Aussie Growers Thread

Sorry Redeye but you and Venus are on a hiding to nothing trying to defend an adult who has under age pics on his phone and instead of deleting them wants to save his kiddie porn.
Please highlight where I have given an opinion on this subject.
Hi guys new member here and have been going through the thread for the last day and found it really interesting but some of the recent posts have left me a bit perplexed and quite frankly sickened. Possessing images of naked underage girls makes you a peadophile no ifs or buts,you go to court and give them any excuse you like but at the end of the day your name will be on the sex offenders list.
Hi there officer
Scenario 1.

Two 15 year olds are involved in a sexual relationship. She sends him naked photos of herself daily and consents to him saving the images. Fast forward 3 yrs they are 18 and have broken up. He still has her pictures on his phone. Question: Should he be convicted of pedophilia?

Scenario 2.

Two 15 year olds are involved in a sexual relationship. He turns 16 on the 1 January. However she’s not 16 until the 1 December.
Question: Should he be convicted of sleeping with a minor?

I have not given my opinion on what I think. Simply some food for thought.
Yes it wheely did:( but the compensation money has allowed me to invest in property and am now half way through the process of getting legal cultivation license and hopefully becoming the largest producer in the country and running punk kids like you out of business :)
Yes it wheely did:( but the compensation money has allowed me to invest in property and am now half way through the process of getting legal cultivation license and hopefully becoming the largest producer in the country and running punk kids like you out of business :)
Lol to being the biggest legal producer in Aus, who the fuck would wanna work for you, you sound like a cock.... no offence
I'll leave you guys to go about your business,I've got what I needed from here for now.

Stay safe everyone,you never know who's watching. ;)

P.S There's no presumption of innocence when a admition of guilt has already been made.
Yes it wheely did:( but the compensation money has allowed me to invest in property and am now half way through the process of getting legal cultivation license and hopefully becoming the largest producer in the country and running punk kids like you out of business :)
I wish u all the best but if you are not already growing and have the contracts in place with big pharma then you are way behind the 8 ball.
Scenario 1.

Two 15 year olds are involved in a sexual relationship. She sends him naked photos of herself daily and consents to him saving the images. Fast forward 3 yrs they are 18 and have broken up. He still has her pictures on his phone. Question: Should he be convicted of pedophilia?

Scenario 2.

Two 15 year olds are involved in a sexual relationship. He turns 16 on the 1 January. However she’s not 16 until the 1 December.
Question: Should he be convicted of sleeping with a minor?

I have not given my opinion on what I think. Simply some food for thought.
Scenario 1. Yes.
Scenario 2. It comes under state law and there gray areas to do with the difference in age. Tassie the age of consent is 17. So the answer is maybe but scenario 2 has 0 to do with mullet and his under age pics he may or may not be sharing that he admits to having.