Heisenbeans Genetics

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Dude tried to say I been growing 3 years lol. Just cause my state went medical in 2016 and I finally loosened up and joined the forums. I never even took the first pic of any plant I grew till 3 years ago. My wife threw away one on my grows back in 2006 when we was first dating lol but dude acts like he knows me.
It's funny when u hear the big names in the industry and than you get to know these guys its mind blowing how much they cry on IG. That whole archive in house shit I went over and looked through the in house thread and see why archive is hating. Them plants people growing look good and greasy as fawk. Happy to see alot of the same shit in using turning out alot of that fire. Super excited to see these seeds get cracked so I can buy a truck load of tissue to mail out to all the haters.

Exactly. Grown men acting like toddlers it's pitiful. If I was you I would just totally blank em and then just post the fire when it arrives. That'll shut em up lol
Dude tried to say I been growing 3 years lol. Just cause my state went medical in 2016 and I finally loosened up and joined the forums. I never even took the first pic of any plant I grew till 3 years ago. My wife threw away one on my grows back in 2006 when we was first dating lol but dude acts like he knows me.
It's funny when u hear the big names in the industry and than you get to know these guys its mind blowing how much they cry on IG. That whole archive in house shit I went over and looked through the in house thread and see why archive is hating. Them plants people growing look good and greasy as fawk. Happy to see alot of the same shit in using turning out alot of that fire. Super excited to see these seeds get cracked so I can buy a truck load of tissue to mail out to all the haters.
What's your opinion on the Chem 91 and how would you describe the smell?
What's your opinion on the Chem 91 and how would you describe the smell?
It was hard to get a nose on it cause I reversed so much of it but the branch that wasnt fully reversed had that strong chem nose. The branching on her is kinda random and weird but I kept her around if that tells you anything.
You was right about the sour D having the best on the nose and everything else. I like it better than my glue and better than the 91. She checks every box on potency. It's like smelling warm butter feeling but like a sour cheese smell.
I made a pile of s1 bubba's like I said when we talked last,so I'm gonna search through them when I get time.
I'll call u tomorrow to pick your brain on something I meant to ask you last tine.
Nice update.The pirhanas got their fill. I know you know your shit Heis,but cap that damn dimmer lead! I have a few hundred wagos just laying around.:bigjoint:
I literally just hooked it up Haha. Man you'll dont miss nothing.
Yeah I don't go out and spend the preorder money on strippers and bullshit.
I actually got a new dehumidifier and some more drivers to put it back into what I'm giving everyone else.
It was nice to not have to spend my money on this bullshit for a change plus the .10 percent to the web guy cause I ain't no greedy motherfuker. I understand the cost of doing business and you definitely wanna take care of the lifeline to your business.
I am a spinal injury haver/sufferer, (broke my back on a snowboard 20 years ago) it really helps with a lot of things, for me. I could discuss the clinical pharmacology of it but suffice to say, I love that drug. I haven’t snorted them, that seems counterproductive, frankly.
I feel your pain, 2 splint fractures, 1 hairline and a fuck ton of stress fractures, all nicely evenly distributed on both my hips! problem is, when I was supposed to be healing I was fucking this 18 yr old bitch next door, bought a new gsxr, wrecked that bitch, all in 30 days leave! lmfao, by the time I got back doc said I looked ten times worst than I left, this was like 8 years ago, I ain't been right since! and on the regular i cant sleep, which is why I'm now up 3 hours after going to bed!
I literally just hooked it up Haha. Man you'll dont miss nothing.
Yeah I don't go out and spend the preorder money on strippers and bullshit.
I actually got a new dehumidifier and some more drivers to put it back into what I'm giving everyone else.
It was nice to not have to spend my money on this bullshit for a change plus the .10 percent to the web guy cause I ain't no greedy motherfuker. I understand the cost of doing business and you definitely wanna take care of the lifeline to your business.

Yea, I think I weirded myself out after thinking about it.It was only like a 2 sec clip..lol.
Aye,it's nice a few members helped ease some pocket strain with the pre orders. I say give the dude who brought it up an extra pack....wait, it wasn't me.I move to strike that nicety from the record.
Coffee and fatty ramble from the assisted care facility....

Same shit..different decade Heisen. I remember when a bunch of those fuckers were just starting out. The list of OG boys who started HERE....then went to a handful of other sites through the years...and finally...to the FARM...is long, long, long. None of them can accuse you of sucking logic cock because they all sucked it for years. Their names/accounts are still there because logic...whore he is....knows better than to nix total member numbers on his site. Shit..I made 3 accounts there myself over the years after having my original account slowed to a crawl for pissing him off. It is what it is.

