Heisenbeans Genetics

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When my wife was dying the dr put me on klonopin. After about 6 months it was making have some serious depression. Tried to quit cold turkey and the withdrawal was bad. I didn't sleep for 4 straight nights. So, the dr put me on gabapentin instead because it prevents benzo withdrawal, and I proceeded to taper off that instead. I did it successfully, but a couple of times I didn't take it when was supposed to, and the withdrawal was HELL.

As a point of reference, I was on hardcore opiates for six months due to getting stabbed 28 times, and the withdrawal from that was a cakewalk compared to gabapentin. Just want to warn anyone who might need to know, definitely avoid getting physically addicted to gabapentin. You can actually die from that withdrawal.
Klonipan does nothing for me but put to sleep. Everyone i know that has those drinks on em. I quite gabapentin cold turkey one time, when first started, since I couldn't feel much, didn't think it was a big deal. 3 days later with no sleep, non stop sweating on back of head and neck only and I headed to urgent care. Dr checks me out, asks me some stuff and informs me never to quit gaba again like that, I was having a seratonin event and got couple of benzos to get over the edge, then when I talked to my pharmacist, he said never do that, come in and I give ya two or three till get to dr. so even tho gaba is a pussy painkiller, its got a monkey that will bit hard.
That guys an idiot who brought it up I mean a real fucking mental midget fuck Him
I bet he knows how to use punctuation... :roll:

  1. the marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
I think great products actually sell themselves..I have used pretty much only Canuck seeds for all time. I live in the great white north eh...I have grown stellar awesome bud and fucked up a lot of bud but the seeds work. And they grow a great representation of the strain. I have been growing for about 3 years and i am a master newb with great gear at the moment...maybe forever.

Heisen had a post that made me check out something different. A more refined plant. I got some from a better breeder and the results were stellar.

I have watched him grow in pics and story. Test various lighting types for no reason except to understand what is best. I really appreciated it. Probably more than anyone. I am running 70/30 cobs and samsung.

And he puts that passion into the seeds...I am really looking forward to showing Canada what 4 plants can do and using Purple Punch and Mac X GG4 to get there. I had to look them up !

I will put the same passion into growing them. I am probably an elite hobbyist. But the knowledge i glean i offer to others to save time and money and start out on a path to success. I want everyone to grow for $20 an oz and not 15 a gram for dried out completely lacking flavor LP weed.. Holy flying fuck that critical mass is strong. And I grew it with a timber 200 watt light and a lot of love and passion. The Purple Punch will be amazing and I am going to rock it!

My new lights came in. I am ready. Waiting to move...build a room....and rock this. 2019 is going to be a GREAT year. Peace out everyone and good luck and good fortune.
I bet he knows how to use punctuation... :roll:

  1. the marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning.
Fuck no He doesn't that ass clown just got an I phone 3 and still wants that fucking flip phone back what a loser and u talkin punctuation?
Serious that Wedding Pie is a nice bitch might have to get the gash to give me a rub off then put a few commas in my post after seeing that Wedding Pie again
Klonipan does nothing for me but put to sleep. Everyone i know that has those drinks on em. I quite gabapentin cold turkey one time, when first started, since I couldn't feel much, didn't think it was a big deal. 3 days later with no sleep, non stop sweating on back of head and neck only and I headed to urgent care. Dr checks me out, asks me some stuff and informs me never to quit gaba again like that, I was having a seratonin event and got couple of benzos to get over the edge, then when I talked to my pharmacist, he said never do that, come in and I give ya two or three till get to dr. so even tho gaba is a pussy painkiller, its got a monkey that will bit hard.
My kid takes Onfi for seizures but she doesn't take her meds "as prescribed" (putting it mildly). She will do fine for a week or two, then quit taking her meds completely, or only take them a day or two out of the week. Holy shit does she go into bitch mode!
Kinda hard to determine cause & effect. Does she quit taking her meds because she's freaking out, or vice versa?
What do you think? I don't know anything about benzo withdrawal... :dunce:
My kid takes Onfi for seizures but she doesn't take her meds "as prescribed" (putting it mildly). She will do fine for a week or two, then quit taking her meds completely, or only take them a day or two out of the week. Holy shit does she go into bitch mode!
Kinda hard to determine cause & effect. Does she quit taking her meds because she's freaking out, or vice versa?
What do you think? I don't know anything about benzo withdrawal... :dunce:
Benzo withdrawal can be deadly. Must be tapered off slowly, like 10-20% every two weeks. Preferably with one with a long half life like valium or klonopin... Def not xanax, which has a very short half life. I couldn't even do that though. Had to switch to gabapentin and use a milligram scale to decrease the amount by 10% every two weeks.

