Riu convention


Well-Known Member
I would host it in Denver, centrally located and a zone of bud is legal if your over the age of 18. Just make sure you only have a zone on you at one time. You could bring as much as you want but only carry a zone. my 2cents


New Member
you guys dont have 100 lighters or even 20 lighters if the dea was interested in any of you they would get your ip and track ur adress down in 30 mins flat


Well-Known Member
it sounds like a fun idea.. too bad I don't think it will ever happen.. how about a video chat. skip the hippies and the po po...

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
For those that don't know nelson ledges. Normal laws don't apply there. Just don't try to sling large quantities of doses or nuggets or you risk being beat up, tied to a tree and puddled by an angry group of wooks that really runs that show. Don't step on their toes, the management at that place is getting a piece of what they pull in working the place and will let them or help them rob you, beat you, and make sure you know who controls that market.

Anyways, not that this pipe dream would ever reach fruition, but the ledges would be a place that it could happen. I've only ever seen cops in there once and it was because someone got wook-stabbed.

Oh yea, Phish has never played, nor will ever play the ledges. They had umphreys there last year and sts9 a few years ago before they got "big". I'd say those are the most noteworthy recent shows. Almost every festival there features multiple sets by ekoostik hooka and or darkstar. Not anything you would actually go down to the stage and watch, but good background music as you can hear it all the way through the woods, which is where the real fun is. This place fucking glows at night. You been there you know what I mean. Duuurrrrty as hell but great if you are really looking to get down. Best part; wake up in the morning err afternoon, feeling slimy, and go jump in the fucking huge quarry and get cleaned up for the night. Not like most festys where you just feel like pigpen from charlie brown the whole time.


Well-Known Member
...you risk being beat up, tied to a tree and puddled by an angry group of wooks that really runs that show. Don't step on their toes, the management at that place is getting a piece of what they pull in working the place and will let them or help them rob you, beat you, and make sure you know who controls that market...

....I've only ever seen cops in there once and it was because someone got wook-stabbed.
Sounds like a great place. Can I bring my family?

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great place. Can I bring my family?
If you all have dreads, make money slinging bunk molly, and your kids have names like treemoth, moon unit, and sage whisperer, you'll love it.

If not, hell no. Don't bring kids to that place.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll see me anywhere near some place that screams I am a pot head...I like people thinking I'm the family man and all that shit...I am happy conversing on the computer where anything and everything I say can be a lie or the truth who knows...I can see it now your so and so right on bla bla bla hey I brough some clones up wanna swap... bla bla oh by the way were really cops your busted ect ect but if ya have to be that social right on just play safe you know those places are always crawling with cops and under cover dicks at least all the hempfest shit around here what are they the hippie maffia I'll come up there with some bikers and take over the hippie convention and I bet no one gets robbed or beat up ...unless there hippies lol :) What the hells going on up there dam'n greedy bastards


Well-Known Member
Count me in!

One little observation though... On their rules page, Rule #5 NO ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES PERMITTED IN THE PARK!

Would you be able to get the park owners to clarify how he would be able to have our backs covered all while keeping that rule in place?

One way or the other... I'd still be up for it... Looks like fun.

Back home there was a biker group that would throw an annual party... with plenty of 'our kind of fun' so to speak. It was a PRIVATE event that damn near anyone could get in to, women just had to show their boobies and guys had to buy a $10 ticket. Never was there a cop problem! Their event would make what you are suggesting look like Sunday-School!

So, yeah... I feel and share your excitement for something like this and have seen that events of this nature and wilder, can be pulled off, on an annual basis in fact.

The reason I ask about the owner is because that event I just spoke of was held on private land as well, which was owned by a friend of that biker group. Very close ties on that one... How close are the ties you have with these folks?

~Ready to pack a bag (and another 'bag'), grab the tents and get in the car!


Well-Known Member
Also, at that party I spoke of... Everyone KNEW everyone else and if not, there was never someone on had that couldn't be vouched for by someone that was trusted by the group as a whole. Might need to think of a way to overcome the fact that not many of us here on R.I.U. could pick out another R.U.I. member in a crowd of four people.


Well-Known Member
Anything like this needs to be done state by state. You face different penalties in different states. Example, If you get busted in Arizona here's the penalty...

Possessionless than 2 lbsmisdemeanor or felony6 months - 1.5 years$750 - $150,0002 lbs to 4 lbsmisdemeanor or felony9 months - 2 years$750 - $150,0004 lbs or morefelony1.5 - 3 years$750 - $150,000Near school or busfelonyadditional 1 yearadditional $2000Probation eligibility for first and second conviction with drug treatment and testing (exception with medical prescription)Cultivation Less than 2 lbsmisdemeanor or felony9 months - 2 years$750 - $150,0002 lbs to 4 lbsfelony1.5 - 3 years$750 - $150,0004 lbs or morefelony2.5 – 7 years$750 - $150,000Possession for SaleLess than 2 lbsfelony1.5 - 3 years$750 - $150,0002 lbs to 4 lbsfelony
2.5 – 7 years​
$750 - $150,0004 lbs or morefelony
4 - 10 years​
$750 - $150,000Sale or Delivery for SaleLess than 2 lbsfelony2.5 – 7 years$750 - $150,0002 lbs or morefelony
4 - 10 years​
$750 - $150,000Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc... )Paraphernalia possession and salemisdemeanor or felony6 months - 1.5 yearsup to $150,000

People need to be able to drive to the spot since no one is going to bring a few ounces and a few clones with them on the plane. States like California need to have two. One for NorCal and another for SoCal.


Well-Known Member
There has always been threads like this that pop up and no one has ever put one together. It would be a lot of work. Think of the last big concert that you have been to. Are you thinking about something like that scale or a dozen dudes chillin at a campsite roasting weiners? I don't know but either way you would have to do something where you sold tickets in advance. People would have to drive to it.

Is there really that big of a following here on RIU to do something like that? I mean not that many people have even replied to this tread.

I guess the next question to ask is not about the cops showing up but how many people from RIU will actually show up. Talk is cheap. People are stingy. They may say all day that they are down, but when it comes down to it....'well, i have work' or 'I am broke' or bad timing or whatever the case may be.

An event like this takes planing and also MONEY....


Well-Known Member

so you are going to rent this place out... wtf. I don't know how much that one is going to cost you. After you get the deposit put down on it do you think THAT MANY people are going to show up. Ok, cool, drugs are ok there but fuck that place it huge!

On top of renting the place how much do you think it is going to cost me to fly to ohio. I know Im not going to be driving that far. Oh and should I bring a quarter pound with me through 2o different states?? Hhhuumm, better get a pack of turkey bag...


Well-Known Member
A better way to break it up would be for everyone to stay in their own home.. Honestly I don't know how some of you avoid busts, but on the otherhand, it comforts me to know that when police want to make a pot bust, there are idiots lined up to take the fall so I don't have to.. Its comforting..


Well-Known Member

so you are going to rent this place out... wtf. I don't know how much that one is going to cost you. After you get the deposit put down on it do you think THAT MANY people are going to show up. Ok, cool, drugs are ok there but fuck that place it huge!

On top of renting the place how much do you think it is going to cost me to fly to ohio. I know Im not going to be driving that far. Oh and should I bring a quarter pound with me through 2o different states?? Hhhuumm, better get a pack of turkey bag...

I'm telling you.. VIDEO CHAT. Its the 21st century. Smoke your own weed, in your own house.. and no handcuffs.