Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?


Well-Known Member
Who is this Occasio Cortez guy anyway?

I mean, she knocks out an established Democrat in a safe Democratic district and then starts doing exactly what she said she'd do. The nerve.

She has plenty of twitter followers. Is that good?

Then she released a "New Green Deal", typical of Progressives who just assume we know what that means because as with their use of "Progressive" (which doesn't match the common use for that word), the "New Green Deal" she put forth is just one of many other "Green New Deals" that have been discussed over the past decade or more.

The Green Party has its own "Green New Deal"

Wikipedia has a whole section on the subject:

So, now she's releasing with much ballyhoo a "Green New Deal" that sort of matches other "Green New Deals".

Other freshmen congressmen who won office in moderate districts by taking seats away from Republicans -- in other words the people who in fact took away control of the House from Republicans aren't exactly happy with the idea of defending this in next election cycle. They say isn't helpful to them at all. They say this imperils Democratic control in the House, not helps it.

On the other hand there is a lot of good in her Non-Binding Resolution that puts into words what we already know. For example: That global warming is causing economic and environmental disruption that will make the last recession we went through look like good times.

Here is a link to the text of her resolution: https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=5731829-Ocasio-Cortez-Green-New-Deal-Resolution

The goal would be 40%-60% reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. The gist is that addressing global climate change is more than just cutting emissions. It's a jobs creation and infrastructure overhaul for the nation. It's also social equity program too. The point being that the wealthiest 1% have no incentive, a dis-incentive actually, to address this problem. They will have to be unseated from power in government. So, campaign finance reform and redefining corporations as something other than people will be necessary.

And yet, are Democrats handing back control of Republicans by passing this measure? Who is Cortez actually working for?

Overall, I like the ideas. Its non-binding and so, symbolic mostly.
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Who is this Occasio Cortez guy anyway?

I mean, she knocks out an established Democrat in a safe Democratic district and then starts doing exactly what she said she'd do. The nerve.

She has plenty of twitter followers. Is that good?

Then she released a "New Green Deal", typical of Progressives who just assume we know what that means because as with their use of "Progressive" (which doesn't match the common use for that word), the "New Green Deal" she put forth is just one of many other "Green New Deals" that have been discussed over the past decade or more.

The Green Party has its own "Green New Deal"

Wikipedia has a whole section on the subject:

So, now she's releasing with much ballyhoo a "Green New Deal" that sort of matches other "Green New Deals".

Other freshmen congressmen who won office in moderate districts by taking seats away from Republicans -- in other words the people who in fact took away control of the House from Republicans aren't exactly happy with the idea of defending this in next election cycle. They say isn't helpful to them at all. They say this imperils Democratic control in the House, not helps it.

On the other hand there is a lot of good in her Non-Binding Resolution that puts into words what we already know. That global warming is causing economic and environmental disruption that will make the last recession we went through look like good times.

Here is a link to the text of her resolution: https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=5731829-Ocasio-Cortez-Green-New-Deal-Resolution

The goal would be 40%-60% reduction by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. The gist is that addressing global climate change is more than just cutting emissions. It's a jobs creation and infrastructure overhaul for the nation. It's also social equity program too. The point being that the wealthiest 1% have no incentive, a dis-incentive actually, to address this problem. They will have to be unseated from power in government. So, campaign finance reform and redefining corporations as something other than people will be necessary.

And yet, are Democrats handing back control of Republicans by passing this measure? Who is Cortez actually working for?

Overall, I like the ideas. Its non-binding and so, symbolic mostly.
Dare to dream. She's got Moxy and the spotlight. Let's see where it goes. I would rather she shoot high than spend six years in Congress and end up with just a couple of renamed post offices.
Dare to dream. She's got Moxy and the spotlight. Let's see where it goes. I would rather she shoot high than spend six years in Congress and end up with just a couple of renamed post offices.
I read her resolution, not as if I were trying to pass a test but the high points. I can see how Pelosi would feel about it -- a scrub who hasn't done anything is swaggering about telling accomplished Congressmen what to do. On the other hand, Cortez is only saying what we all know is true. I look forward to seeing what she actually does over the next two years. This isn't good enough but it's a start.
She can ask Bernie Sanders what her chances are. I'll bet in his office there's a picture of him as a young man being sworn in. Look at his efforts compared to results. Wealth is power and it is the only power. If they are not happy they don't donate and vampires of one color or both are unhappy.
...typical of Progressives who just assume we know what that means because as with their use of "Progressive" (which doesn't match the common use for that word)...

I like that.

I don't particularly like how they stole that term and morphed it into something else.

I've always considered myself a progressive.

But not they way they define it.
Ms. Occasio Cortez advocates using violence to force people to comply with her ideas. She's a thug, just like every other control freak politician.

If she wants a "green world" she should go out and practice what she preaches. Show me your potatoes, Ms. Cortez.

Instead she wants to use guns (which she claims to oppose the use of) to force people to adopt her ideas. Therefore, she is opposed to actual equal rights* too. Loser.

* actual equal rights should not be confused with government granted privilege which is the common misuse of the term "equal rights".
Fact is she's not saying anything that other people haven't already said. It's just that she's young and good looking, so people drool all over her.

If she were 55 years old, fat and ugly, nobody would give a shit and be calling her delusional...oddly, just like other people that suggested the same shit without any plan whatsoever to explain how to do any of it.
1/2 wit?I don't care for her political positions but I have watched her several times and her intellect at a young age is impressive

She may have the capacity to learn. Maybe.

I may have been too harsh, she might just be ignorant, but it's possible she's ignorant AND evil.

Her political positions, from an operational means perspective, are the same as every other politicians, "do what I say or suffer the consequences of government force".

The thing about her that pisses me off, she thinks she can use systemic force and still occupy moral high ground, which is something her opponents can't use against her, because they use the exact same means as she does...a gun.
So, you're okay with Ms. Cortez tearing your house down and telling you to pay for another one because in her infinite wisdom you didn't do it right?
Yes, I have already stopped using fossil fuels and my house will need to be rebuilt from all the frozen pipes that have burst. I may now be freezing to death and famished, but feel good about saving the environment. Please send government help via electric vehicles as I choose to not do any work.