Nirvana PPP and Snow White Grow (First try)


Well-Known Member
yeah that sounds good..i was thinking a 3x3 tray in flower and veg room with 2 20 gallon rubbermaids for the res..
I want to keep two separate E & F systems in the flower room to be able to manage nute levels, and make after harvest clean-up easier. Although this is the first pH issue I've had with my set-up, I have read that the larger the res, the easier it is to manage. I would prefer your 20 gal to my current 10 gal set-up.


Well-Known Member
It has been three weeks since I put my seeds in the propigator. Reservoir is mixed for 1.9 / 950 ppm at 5.8pH. 10 T of H2O2 (3%) seems to have settled down the previous pH issues, and the smell is gone. I will continue to add H2O2 every three days. The curling of the leaves continues on the PPP plant. I've been having issues keeping the temps down in the tent, and have been in the 80F to 85F range during the day, and mid 70's at night. Still on the 24/7 light schedule and 15 minute floods every 3 hours.

All three from above:

Showing some leg:

Curling of the PPP leaves:

The leaves are still supple, and a nice dark green under the curling edges. Moved he light up another 2" to 16" to see if it's the heat. Temps around here are set to cool off this evening, and I should be able to manage tent environment a bit better.

Any tips, tricks and recommendations are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
I think that I've read that leaf curling can be due to stress. I think you're on the right track because your plants look really healthy and almost pornographic!!

Thanks for the advice on my thread!



Well-Known Member
I think that I've read that leaf curling can be due to stress. I think you're on the right track because your plants look really healthy and almost pornographic!!

Thanks for the advice on my thread!

I think you're right on the stress. I've been moving the 600w up little by little, but the curling is still there. One of the leaves seems to be drooping a bit also. Temps were in the low 70F's last night with 65% RH. Mix was 1.9 /950ppm at 5.9pH this morning. Still flooding 15 minutes every 3 hours. If the lights and temp dont fix things by this afternoon, I'm moving the feeding schedule back to every 4 hours. I'll keep trying different things, but there are three threads active on RIU describing the same issue, and I have not see an answer yet.


Well-Known Member
I just found this information!

When u force a Cannabis plant to reveg (specially for short periods of time) one of the major drawbacks is the possibility of getting leaf curling without particular signs of leaf descoloration (the other is the increase of hermie plants), this phenomenon happens because the plant produces 2 dif tipes of leaf tissue in a very short period of time causing the leafs to curl or even to wry...its also stated that Haze or Haze dominant plants have an easier recovery due to their higher growth rate while Indica or Indica dominant plants due to their more compact and stacky structure and tend to take longer to recover...also the plants imunnitary system is seriously damaged in plants that are reveg, this may lead to poor yield, poor taste and low pest and plague would be nice to ear what more experienced growers have to say on this issue cause like i said in a previous post i experienced the same prob when a timer didn´t switch off on my 3 week old flowering plants leaving them for 24h under a 400w HPS, the plants are TODAY 7 weeks into flower and they still show the curled leafs (as soon as the lights turn on im gonna take a few pics 4 u to see)...

Maybe all of the leaf curling was due to the light change?


Well-Known Member
I just found this information!

When u force a Cannabis plant to reveg (specially for short periods of time) one of the major drawbacks is the possibility of getting leaf curling without particular signs of leaf descoloration (the other is the increase of hermie plants), this phenomenon happens because the plant produces 2 dif tipes of leaf tissue in a very short period of time causing the leafs to curl or even to wry...its also stated that Haze or Haze dominant plants have an easier recovery due to their higher growth rate while Indica or Indica dominant plants due to their more compact and stacky structure and tend to take longer to recover...also the plants imunnitary system is seriously damaged in plants that are reveg, this may lead to poor yield, poor taste and low pest and plague would be nice to ear what more experienced growers have to say on this issue cause like i said in a previous post i experienced the same prob when a timer didn´t switch off on my 3 week old flowering plants leaving them for 24h under a 400w HPS, the plants are TODAY 7 weeks into flower and they still show the curled leafs (as soon as the lights turn on im gonna take a few pics 4 u to see)...

Maybe all of the leaf curling was due to the light change?
I haven't changed the lights. I've been running them 24/7 under a 600w MH since three days after propagation. What's funny, is it is only happening to one side of one plant. The other side, and the other two plants look fine. I did notice the thermometer remote sensor may have been knocking against the plant while the fans are running. I moved it up a bit to see if the leaves uncurl.

There are 4 threads running on RUI that are asking about this same issue. No one has come up with a definitive answer. I'll just keep muddling along....

+ Rep for the research!


Well-Known Member
Further thought...

Is there any mild difference in air flow where the plants are?

Were the nutes made in one batch?

