Read This First!

this is NOT hydroponics...runoff is pretty much useless information...your plant would be seriously fucked up looking if the ph of your medium is off significantly....if it grew at all.
the ph of medium changes through the day, as the plant both absorbs nutrients and makes exudates that coat the roots...
do you know how to account for that? do you expect the ph of the root zone to be 5.8? or 6.5? or w/e you feed at? cause it's not, and never will be. the nutes you put in temporarily change the ph, the plants absorbing those nutes change it further, the time of day changes it, as the plants don't absorb as many nutes at night, and produce more exudate......
so, unless you have a complete and total understanding of all of those processes, the information you get from soil ph is meaningless to you...
Not hydroponics but in either case there is an optimum range of pH and EC for the environment the roots are in and the phase of growth right?
I don’t know how to account for the time of day variations you mentioned but it if I see pH rising/falling over a series of waterings ( same time of day) wouldn’t it make sense to adjust input in order to keep soil pH at about 6.5? Same thing for EC if I see it rising or falling it tells me if the plant is taking up nutrients and water at the same rate or otherwise and adjust EC of input accordingly?
Not hydroponics but in either case there is an optimum range of pH and EC for the environment the roots are in and the phase of growth right?
I don’t know how to account for the time of day variations you mentioned but it if I see pH rising/falling over a series of waterings ( same time of day) wouldn’t it make sense to adjust input in order to keep soil pH at about 6.5? Same thing for EC if I see it rising or falling it tells me if the plant is taking up nutrients and water at the same rate or otherwise and adjust EC of input accordingly?
yes, there is, but it takes a lot to knock your medium out of that range, and you would notice IMMEDIATE problems...multiple severe lockouts, patchy unhealthy looking leaves, stunted twisted new growth. not adjust your nutrient ph to try to change your soil ph...unless it is showing you signs that it is seriously out of range. just put your feed in at the right ph level, and the ph of your medium will be fine.....and you don't check the ec of your soil either, unless your plant is showing signs of being overfed...and then there's not really much point to checking it...just make your nutes weaker if you're getting overfeeding signs....
IT AIN'T can't make the fast adjustments in soil you can in hydro. the data you're trying to gather isn't really valuable to you in the situation you are in. if you just feel like you need it, go ahead and gather it, but i'm telling you right now, if you try to treat peat, coco, or soil like real hydro, you're going to be chasing your tail like a dog on meth
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Hi my first grow I got some Fruity Pebbles OG and some blue lightning
I am growing indoors in coco coir they where seedlings about 18 days old now I had nutrient burn due to not rinsing the coco before I used so ph was in the 1200 ppm range I have flushed it and got ppm to with in 300 to 500 and also ph at 5.5 to 5.8 don’t know if it makes a difference but I got them on cal-mag and future harvest nutrients


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This is my mother I'm in coco with perlite have random yellowing in odd places still have forward growth also small brown spot only on a couple of leaves any help would be appreciated watering to vegamatrix's schedule


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These are in my flower as you can tell kinda light on color but mostly im concerned about the drooping these are also in coco and as you can see not all plants are effected and I've watered them the same again any help would be appreciated
4by8 tent
3x hlg 550s
Temps at 80 day 70 night
Humidity 45 percent
Watering once a day 5.5 to .6.0 ph going in.high ph coming out around 7 to 7.5 even after a huge flushing I don't understand it using vegamatrix nutrients


