Cannaventure seeds thread

Man.. Thats why I appreciate you boss.. for real you a good one in my book. Anything I can ever do to help your mission bro lmk.

I've had nothing but good history with CVS.. Im just finishing up my last jar from a cookie wreck run about a year ago so when he did his deal I was glad to support what Rusty was doing. AST was one of them I was most looking forward to so after hearing about the germ/herm issues I was getting close to doing just what you're doing now..

Keep bein a great member of riu famo :clap:
Thanks man. I know the trials and tribulations of doing what you love for a living. Having that complicated by people with the ability to post whatever they choose on the internet. Could be true, partially true or completely false. I personally see the spectrum of them, weekly.

People that don't know the difference between medium and well done red meat are posting a review on a steak experience on yelp right now, guaranteed.

People that don't know the difference between an artist and an entertainer are on iTunes giving shit reviews to true artists and hyping post Malone or who the fuck ever 17 year olds think they connect with.

The internet would be awesome if you could filter out things to the median, alas.
you gots to ac cen tu ate the positive, e lim in ate the negative [ and watch out for mr in between ].
I guess that's a better approach tbh.

My median comment was more for the fanboys who are there for confirmation bias more than anything as far as positive things go. I totally get the inbetweeners in this situation, with the herms and all..... Can't ignore em, happened to me too just not as early or frequently as some others. Could be luck of the draw, dunno. I do plan on growing the ~15 packs I've got in the next couple of years, so we'll see.
People that don't know the difference between medium and well done red meat are posting a review on a steak experience on yelp right now, guaranteed.
Like all the people in the Bodhi thread that go apeshit for Mothers Milk. Smells like Candy Hearts they say. Except candy hearts are the worst candy available. Hard, chalky, no taste. The only reason they don't have the rep that candy corn has is because they don't hand that shit out on Halloween.
That's some poor logic on the light leaks. If your room is totally blacked out AND your tent has no pinholes (doubtful... I grew in, at the time, top of the line tents before I set up in the warehouse) then you could say that. I don't even think its light leaks or whatever tbh but if you're defensive enough to post unprovoked about how your shit doesn't stink I'll let you know it might.

The genetics are definitely prone to nanas, no denying that. Having done the requisite amount of research, everyone growing the trainwreck and chem91 crosses knew that, right?

You're welcome.
You're the only one out of 3-5 people that have posted from those seeds with that complaint, afaik you're also the only one having an issue with true males out of any strain. The others posted pictures of finished flowers with no such issues. Not saying it didn't happen just it's hard to draw conclusions from such a small sample size.

Maybe you got your GPS gear mixed up with CVS considering they were all males lol.
Best check that number. However it just happened. Would like to say otherwise but simply can't. Even late nanners don't bother me much. When growing super poly multi hybreeds, I expect a few intersex issues or even high male/female ratio but certainly not with fems. Research is why I ordered CV at about the same time herm postings began to show up.
I guess that's a better approach tbh.

My median comment was more for the fanboys who are there for confirmation bias more than anything as far as positive things go. I totally get the inbetweeners in this situation, with the herms and all..... Can't ignore em, happened to me too just not as early or frequently as some others. Could be luck of the draw, dunno. I do plan on growing the ~15 packs I've got in the next couple of years, so we'll see.
We just need better information.
Some strains definitely herm more easily than others -- and some never seem to do it no matter what. (I'm talking early hermies, not late bananas.)
A lot of people find & remove all the early male flowers then give glowing reviews. Fuck that.
Maybe they would sing a different tune if they missed a few and ended up with seeded bud and shit yields.
All of my triple novas hermed but the quick-dried sample buds have been fire to the max. Frosty, great taste & smell, plus very intense buzz.
Yield would have been thin even without seeds; now it's pitiful. :-(

Is this my fault?
I'm responsible for my grow environment and something obviously stressed them out.
I was also also too busy to search for male flowers and remove them, but it's not like my pack of seeds came with a brochure that clued me in on the strong hermie triat.

Is it Rusty's fault?
He did sell me seeds that are obviously more hermie-prone than others.

I suppose it really doesn't matter.

It is what it is -- and it's been a learning experience.

I'll send a pack of la affie (8 seeds) and a few packs of sick freebies to a member willing to pop at least 4 of the affie seeds and document their progress, within a week or 2. I'll choose who receives the seeds based on merit. Flood my inbox boys.
I’m starting a new crop in a week or so and will run those beans.
My luck hasn’t been good lately, so you’ve been warned. :twisted: