Well-Known Member
Dude tried to say I been growing 3 years lol. Just cause my state went medical in 2016 and I finally loosened up and joined the forums. I never even took the first pic of any plant I grew till 3 years ago. My wife threw away one on my grows back in 2006 when we was first dating lol but dude acts like he knows me.
It's funny when u hear the big names in the industry and than you get to know these guys its mind blowing how much they cry on IG. That whole archive in house shit I went over and looked through the in house thread and see why archive is hating. Them plants people growing look good and greasy as fawk. Happy to see alot of the same shit in using turning out alot of that fire. Super excited to see these seeds get cracked so I can buy a truck load of tissue to mail out to all the haters.
Exactly. Grown men acting like toddlers it's pitiful. If I was you I would just totally blank em and then just post the fire when it arrives. That'll shut em up lol