SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, great thread and info. This is my 1st run at hydro and been doing a lot of research but i'm sure i've missed some things. Check out my two rooms.

Room 1: Flowering

I have a 1000 watt light, 4x4 Ebb&Flow tray and res, ventilation, oscillating fan, & CO2. Am i missing anything? I'm planning on having 5 plants in every 2x2 square and rotating them in the same tray for their 8 week bloom period (regular good old Skunk). I really need help with nutrients, not sure how i'm going to address the flush period. Any suggestions? Also what do you think about the number of plants. I'm hoping to harvest 5 plants every two weeks. I can kick it down to 4 plants if you guys recommend.

Room 2: Veg

I bought the little green house for the clones i clip. I'm doing ebb&flow in a 2x3 tray. I was planning on having 2-3 mothers in the tray. I was also planning on moving 6-10 of the healthiest looking clones into the same tray as the mothers for a week or two. I'm not sure what type of light to get for that area. Any recommendations? Also can the young clones take the same nute level as the mothers for that week?

I have attached some sketches of my setup to give you an idea. Any help would be appreciated! I already got my seeds in and they are propagating right now! YEAH!



New Member
Hey guys, great thread and info. This is my 1st run at hydro and been doing a lot of research but i'm sure i've missed some things. Check out my two rooms.

Room 1: Flowering

I have a 1000 watt light, 4x4 Ebb&Flow tray and res, ventilation, oscillating fan, & CO2. Am i missing anything? I'm planning on having 5 plants in every 2x2 square and rotating them in the same tray for their 8 week bloom period (regular good old Skunk). I really need help with nutrients, not sure how i'm going to address the flush period. Any suggestions? Also what do you think about the number of plants. I'm hoping to harvest 5 plants every two weeks. I can kick it down to 4 plants if you guys recommend.

dude why not go 16 per harvest that's me....over a pound every 2 weeks. i use gh flora micro and bloom with h2o2....too easy. :clap:

Room 2: Veg

I bought the little green house for the clones i clip. I'm doing ebb&flow in a 2x3 tray. I was planning on having 2-3 mothers in the tray. I was also planning on moving 6-10 of the healthiest looking clones into the same tray as the mothers for a week or two. I'm not sure what type of light to get for that area. Any recommendations? Also can the young clones take the same nute level as the mothers for that week?

400 w mh for the veg/mum areas and yes the clones can handle it as soon as they develope roots.

I have attached some sketches of my setup to give you an idea. Any help would be appreciated! I already got my seeds in and they are propagating right now! YEAH!
this is the first post in a while that made me wanna reply....thanks.


Well-Known Member
16 every two weeks would be a freakin dream come true. But can i pull that off in a 4x4 under a single 1000 HPS? Cause that would mean 64 plants in a 4x4 area. If so then what size net pots should i use? Thanks for the nutrients, i'm on it.


New Member
16 every two weeks would be a freakin dream come true. But can i pull that off in a 4x4 under a single 1000 HPS? If so then what size net pots should i use? Thanks for the nutrients, i'm on it.
that's what i do.....4 per square foot all under 1 1000w hps

check out my journal and prepare to be


Well-Known Member
Thats like the best response i could have possibly read. But whats the link to your journal. Not sure how to find it.


Well-Known Member
Am i missing something? Looks like you got a really hooked up setup, much larger than 4foot x 4foot ebb&flow tray.


New Member
Am i missing something? Looks like you got a really hooked up setup, much larger than 4foot x 4foot ebb&flow tray.

just read it man......1 2x4 and 2 2x2's = 4x4

64 plants total in varying stages of flower

your not missing anything......just gotta read it:weed:


Well-Known Member
now that is what a true weed baron does......proclaims his wondratudeness and then deliverafies the goods
thank you...i try to tell everyone how awesome i am but some people you cant teach

Ahem, y'know, creating a new account and answering your own post requires more psychiatric therapy than we are qualified to give around here. :lol: :lol:

Ah yea bugs..... You do have a therapist right?? Its not a sign of great mental health to start talking to yourself.

Poor guy, i am here for you buddy!! Now i know why you have been so hostile to me and Custom Hydro. Your cloner is not completely filled with water.

I can only imagine the stress of not being able to clone like the rest of the kids. Its OK to have a SPECIAL friend Bugs one that you can talk to and that can give advice and encouragement when things don't go your way.

We all know the "SPECIAL" kids are just not as good at cloning as the others are.

Dont worry bugs you can do it !!! I am rooting for you. (No pun intended)

Your Friend Sparky.:weed:

Please donate today to the Bugsrnme psychiatric therapy fund because together we can help him get better.

Make checks out to RIU ATTN: The BUGSVONDANKENHOUSEN foundation.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, great thread and info. This is my 1st run at hydro and been doing a lot of research but i'm sure i've missed some things. Check out my two rooms.

Room 1: Flowering

I have a 1000 watt light, 4x4 Ebb&Flow tray and res, ventilation, oscillating fan, & CO2. Am i missing anything? I'm planning on having 5 plants in every 2x2 square and rotating them in the same tray for their 8 week bloom period (regular good old Skunk). I really need help with nutrients, not sure how i'm going to address the flush period. Any suggestions? Also what do you think about the number of plants. I'm hoping to harvest 5 plants every two weeks. I can kick it down to 4 plants if you guys recommend.

