Heisenbeans Genetics

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If you preoder it dont matter Haha. Dude really opened a can of worms with his post. I had thought about preorders. Didnt realize so many people wanted the jump on them.
For every individual posting on these forums and keeping up with shit I imagine there are 4 or 5 people lurking. I'm sure there'll be a gang of folks coming out of the woodwork overnight flooding your inbox.

Knowing that and how drops of certain breeders at certain places can be I'd rather give you my monies and wait patiently for what I'm after than let some Johnny come lately potentially get it instead. Wish it weren't that way but it is.
well whether its gg4 or MAC1 im excited either way. haha yeah man it just shows how much everybody is looking forward to your gear. tbh im more looking forward to your crosses. that wed cake x sundae driver sounds like fire
I was just talking to my buddy on the phone and told him the same exact thing.. I would pick a glue cake or sundae cross over the cake s1 any day of the week. He has the same cake n glue cuts and agreed. He has both cuts and is waiting to pop 30 bridezillas. I personally would pop 12 cake n glue and 12 cake n sundae over 24 s1s any day of the week. Not saying the s1s aren't any good. But I think theres gonna be so much more variance and best of both in the crosses
If you preoder it dont matter Haha. Dude really opened a can of worms with his post. I had thought about preorders. Didnt realize so many people wanted the jump on them.
man u gunna need one of those cute lil office workers that we get to handle our orders with lol, and she can also organize everything for ya, so u can focus on the plants! seems to me you have quite a bit on your plate! I truly don't envy you lmfao!
I was just talking to my buddy on the phone and told him the same exact thing.. I would pick a glue cake or sundae cross over the cake s1 any day of the week. He has the same cake n glue cuts and agreed. He has both cuts and is waiting to pop 30 bridezillas. I personally would pop 12 cake n glue and 12 cake n sundae over 24 s1s any day of the week. Not saying the s1s aren't any good. But I think theres gonna be so much more variance and best of both in the crosses

true that man im just so surprised nobody has mentioned cake x sundae yet i mean it just sounds so good and you know its gonna throw out some interesting variants
looks like I better revise my list, lol, the big money boys will hit the preorder like a ton o bricks and us monthly check guys having to wait another two weeks for moolah, will get what's left over. lol. It's all good, any of these seem like they are gonna be fire anyway. Keep talking those cake s1's down, so they'll be some left over, Heisen, lol. Peace and karma
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