

Agree that to the administration, this is all about projecting power and oil money. Also aware that there is a humanitarian crisis under a brutal dictator. So, not totally opposed but will be opposed to the sweetheart deals for Exxon.

Due to the illegitimate election which Maduro uses to hold power, eleven nations in the Lima Group recognize Guaido as the legitimate leader.
Nooooo America is no longer involved in regime change LOL
What this country has to do now is to demand a Regime change in 2020, taking back our Moral Obligation to Protect the weakest and most vulnerable in this fucking Nation, and to present to the World that there is hope, and too stand up for the core elements of the Constitution, and to do the right fucking thing for a change.
Bernie, Harris, Biden, I don't really give a fuck who wins the race to be POTUS as long as the GOP is destroyed.
It is the true enemy of the Republic, not the New York Times.
"I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."

"I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

Maybe the patriot Rob Roy can identify the author. ^^^

Smegma Butler. The Half Cocked General.
Figures a chickenshit cocksucker like you would identify him as such. You are not fit to suck his rotten skivvies.

Say's who?
Point out the brutality, I'm ignorant.
Yea, I know things are bad there, but it's like Trump is saying that the US is going to step in and stop it.
Who the fuck is he, fucking God?

I'm not supporting military intervention. I think there is plenty we can do beyond that. To claim there is no brutality by government forces is simply false. The following are from AP and Amnesty International. Delivering aid and cutting off oil money are two actions that I think any US president would take. We can trust that Trump will blow this. But thus far, I don't see anything done by the US that I object to. No troops, no air force. Yes to working with UN and Lima Group.

Chavez was the revolutionary leader. Maduro is a fascist dictator that all too often appears later in the revolutionary cycle.

Deadly crackdown stokes fear among protesters in Venezuela

More than 770 opponents of Maduro have been arrested during the latest push by Venezuela’s opposition to oust the socialist leader, according to a report published Wednesday by Amnesty International, which calls on the United Nations Human Rights Council to take action against those responsible for the crackdown.

PROVEA and Observatory say they recorded 35 deaths during a single week in January — most at night in poor neighborhoods — in addition to eight cases of apparent targeted killings by members of the elite commando unit.

Godoy’s cousin, Marvelis Sinai, said that when agents burst into the family’s home on Jan. 25, Godoy’s mother Ana Buitrago saw her son beaten and dragged out as she begged for his life. Minutes later, she heard two gunshots.

10 things you need to know about Venezuela’s human rights crisis

1 - Excessive use of force
Much of the current unrest in Venezuela can be traced back to 29 March 2017, when the Supreme Court of Justice - backed by President Nicolás Maduro - moved to take over the National Assembly, where the opposition holds a majority. This triggered protests that were repressed by the Maduro administration with the unlawful and disproportionate use of force. Between April and July 2017, more than 120 people were killed, around 1,958 were injured and more than 5,000 were detained amid mass protests.

2 - Mass protests
In 2018 there were 12,715 protests across the country, according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict. These have continued in 2019 after President of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó called for mass demonstrations against Maduro.

Amnesty’s reportNights of Terror’ revealed how Venezuelan security forces and government-sponsored civilian armed groups have violently broken into people’s homes as a way of intimidating them against taking part in demonstrations or any other form of protest.

3 - Repression escalating
State authorities have undertaken a systematic policy of repression throughout the crisis, but recent patterns suggest this is intensifying.

In the report ‘This is no way to live’, Amnesty revealed how state-backed security forces were using lethal force with intent to kill against the most vulnerable and socially excluded people in the country under the pretext of fighting criminality”.

There have been numerous reports of human rights violations against protesters in early 2019, particularly in poor areas hardest hit by the crisis, and where pro- Maduro armed groups are concentrated. Venezuelan civil society organizations say 41 people have died in this year’s protests.

4 - Children among detained
State authorities have used the justice system to illegally harass those who think differently. According to the Venezuelan organization Foro Penal, 988 people were arbitrarily detained between 21 and 31 January 2019. Among those detained were 137 children and adolescents, of whom 10 are still in detention. There have also been allegations of torture and other ill-treatment of detainees. Foro Penal estimates the number of people currently detained for political reasons is 942.

The list goes on to detail

5 - Civilians tried in military courts

6 - Three million refugees and migrants
7 - Crackdown on free speech
8 - Economic meltdown
9 - Government in denial
10 - Damaging US sanctions

I would agree that the US sanctions are not a Venezuelan action. They are a US action to cut off funds from the Venezuelan dictatorship. I support cutting off US funds from dictators who violently suppress freedom of speech.

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