HydroRed's Horticultural Whorehouse

Sounds great! I would definitely have interest in running them.

Can't wait to see how it goes. I can run some if your willing red. There is never enough good info on a breeding process.
Absolutely. Remind when I get em done and I'll get a pack out to you! I'd love to see what folks can do with em.

You think 2 gl pots would be too big to use in those tubs?

And what else are ya gonna grace with some mimosa jizz?
Not too big, just less space for more numbers if thats what your going for. If your playing a numbers game I'd actually suggest larger pots and some veg time.
As for using the Mimosa pollen Im planning to hit a "Midnight Mass" from Heavyweight Seeds and I'll be hitting A "Plemon" from Breeders Boutique. I may hit a Fruity Pebbles OG after the other 2 are done? I have the "Plemon" and the "Midnight Mass" already vegging right now awaiting a spot in the flower room once this current batch is all seeded and wrapped up.
Absolutely. Remind when I get em done and I'll get a pack out to you! I'd love to see what folks can do with em.

Not too big, just less space for more numbers if thats what your going for. If your playing a numbers game I'd actually suggest larger pots and some veg time.
As for using the Mimosa pollen Im planning to hit a "Midnight Mass" from Heavyweight Seeds and I'll be hitting A "Plemon" from Breeders Boutique. I may hit a Fruity Pebbles OG after the other 2 are done? I have the "Plemon" and the "Midnight Mass" already vegging right now awaiting a spot in the flower room once this current batch is all seeded and wrapped up.
Keep us posted, stoner's and all, lucky to remember tomorrow let alone 6-8 weeks from now!
@ChiefRunningPhist @CoB_nUt
Got my meter in today.
View attachment 4277089
Its going on a light Im currently using in veg. I have another light coming in the next day or two to replace it so I should have the meter hooked up and displaying within this time. I'll check some numbers with a multimeter too and see how accurate it is. I just gotta figure out how to flush mount it like a car radio. The tabs provided to insert it flush mount are very close to the faceplate of the unit (less than 1/8") so whatever I use to mount it will need to be quite thin. I was originally thinking to just use a square cut of 1/8" aluminum but I dont know now? I think that might be too thick after seeing the tabs.
View attachment 4277090 View attachment 4277091
Got my meters. :) Added extension cord plugs for easy light and fan connect/disconnect. Looks kinda sloppy but at least it's all one piece now, later will put together in an electrical box (when it gets here) and add fuses and hopefully DALI router (sonoff for now) for a cleaner look (might have to switch to Inventronics drivers for DALI though I'm not sure yet)...

Ready to have lights plugged in...

Plugged in and chugging..

Ill always take beans :) if you're looking to get rid of some hmu. Heard you talk about that mothers milk before, sounds boss, sign me up :weed:
Got my meters. :) Added extension cord plugs for easy light and fan connect/disconnect. Looks kinda sloppy but at least it's all one piece now, later will put together in an electrical box (when it gets here) and add fuses and hopefully DALI router (sonoff for now) for a cleaner look (might have to switch to Inventronics drivers for DALI though I'm not sure yet)...
View attachment 4280915

Ready to have lights plugged in...
View attachment 4280916

Plugged in and chugging..
View attachment 4280917

Ill always take beans :) if you're looking to get rid of some hmu. Heard you talk about that mothers milk before, sounds boss, sign me up :weed:
I abandoned my project when I realized I wont be able to fit the CT into the water proof junction boxes on my build. Im looking for a larger junction box that will still fit my small framed build but allow me to hide everything in it from the AC side and the meter wiring.
So as a PSA for the folks who want to use the DIY flood n drain setup without a table (flood tray in res).

I went to Home Depot and their brand mixing trays didnt fit the "HDX" brand 27 gal totes as good as the Lowes brand items fit together. The ones I use are the "Commander XXL" brand 27 gal tote and the mixing trays are "OddJob" brand (both purchased at Lowes). If you use these 2 items together the tray will fit perfectly into the top of the 27 gal tote like they were made for this.

If you plan to run a table in your DIY flood and drain setup then none of this will concern you as both Lowes and Home Depot items will work equally as well used along with a table.
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@HydroRed and @Opie1971 Thank you,the both of you for helping a f&d noobie get his shit together and the patience with all my questions.

I still have more:bigjoint:
Is the tub suppose to drain completly or is there going to be some water left in the bottom after the flood?

Feel like a scrub asking this one,but I am s'posed to be flooding from the small side and the large side is the overflow correct?

Is the flood interval tub dependant?
During my test run of empty pots it only took 3 maybe 4 minutes to flood the pots' insides up to 3"from the top of the pot.

Here she is flooding20190223_224546.jpg
Drained20190223_222853.jpg .

Now that I think of it,the tub will be dry by the next flood event.Wick action of the media,evaporation,roots etc.
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@HydroRed and @Opie1971 Thank you,the both of you for helping a f&d noobie get his shit together and the patience with all my questions.

I still have more:bigjoint:
Is the tub suppose to drain completly or is there going to be some water left in the bottom after the flood?

Feel like a scrub asking this one,but I am s'posed to be flooding from the small side and the large side is the overflow correct?

Is the flood interval tub dependant?
During my test run of empty pots it only took 3 maybe 4 minutes to flood the pots' insides up to 3"from the top of the pot.

Here she is floodingView attachment 4288453
DrainingView attachment 4288451
DrainedView attachment 4288450 .

Now that I think of it,the tub will be dry by the next flood event.Wick action of the media,evaporation,roots etc.
Yes you want to drain out the bigger fitting. My understanding is to set your timer to flood for 15 minutes every 4 hours, unless you find that you need to more often. And you want to leave about an inch of solution in the top after your pump stops and it drains.
Do you have a pump that is adjustable in how many gallons per hour?
I haven't used mine yet, but if I'm wrong Red can correct me.
Yes you want to drain out the bigger fitting. My understanding is to set your timer to flood for 15 minutes every 4 hours, unless you find that you need to more often. And you want to leave about an inch of solution in the top after your pump stops and it drains.
Do you have a pump that is adjustable in how many gallons per hour?
I haven't used mine yet, but if I'm wrong Red can correct me.

Thanks Opie.
Nah no adjustable pump.Just an eco plus 185. I have a timer that I can do any time on and off down to 1 second I forget at the moment how many schedules it holds but it's more than enough for my needs.

I've found another set of tubs and totes while going back to lowes to pick up a second f&d tub and tray. It's bit more sturdier than the ones pictured. Eventually I'll get that oddjob and xxl setup. I like the space of the tubs. I'm gonna tinker with these for now and learn myself on them.