Green Energy isn’t visionary. It’s necessity. The rate of consumption we are maintaining at is not sustainable. Combined with deforestation, causing a lack of conversion of CO2 back into O2, we are driving the entire environment out of balance by living lifestyles that are not sustainable if we want this Earth to exist for our children and grandchildren. The CO2 levels and ice caps melting will change the pH, density, composition, etc. of the Oceans, causing wide fluctuations in weather patterns and biological life in the ocean. I think it’s also responsible for the increase of shark attacks and beachings and stuff.
In any case, there’s enough to go around and live happily. There is not enough for 20 people to own more of the world’s wealth than 3-4 billion other people combine, while the latter is the side that suffers. Then, when People push for change, like fair wages and purging of government corruption, medicare for all, ending the Drug War, etc., they try to paint them as fanatical; as if it’s unreasonable to ask the disgustingly wealthy to part with the representation of finite resources they probably earned by cutting corners or outright stealing so that the normal American citizen can feed their family or seek treatment for illnesses.
“Let them eat cake.”