You left this out......................................"I will message everyone a secret password 3 days before everything is finished with a list of all the strains available. Top of the list gets first dibs." Where is this secret password?
This is why I'm confused. No password has been sent out for the people to pick what they like. But people have now pre-ordered packs and stuff that I wanted is now gone. First it was the "list" gets first choice, now it's the "pre orders". This is why I'm confused. I have no idea what's going on. First I thought I was going to get top choice, now I have no clue if I should have ordered or not to get what I originally wanted. Now shit has already vanished to people who pre ordered.
I got no "secret password" to order anything. The pages fly by like trees in a hurricane with something different to do on each page. I'm waiting for a secret password and shit is already sold. I'm lost.........or stoned. Fuck it