I'm glad yer doing this on your own/from your own site. I still believe that the whole "Copycat" fiasco and the fake S-1's may well have had something to do with this same group of OG "breeders". I can't prove shit...but think about it....after seeing what you've seen.....I think someone...whoever it was....copied/S-1'd all the popular cuts.....and when they treid to get them to market...>shit happened<. Whether they were all FAKE from the get go....I dunno. I personally suspect not. I think that whole push to recreate everything in seed form.....as someone said here...crossed the imaginary line where those who make the MONEY and who HOARD THE CUTS live.....and it stepped on their toes BIG TIME. I personally think the entire gig was ended by swapping the seeds out and crashing the plane into the ground. "Copycat" took the fall....and those OG guys continued to hoard/rename shit as their own... and make bank as always. Ima guess your seeds would likely see the same fate if they left your hands.... but again......all speculation on the part of an olde guy who has had dealings/trades/convos with some of these very cats over the years...before egos took >complete< control and they all became key playeers in "the scene" they make and keep going through extreme and unrelenting HYPE. >Everything< they have it THE best. Better than Yours. They even name strains that so you full well know where they are coming from. Oh...and if YOU have a named cut...it isn't the real deal.... never is. Can't be as good as theirs. Can't be the same. What you smoke doesn't even get folks high.... PFFFT. Eat me. It's all such a joke. LOTS of guys have weed every bit as good as the guys who carry the names we've all heard...they just don't have the same EGO
The real OG'ers like Breeder Steve, Mr Soul, the real ones. not just growers like josey or gu that have progressed up per money, the old guys were doin way way back when wasn't legal, etc. I also think and I could be wrong, but if I get seeds, gifted or bought, I'll grow em and I might even sell em. So thats what I think of the old time hoardin motherfuckers. IG and fem seeds and the availability have made any decent grower a potential decent chucker. Funny thing, Breeder Steve growing fields in Columbia with bioweed, Mr Soul postin pics of his farms and just life. He don't have to show a ferarri on ice, or the other CO vacation shots. They both only occasionally show weed shots, but both will answer any question per their strains they created. Both seem so much more down to earth, plus put in the work back in the day, they might deserve some Kudos.
I will be growing some Heisenbeans purple punch as the launch of my new indoor garden in Ontario. April 1 i take over the place and its going to be glorious !

I am only running sativa outdoors so as to avoid the PM and bud rot that October brings in. We can now grow outside here til about nov 14 so the landraces actually finish.
I am a spinal injury haver/sufferer, (broke my back on a snowboard 20 years ago) it really helps with a lot of things, for me. I could discuss the clinical pharmacology of it but suffice to say, I love that drug. I haven’t snorted them, that seems counterproductive, frankly.
When my wife was dying the dr put me on klonopin. After about 6 months it was making have some serious depression. Tried to quit cold turkey and the withdrawal was bad. I didn't sleep for 4 straight nights. So, the dr put me on gabapentin instead because it prevents benzo withdrawal, and I proceeded to taper off that instead. I did it successfully, but a couple of times I didn't take it when was supposed to, and the withdrawal was HELL.

As a point of reference, I was on hardcore opiates for six months due to getting stabbed 28 times, and the withdrawal from that was a cakewalk compared to gabapentin. Just want to warn anyone who might need to know, definitely avoid getting physically addicted to gabapentin. You can actually die from that withdrawal.
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When my wife was dying the dr put me on klonopin. After about 6 months it was making have some serious depression. Tried to quit cold turkey and the withdrawal was bad. I didn't sleep for 4 straight nights. So, the dr put me on gabapentin instead because it prevents benzo withdrawal, and I proceeded to taper off that instead. I did it successfully, but a couple of times I didn't take it when was supposed to, and the withdrawal was HELL.

As a point of reference, I was on hardcore opiates for six months due to getting stabbed 28 times, and the withdrawal from that was a cakewalk compared to gabapentin. Just want to warm anyone who might need to know, definitely avoid getting physically addicted to gabapentin. You can actually die from that withdrawal.
That sounds awful...when my wife was dying they put me on an anti depressant for a while. I thought the suicidal thought were due to her brain cancer. After she died it was still there and I thought hmmmm i dont think that is right so i weaned myself off of them over a month and have never taken them again.

I feel great without them. I no longer need them but breaking away from them was really really hard. Now i just smoke indica and have sex with my new lady. We both sleep like rocks.
Yea, I think I weirded myself out after thinking about it.It was only like a 2 sec clip..lol.
Aye,it's nice a few members helped ease some pocket strain with the pre orders. I say give the dude who brought it up an extra pack....wait, it wasn't me.I move to strike that nicety from the record.
That guys an idiot who brought it up I mean a real fucking mental midget fuck Him
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