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Hi my first grow I got some Fruity Pebbles OG and some blue lightning
I am growing indoors in coco coir they where seedlings about 18 days old now I had nutrient burn due to not rinsing the coco before I used so ph was in the 1200 ppm range I have flushed it and got ppm to with in 300 to 500 and also ph at 5.5 to 5.8 don’t know if it makes a difference but I got them on cal-mag and future harvest nutrients
that mostly looks like ph fluctuation damage. they don't look too bad otherwise. maybe get a bottle of ph test solution and check your meter once a week, i have a cheap one and have to recalibrate it once a week, sometimes more if i'm using it more often than usual.
These are in my flower as you can tell kinda light on color but mostly im concerned about the drooping these are also in coco and as you can see not all plants are effected and I've watered them the same again any help would be appreciated
4by8 tent
3x hlg 550s
Temps at 80 day 70 night
Humidity 45 percent
Watering once a day 5.5 to .6.0 ph going in.high ph coming out around 7 to 7.5 even after a huge flushing I don't understand it using vegamatrix nutrients
those all look like they need cal-mag. i'm not one to throw cal-mag at a problem, unless it looks like the actual problem, and that looks like it to me.
i'd make up some 200 ppm mix and use it as a foliar spray, to get it under control, then you'll have to start adding some to your feed regimen, or using more of the vegamatrix replacement for it. coco can be full of potassium and sodium from it's natural environment, which blocks out calcium and magnesium, along with some other positively charged ions. you have to add some extra to make up for it, until a fair amount of the potassium and sodium have been rinsed free and the C and Mag can start using those cec sites
Growing indoor
Water every second day
4 weeks into flower
Only a few leaves are like this and more near the bottom of the plant ,
To much nutes or not enough help please !!!
that first leaf looks like a text book photo for K deficiency. the second looks like too much P. not sure how your nutes are broken down, if you can add a little more K and a little less P, i think it will help....
Hi so I am trying to figure out if this is a issue that is starting up or what this is I feed them future harvest nutrients they are in coco the ph range I feed them in is 5.5-5.8 with ppm 300-500 range any advice would be helpful thanks .


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Hi so I am trying to figure out if this is a issue that is starting up or what this is I feed them future harvest nutrients they are in coco the ph range I feed them in is 5.5-5.8 with ppm 300-500 range any advice would be helpful thanks .
5.5 is too low, try to stay around 5.8, it can drop and rise a little, but you want to stay between 5.6 and 6.0 as much as possible in coco. the size those are, i wouldn't be feeding over 300 ppm, look a little overfed. the bigger ones are ready to be repotted.
So I have started new seeds there 4 days old they spent two days in the paper towel germinating then I put them in ph adjusted rockwool why is it some of them get long and steamy and fall over and some grow proper is there any way to prevent or stop that for the future ?


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the ones that fall over actually have a little more energy, and would do better closer to the light. they're trying to stretch up closer, if you move them closer, they'll put that effort into more useful growth
the ones that fall over actually have a little more energy, and would do better closer to the light. they're trying to stretch up closer, if you move them closer, they'll put that effort into more useful growth
So I have another question when I germinated the seeds in paper towel then I transplanted it into the rockwool cubes could the stretching be from me not putting them deep enough in the hole cause my light can’t get closer with out taking the dome off and at how old can u take the dome off roughly.B82071C8-EAD5-4610-8A79-75BCB64A5A8F.jpeg
So I have another question when I germinated the seeds in paper towel then I transplanted it into the rockwool cubes could the stretching be from me not putting them deep enough in the hole cause my light can’t get closer with out taking the dome off and at how old can u take the dome off roughly.View attachment 4308182
i don't use a dome on seedlings. don't think they need it. get rid of it and get your light closer
i don't sprout seeds that i'm going to put in cubes, either, just stick em about 3/4 of an inch in and let em do their thing
i don't use a dome on seedlings. don't think they need it. get rid of it and get your light closer
i don't sprout seeds that i'm going to put in cubes, either, just stick em about 3/4 of an inch in and let em do their thing
So I have one last question for you these are my older plants I learned to some times just let them be but I am confused now I am growing in coco with 40% perlite .

I am currently feeding them future harvest nutrients witch includes cal mag micro grow bloom super b+ plantacillin and prop-o-gator and silica up for ph adjustment now my watering schedule is everyday with nutrients the bigger in my garden I am watering at this week 1200 ppm last week 800-900 5.8 consistent ppm going in and smaller are at 200 to 350 ppm and light schedule is 18/6 and they are roughly 2 months old from seed on the 3rd of April and the smaller ones 11 of April and the bigger ones are 15 inches tall and smaller 10 inches I just wanted you or anyone to look and tell me if they see issues or maybe help me figure out why these new leaves are twisted I also flushed with a lower ppm for two days last Friday before starting my higher ppm on them this week oh and humidity try to keep round 50% and temperatures from 20 degrees c to 25 degrees c I also had my micro grow and bloom when I bought them the mail man left them on my door step and it was freezing could this be cause of issues or no ?
Thanks for all and any advice


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