I had a friend with a xanax addiction. She got thrown in jail and deprived of xanax. A few days in, she had a seizure, went into a coma for 2 weeks and died.
The haters in the farm were wondering how heisen will individually pollinate different cross in the same room.
Just using water, right?
Is this So hard to believe that his operation could work.
I almost got kicked out of the farm for even asking
He did give me bastard seeds for free.
But that also lends to the theory that maybe in the beginning of the breeding efforts some things got a lil loose?
The haters in the farm were wondering how heisen will individually pollinate different cross in the same room.
Just using water, right?
Is this So hard to believe that his operation could work.
I almost got kicked out of the farm for even asking
I know, there is no mention whatsoever of all the precautions heisen has taken to prevent accidental cross-pollination, like the isolated rooms, etc. Even though he has been completely transparent with photos and videos of his operation every step of the way.

All of their hate is based on misinformation because if they gave the truth, they wouldn't have anything to hate on. The fact that they must know what he is actually doing, and that they are consciously lying about it to hate on him is appalling.

Are they making S1s and crosses of elite cuts and providing them to the rest of us for extremely generous prices? Hell no! Thank you, Heisen! Please keep up the good work.
I know, there is no mention whatsoever of all the precautions heisen has taken to prevent accidental cross-pollination, like the isolated rooms, etc. Even though he has been completely transparent with photos and videos of his operation every step of the way.

All of their hate is based on misinformation because if they gave the truth, they wouldn't have anything to hate on. The fact that they must know what he is actually doing, and that they are consciously lying about it to hate on him is appalling.

Are they making S1s of elite cuts and providing them to the rest of us for extremely generous prices? Hell no! Thank you Heisen! Please keep up the good work.
Well I guess we will see how it works?
So , yes its possible?
I'm just asking if it can be done not hating, back off
My kid takes Onfi for seizures but she doesn't take her meds "as prescribed" (putting it mildly). She will do fine for a week or two, then quit taking her meds completely, or only take them a day or two out of the week. Holy shit does she go into bitch mode!
Kinda hard to determine cause & effect. Does she quit taking her meds because she's freaking out, or vice versa?
What do you think? I don't know anything about benzo withdrawal... :dunce:

You can die from benzo withdrawal. It's about the worst withdrawal of everything. But legit you can die. Benzos arent meant to be messed around with.
He did give me bastard seeds for free.
But that also lends to the theory that maybe in the beginning of the breeding efforts some things got a lil loose?
No, it wasn't accidental. It was on purpose. He uses the CS to make balls on females, collects the pollen, and pollinates select females in isolation rooms. In the meantime, he keeps all of the turned plants in a room together since he isn't planning on pollinating them and selling those seeds, therefore, they don't need to be isolated. They inevitably got pollinated from each other and made seeds. He could have just thrown them away, but he decided to give them out to us for free. We don't care if we don't know who the daddy is. They will still be fire.

At least I think that's how it happened. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Benzo withdrawal can be deadly. Must be tapered off slowly, like 10-20% every two weeks. Preferably with one with a long half life like valium or klonopin... Def not xanax, which has a very short half life. I couldn't even do that though. Had to switch to gabapentin and use a milligram scale to decrease the amount by 10% every two weeks.

I had a friend with a xanax addiction. She got thrown in jail and deprived of xanax. A few days in, she had a seizure, went into a coma for 2 weeks and died.

Xanax doesnt have a very short half life average 11.2/hrs in healthy adults. And can take clear to 29.2/hrs. That's why people fail for benzos long after they stopped on drug test. Subutex half life is 37.5 super long.
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