Heisenbeans Genetics

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Joesywhales1 talking shit on IG but i guess thats some free advertising for Heisenbeans. Now they are saying that your Ghost OG cut is an S1 from Cannaventure but i cannot comment on that as i do not know for sure where your cut came from. I had to respond to one guy on there as he called us uneducated but suckers and i couldn't not say something lol.

Where at I cant find it
Ya i thought he had the cut and i remember seeing his Ghosts he grew out (which were so nice i bought them and have run some now) but i wasnt sure if he was working with the cut. Lol you all should drop by and drop a comment. Man one little comment and i have someone worked up already. Lol
I killed that cut after I got a few before I had that one. I didnt get the actual clone only ghost till 6 months ago. The CV ghost was killed last spring. I did one last run with her and that was it.
That dude talking shit is gravekat. He has hated my guts since day 1. The dude is obsessed with talking shit about any and everything I do. Making up blatant lies and complete bullshit
I liked a few of your comments but it's a lost cause. Those dick riders are probably even signed up on the freebie list too here with their hands out. The amount of knob sucking going on there is impossible to deal with.

I like how they kept referring to RIU users as fuck boi idiots yet they cant even see how pathetic their grovelling is.
All them OG old school breeders nothing more than hippie stoner fukin gardeners. Not like they trucking weight across borders and ducking the DEA. Always patting themselves on the back for dropping 20 plants in solos and pretending like they just solved world peace. Fuck em. Any one of em can crawl up on uncle heisens lap for storytime.
All them OG old school breeders nothing more than hippie stoner fukin gardeners. Not like they trucking weight across borders and ducking the DEA. Always patting themselves on the back for dropping 20 plants in solos and pretending like they just solved world peace. Fuck em. Any one of em can crawl up on uncle heisens lap for storytime.
I think it’s time for a new video? I would love to see the progress and listen to what you have to say. Love your videos ,,they crack me up sometimes
So is the guy common core educated or just naturally stupid He can't spell Josey Wales?
Check out homies pheno hunt. Wasnt aware coffee tables came equipped with T5 fixtures.
Dude started trashing me on IG this morning telling people if they want the real glue go to him. But he never hunted it out. He didnt even fukin breed it. He never once anywhere gave credit to the creator of sour dubb. Fuk that dude. Hes just another lame ass hack living a hope and dream on a plant that was from an accidental hermie thinking hes some famous breeder.
Check out this dudes bx6 project. What the Sam fuk is this.

Check out homies pheno hunt. Wasnt aware coffee tables came equipped with T5 fixtures.
Dude started trashing me on IG this morning telling people if they want the real glue go to him. But he never hunted it out. He didnt even fukin breed it. He never once anywhere gave credit to the creator of sour dubb. Fuk that dude. Hes just another lame ass hack living a hope and dream on a plant that was from an accidental hermie thinking hes some famous breeder.
Check out this dudes bx6 project. What the Sam fuk is this.

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Lol, my shit is way tighter than that and I am super-duper-nobody. I still love my old T5x8, but I don’t think it is great, as noted; I am nobody.

Too fucking lame to worry about.
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I believe he might be trying to avoid another lawsuit. Pretty sure that name is copywrited in the movie. He covered his ass by spelling it different. Or tried to. HIs logic on beating them at the glue name didn't quite pan out, lmfao!
Did anyone ever sit Him down and with a very calm and slow voice explain to Him that Son if You sell a Cannabis seed or plant You can kindof figure it just might get grown. Or is He the slow type that would just stare back at You not blink and drool all over Your shoes. Cause not sure what the guy has grounds to be butt hurt over.
Check out homies pheno hunt. Wasnt aware coffee tables came equipped with T5 fixtures.
Dude started trashing me on IG this morning telling people if they want the real glue go to him. But he never hunted it out. He didnt even fukin breed it. He never once anywhere gave credit to the creator of sour dubb. Fuk that dude. Hes just another lame ass hack living a hope and dream on a plant that was from an accidental hermie thinking hes some famous breeder.
Check out this dudes bx6 project. What the Sam fuk is this.

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well at least His special Partner beat Him enough times to put them fancy coasters under them Dixie cups. Can't have those unsightly water rings on the fancy guests coming over table
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