How many 288 qbs for a 4x4 space?

If running 9 288's in a 4x4, why not consider running a 185h-48a x3. Put one on each run of 3 boards. Should be able to bump the current up to almost 1.4 per board. You still get close to 600w but it's easier to manage one driver per module. Also you would be above 35 w/sqft.
I realize this makes the upfront costs quite high, but if you want to see 2.0 gpw production you need to drive these boards at a low current while still shooting for 35ish w/sqft in my honest opinion. At least running these below 70 watts saves some $ on the heatsinks.
I realize this makes the upfront costs quite high, but if you want to see 2.0 gpw production you need to drive these boards at a low current while still shooting for 35ish w/sqft in my honest opinion. At least running these below 70 watts saves some $ on the heatsinks.
Would I be able to pull 2gpw with the 120 boards or should I go with the 288s if I wanna achieve those numbers?
I realize this makes the upfront costs quite high, but if you want to see 2.0 gpw production you need to drive these boards at a low current while still shooting for 35ish w/sqft in my honest opinion. At least running these below 70 watts saves some $ on the heatsinks.
So if I run the 288s at only 35w heatsinks aren't needed?
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I was referring to 9x 288.2 boards. You would be running them just under 70w per board. 9x $60=$540. 3x $53 for drivers=$160. +$50 in miscellaneous. You are looking at $750. But the intensity and overlap, you should be seeing 1.75 or better on the regular
You can run 9x120 boards, but you are aiming for a big pull. Consider this: folks can pull 2lbs in a 4x4 with 1k hps. Folks can pull 4lbs in an 8x4 with 3x 600hps. Less watts but what else changed? Better overlap and a slight efficiency boost. you need 2.5 lbs in a 4x4 with 555 watts of light (what I suggested). Thats 4.5 elbows on every plant if using 9. Scrog or maybe 8 top manifolds can achieve this.
I realize this makes the upfront costs quite high, but if you want to see 2.0 gpw production you need to drive these boards at a low current while still shooting for 35ish w/sqft in my honest opinion. At least running these below 70 watts saves some $ on the heatsinks.
Running more boards soft, almost covering the cannopy with board is a winner move. I also like running boards without heatsink as it generally means you have to run them soft, at nominal or less. But from my own tests ( w china boards though) i feel 70w per qb is a bit much, i dunno if atreum has better thermals.
I feel much happier running boards around 35-40w w no heatsink.
Running more boards soft, almost covering the cannopy with board is a winner move. I also like running boards without heatsink as it generally means you have to run them soft, at nominal or less. But from my own tests ( w china boards though) i feel 70w per qb is a bit much, i dunno if atreum has better thermals.
I feel much happier running boards around 35-40w w no heatsink.
Wouldn't yield be increased by running the boards higher than 40w
Wouldn't yield be increased by running the boards higher than 40w
It depends on how many boards youre running. You can get to 35w/sq foot using more soft driven boards or just a few running harder. I prefer soft and more boards, better electrical efficiency and i hate shipping heatsinks internationally.
It depends on how many boards youre running. You can get to 35w/sq foot using more soft driven boards or just a few running harder. I prefer soft and more boards, better electrical efficiency and i hate shipping heatsinks internationally.
I plan on running 9 288s in a 4x4
I honestly don't know for certain if atreum boards recommend to run their boards without a heatsink at 70w. HLG states 288v2 boards as needing a heatsink at over 75w so you would be good in this application. I emailed Atreum and will update when they get back to me
Atreum got back with me, <70w without a heatsink should be fine with adequate air movement. An oscillating fan or a couple small stationary would probably suffice. It's always a good idea to have a infrared thermometer to verify surface temps. Both companies spec their boards at 50C.
You can run 9x120 boards, but you are aiming for a big pull. Consider this: folks can pull 2lbs in a 4x4 with 1k hps. Folks can pull 4lbs in an 8x4 with 3x 600hps. Less watts but what else changed? Better overlap and a slight efficiency boost. you need 2.5 lbs in a 4x4 with 555 watts of light (what I suggested). Thats 4.5 elbows on every plant if using 9. Scrog or maybe 8 top manifolds can achieve this.
Elbows? Where I’m from that’s lbs haha had me thinking wtf