The plant could also be Canadian...............they like curling. (groan)


Well-Known Member
lookin very nice dude! keep it green! Cheers!!!

Thanks for stopping by. Any advice would be appreciated.

I checked your grow journal and subscribed. I will be sitting in front of my laptop on October 26th to see the harvest! :bigjoint:

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i dun have advices man! ur doin fine, judging by the way ur plant looks. it will be half of my harvest on 26-th. i'll chop the indoor plants. the outdoor will be cut on 3-rd nov!


Well-Known Member
Further thought...

Is there any mild difference in air flow where the plants are?

Were the nutes made in one batch?

The plant could also be Canadian...............they like curling. (groan)
Air flow may have been an issue. Prior to the last rez change, the curling plant was in the front of the grow. I turn the table 180 degrees after every res change to even out the light patterns. When the tent was open, the curling plant was getting the brunt of the 12" fan.

All nutes are mixed in a separate container, and then transferred to the res. All three plants get the same flood, but the curling plant is closest to the fill inlet.

The Canucks also like to drink beer. Maybe I should try some in the res.... Or even better, in me.


Well-Known Member
After moving the light up, the curling on the sides of the leaves is pretty much gone, but now the leaves on part of the plant are drooping from the middle off the leaf to the tip. :wall: Added a half gallon of DW to the low res, 5 T H2O2 and 1 t pH down for a 1.8/900 ppm, 5.5 pH mix. I backed the flood schedule to 15 min floods every 4 hours (Was every 3) in case the drooping is from overwatering. The two snow white plants are doing great, and not all the leaves on the PPP are drooping.

Curling gone, drooping now:

Side view:

Am I on the right track?


Well-Known Member
How warm is the water? Sometimes that can be the cause of insufficient oxygen intake causing plants to droop.


Well-Known Member
How warm is the water? Sometimes that can be the cause of insufficient oxygen intake causing plants to droop.
I haven't been measuring, but I have been dropping a frozen 1 liter bottle of water in the res twice a day; every time I check the solution. A res thermometer is on my list of stuff to get on my next trip to the hydro store. I shouldn't have any issues going forward as it's chilling down around here, and the passive vents bring the cold air up against the res. Canopy temps have been in the 70 - 75F range for two days, with the 600w 12" from the tops. Growth is still good on all plants, I just have a few drooping leaves on one side of one plant. I've decided to not worry about it until I see something more serious.

Of course I could be wrong and be whining about something else tomorrow.......


Well-Known Member
These are my nute numbers since the last res change:

10/12: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 6.0pH. Add 1/2t pH down to 5.8pH.

10/13: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 6.3pH. Add 1 1/2 pH down to 5.8pH
Changed feed cycle to 15 min flood every 4 hours. (From 3 hrs)

10/14: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 6.1pH. Add 1/2 gal Dist. water, 2t pH down
to 5.8pH. 10T H2O2 (3%) for smell.

10/15: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 6.0pH. Add 1t Ph down. 5 T H2O2 (3%) to

10/16: EC 1.9 / 950 ppm; 5.9pH. Add 1/2 gal Dist water, 1 1/2 t pH
down, 5 T H2O2 to 5.4pH

10/17: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 5.7pH. Add 1/2 t pH down to 5.5pH

10/18: EC 1.8 / 900 ppm; 5.8pH. Add 9 T H2O2 (3%)

The addition of the H2O2 controlled the smell, and did smooth out the pH fluctuations I was experiencing. I will add 10T of H2O2 (3%) every other day .

Third week in veg. Top view:

Side view:

Res change tomorrow. Will be upping ppm to 1100 on the GH "Growth" calculator. Need to start my research on when to start flowering these plants.........


Well-Known Member
well you got so stocky plants, i forget whats the height of your grow-space?

Plants usually double(Sometimes triple but rarely) in height.


Well-Known Member
well you got so stocky plants, i forget whats the height of your grow-space?

Plants usually double(Sometimes triple but rarely) in height.
Thanks for checking in mane.

Do you think that the plants being stocky is a problem, or does it show I'm a true weed baron? :mrgreen: Kidding!

I did some measuring, and I think I have about 28" of height available. My tent is 78" tall, and I'm calculating using a 4" safety gap above the air cooled light hood and a 12" gap from top of plants to light. Plants are currently 9" tall.

Thanks again for your help! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well grow them to about 15in max and you'll have about 7in left if they only double in height.

Yea they are stocky and have very short internodes:D


Well-Known Member
Well grow them to about 15in max and you'll have about 7in left if they only double in height.

Yea they are stocky and have very short internodes:D
15 inches it is. Probably around two weeks to flower then, which is pretty much what I planned. What are your thoughts on topping or FIM'ing plants? These are Snow White and PPP.

Sorry to keep bugging you man. You're one of the few that keep checking in and offering advice.