Room 2: Veg

I bought the little green house for the clones i clip. I'm doing ebb&flow in a 2x3 tray. I was planning on having 2-3 mothers in the tray. I was also planning on moving 6-10 of the healthiest looking clones into the same tray as the mothers for a week or two. I'm not sure what type of light to get for that area. Any recommendations? Also can the young clones take the same nute level as the mothers for that week?

I have attached some sketches of my setup to give you an idea. Any help would be appreciated! I already got my seeds in and they are propagating right now! YEAH!

Ok you have a lot going on there for a first timer. I say that because i still am a first timer and I know i have a lot going on with mine so lets get you a first harvest before we fill a bowl and start smoking your grow.

HPS1000 is great as far as nutes are concerned find one that you like and very simple. Keep in mind that you have to control your pathogens so H2o2 kills organic nutes so research how you will do that. I would focus on getting them to grow before playing with CO2 there is a lot going on your first grow and you really don't need it at this point of the learning curve. If your going to do a perpetual you don't need to veg go straight to flower and a 400 MH will work great in your mother room. How do you plan to clone? There is more but lets start there.


Well-Known Member
Ok well i have a cloning dome (little green house setup). So when my mothers got to age i was going to clip some clones, dip them in some dip & grow and place them in the green house for a week or two. At least until the roots look good. Not sure how long that will typically take, estimated around that time. Also i was given a 400watt light. But since the veg room is in a cabinet would it be too hot? Also how can i tell if its a HPS or a MH? I attached a sketch of my setup. Underneath the greenhouse dome i have a heat mat. And I'm spraying the inside of the hood with RO water, no chemicals to keep it humid. Sound right?

PS. The cabinet is 40"W X 26"D X 96"H. The top half is 55"H.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Damn near exactly like mine, cept mine isn't as tall and is a bit wider. I am building another and will be building a seperate mother/clone area. The area where the clone chamber is is going to be another reservoir.

Its like double the cost (2x everything) but I don't have the option to devote a room to it so I have to stay somewhat stealth cab.

Of course since then I have corrected the error of the tray of Hydro with 6inch RW to just pots full of hydroton with just the 1inch cubes.

Sounds good on your clones as far as I can tell, I am testing with some clones I cut off one of my males right now, but waiting on cloning the moms till I get my heat pad in.


Well-Known Member
Of course since then I have corrected the error of the tray of Hydro with 6inch RW to just pots full of hydroton with just the 1inch cubes.
Oh DUDE !! When i saw that in the pic i was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dotn do that but it was already to late ..LOL that was one of my mistakes too.

Good to know you caught it.


Well-Known Member
He does that shit to u too huh...
He gets me pumped up byu finnally letting the seedds make it to my house and now he wont let me sprout one...
Looks like I won't even get my op off the ground. I have been trying to get seeds since June. I have had three orders confiscated, and one order I fucked up, now I got an old batch of seeds that didn't germinate. I'm sitting here with $7grand in equipment and cant get a fucking seed to put in it... Talk about the man smitting someone... It make me want to stick a gun in my mouth and fire away... If your not going to let me grow, kill me.

Whats up fellas, im in th same boat. My first grow started with 6 seeds of Blue eyed juesus and all but one made it thru the thrashing. Low a behold it turn male on me. I must have stressed my baby too much.

Mean while, ill just order sum seeds from attitude (White Rhino / Green House Seed co.)
started to gemminate them for 4 days. Still no roots, they just cracked open. I think they are scared to cum out. F*ck Im pissed cuz i just spent $100 on seeds and still have no babies. I spent allot of money on this setup and its just sitting there with only 1 male in it. The only reason im keeping the male is to keep taking cutting from so i get it down to the T.

Im just going to keep theese Rhino's in the papper towel till the pop out more. Till then im just takeing clones off this dude till the Rhino's take off.

Taking clone off this male in veg won't pollenate the rest of my ladies when i put them in the veg area? As long as they are in veg mode and dont flower they wont sperm the ladies, Right?

Great thread!!!!

I hope once my Rhino seeds get off the ground, ill be growing sum weed here soon :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
suck it spark.....even baron vondankenhousen's name is cooler than your buddy the weed baron

Good to hear from you too Bugs.. ASS ! What would give you the idea that The WEED Baron is my buddy? See if i come to your defense again.

I guess if you were to look at it one way is that there is only one true WEED Baron and the rest are just jumping on the wagon.

Soon we should start to see

Baron Myfuzzynuts
Baron Wishfulcloner
Baron On2knees
Baron Sparkysmyidol
Baron Damnclones
Baron Lickalotapuss
Baron Whatsadick4
Baron Bugsrimjob
Baron Dank&dumb
And my favorite

Baron Bugsgotspanken


New Member
Good to hear from you too Bugs.. ASS ! What would give you the idea that The WEED Baron is my buddy? See if i come to your defense again.

I guess if you were to look at it one way is that there is only one true WEED Baron and the rest are just jumping on the wagon.

Soon we should start to see

Baron Myfuzzynuts
Baron Wishfulcloner
Baron On2knees
Baron Sparkysmyidol
Baron Damnclones
Baron Lickalotapuss
Baron Whatsadick4
Baron Bugsrimjob
Baron Dank&dumb
And my favorite

Baron Bugsgotspanken

i am on my way out the door so i wont get your response till later .....but....i.....well,umm.....i think i love you:confused:

i peed a lil i laughed so hard:mrgreen: