White widow fast first week of flower

Thanks I asked questions and read lots here to learn .
Yea me to I just refuse to accept the ignorance on the fourms :) anywho I haven't used this site for a while I don't take any advice off here anymore I am self taught and like it that way I don't care about high yeilds, or the best weed. I just have fun with it as a hobby. Unlike some people here who no nothing more than cannabis plants
Again it's mylar you must be a idiot

Yes I said emergency blanket. Mylar same thing. Up until you called me an idiot I didn't think the damage your dad's cock did to your mouth was to bad. But I'm not always right apparently
I'm sorry he did all those mean things to you. Piece of shit deserves death.
Hey don't knock the ballers on a budget. I've made a little clone room with mylar:cool:

Yes but I'm sure you didn't come on here talking like a total douchebag either. I too have used emergency blankets from Wal-Mart also known as mylar.
Yea me to I just refuse to accept the ignorance on the fourms :) anywho I haven't used this site for a while I don't take any advice off here anymore I am self taught and like it that way I don't care about high yeilds, or the best weed. I just have fun with it as a hobby. Unlike some people here who no nothing more than cannabis plants

You are very special. You come on looking for attention like a little kid. You don't get a reply and well the beginning of this thread shows how needy and childish you are.
This site was great before you got here. Now it's got some ignorant whine was on it.
It's sad how noone can give you judgment based on a picture with blurple lights on I am more than capable of judging a plant based on blurple pictures anyways feeding root farms part 1 base and part 2 bloom fruits used miracle grow tomato feed for veg using a 130 w actual full spectrum panel , a 50w homemade cob and a 25.5 w actual panel
What are people supposed to be judging? You make a thread about a plant one week into flower that cant be seen because of the light and expect what exactly?

Then say you have an automatic watering system and thats it. No details, explanation, or questions about it.
You should consider not being a douche bag in every thread and maybe you'd get more responses. Nobody owes you a thing so if you can't be bothered to turn off lights or post any info why would anyone else? The feedback you got was met with name calling and crying like a spoiled child not getting his way. It isnt the site thats sad its you, grow up.
I am more than capable of judging a plant based on blurple pictures
Then why make the thread if you're such an expert?
Again it's mylar you must be a idiot
He states in his comment that it's a emergency blanket, thus stating indirectly that its mylar. Didn't expect the post to blow up like this, I was just trying to be kind explaining why people weren't replying, but dude your attitude defiantly isn't helping.
What are people supposed to be judging? You make a thread about a plant one week into flower that cant be seen because of the light and expect what exactly?

Then say you have an automatic watering system and thats it. No details, explanation, or questions about it.
You should consider not being a douche bag in every thread and maybe you'd get more responses. Nobody owes you a thing so if you can't be bothered to turn off lights or post any info why would anyone else? The feedback you got was met with name calling and crying like a spoiled child not getting his way. It isnt the site thats sad its you, grow up.

Then why make the thread if you're such an expert?
I never asked for any help was just showing my crop
You are very special. You come on looking for attention like a little kid. You don't get a reply and well the beginning of this thread shows how needy and childish you are.
This site was great before you got here. Now it's got some ignorant whine was on it.
You may want to learn how to English cause you fucking sentence made no sense
Yes I said emergency blanket. Mylar same thing. Up until you called me an idiot I didn't think the damage your dad's cock did to your mouth was to bad. But I'm not always right apparently
I'm sorry he did all those mean things to you. Piece of shit deserves death.
Oh did you get offended little one ? I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings with words lmao
He states in his comment that it's a emergency blanket, thus stating indirectly that its mylar. Didn't expect the post to blow up like this, I was just trying to be kind explaining why people weren't replying, but dude your attitude defiantly isn't helping.
I didn't order a emergency blanket you dumb shit I ordered mylar
Yes I said emergency blanket. Mylar same thing. Up until you called me an idiot I didn't think the damage your dad's cock did to your mouth was to bad. But I'm not always right apparently
I'm sorry he did all those mean things to you. Piece of shit deserves death.
CODEE your mom should of swallowed you when she had the chance you cheeky little cunt.