The Irish Growers Thread!

Neem is only a preventative and needs regular applying. Its horrible stuff and is an irritant for some people.
Ladybugs are great, used mostly when in flower. Short life cycle.
Since they are not in flower i would use a bug bomb.
Neem is only a preventative and needs regular applying. Its horrible stuff and is an irritant for some people.
Ladybugs are great, used mostly when in flower. Short life cycle.
Since they are not in flower i would use a bug bomb.

That’s where I was going wrong so. Have you used bug bombs before? Iv got some fruit and honey soaked cotton pads for the ladybugs hoping they survive until harvest.

You can say that again. I bought the 100% pure cold pressed. I spilled some down the kitchen sink while trying to dissolve it and haven't been able to get rid of the smell. Might have to replace the drain pipe.
I’m going to try a few of those. I got the sticky traps, they keep falling on the plants. Messy job lol. Iv heard some good things about the lady bugs so I’m praying to god it works. I’m ready to pull the lot down if not. They’re seriously hard to spot.

Have you had them for long? I think I brought them into my room with a clone. I gave a few cuts to friend to hold onto and since getting them back iv noticed the thrips. Should of kept them in quarantine
Same, clone from outside. Quite a while unfortunately, and I dont want to use anything too strong. Using cannacure on the leaves of the veging plants too. I think I stopped treatment when I noticed less but then they came back twice as bad, my own fault.
We'll get there!
You know chemicals are not that bad its the people that use them irresponsibly that are bad.
I suppose, can be beneficial in moderation. Ill keep on my current treatment for now, could probably do with doing a big clean of the area soon anyway so ill plan that in.
Anyone tips for thrips? (Pun intended)

Fuckers are all over the room. I was suppose to flip 2 weeks ago but I don’t want to take a chance while there still there. Been trying different bug sprays while avoiding Bayer. Nothing working so far.

New method of attack

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Sticky traps. Homemade habanero spray, be careful, suit up, 2lb habs to 1 gal. water. And captain jacks deadbug (bonide) full on foliar spraytwice each over a week thrips and aphids will vanish. Fungus gnats, top dress with neem seed meal and diatomaceous earth. You can prevent spider mites with these same weapons but won't eradicate an infestation. Trying ladybugs now.
I my opinion, neem oil can give great results,

However, you need to reapply it often to get rid of pests like Spider mites and thrips. (Approximately every 3-5 days).
I like to mix black soap with neem oil for maximum efficiency.

But natural predators could be good too, especially indoors.
