The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Tens of thousands of people died from gun violence last year and probably over 700 kids died from finding guns in their homes and accidentally shooting themselves or other kids. Those cars that the tires were attached to were registered and insured and the drivers licensed after passing tests and paying fees, guns should be treated the same way.

As for the NRA, it's mostly an astro turf organization run by the gun companies and they are running scared right now. All I can say is read the news cause it looks like the NRA leadership has been caught in bed with the Russians which is why they are all running for the hills. Wayne Lapierre and the other NRA leaders seem a might nervous for a very good reason, they are probably guilty as sin.

My interest in all this is that it's related to the 2016 election scandal and the illegal election of Trump, I'm a Canadian and we have sensible gun laws where I live, it's reflected in the much lower number of people killed and injured by guns every year. Guns are an American domestic issue, though many of the guns used in crime here are smuggled in from the states, my main concern is treason against our many military alliances and trade agreements. Besides politics is boring in Canada, we have a normal person running the country fairly well, not a sociopathic traitor like Trump.
Why is it that the biggest complainers of the American Constitution aren't even American? I think its terrible that Saudi Arabia stone a woman to death adultery but your not going to see me complaining about it on a Saudi Arabian marijuana growing page.
Why is it that the biggest complainers of the American Constitution aren't even American? I think its terrible that Saudi Arabia stone a woman to death adultery but your not going to see me complaining about it on a Saudi Arabian marijuana growing page.
The vast majority of Americans want sensible gun regulations and the 2nd amendment is no impediment to that. Talk to many American shooting survivors and the families of hundreds of thousands of gun victims if you want to hear loud talk about banning guns. As I said, American gun regulation is an issue for Americans to decide and they will, my main concern is with treason and the NRA's roll in it.
Well are you going to explain it? I mean you're trying to cut me down right? don't you want me to understand it?
He's referring to David Pecker the guy who runs AMI (National Inquirer) and Trump's buddy who is currently in the news for trying to blackmail the richest guy in the world, let's see how that works out for him.
Jeff Bezos accuses National Enquirer publisher of extortion and blackmail
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says the publisher of the National Enquirer, American Media Inc., attempted to extort him by threatening to release his intimate photos.
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You guys must be smoking some really good weed because you're way too deep for me. As for Russia I really don't care what we did with them. It really doesn't affect me at all. I was voting for Trump whether Russia tried to persuade me or not. He was the best guy for the job. I surely wasn't going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Let's face it that was my other choice. If you want me to vote the other way tell the Democrats to come up with a better candidate.
He's referring to David Pecker the guy who runs AMI (National Inquirer) and Trump's buddy who is currently in the news for trying to blackmail the richest guy in the world, let's see how that works out for him.
I got news for you I just quit my job at Amazon last week because they were exploiting me. I delivered packages for them for 14 hours a day for peanuts. You want to talk about being exploited the Amazon workers are exploited. I say good for him. You don't want pictures of your dick out there than don't take them. I don't take pictures of my cock do you take pictures of yours?
I got news for you I just quit my job on Amazon last week because they were exploiting me. I deliver packages for them for 14 hours a day for peanuts. You want to talk about being exploited the Amazon workers exploited. I said good for him. You don't want pictures of your dick out there that don't take them. I don't take pictures of my cock do you take pictures of yours?
Yep I hear he's a real prick to work for, but he might have Pecker by the balls since he has a plea agreement with the feds in the Cohen/ individual #1 case and it looks like he might have broken it. Vote democratic for fair labor laws and gun regulations!
In fact I had a lot of my money taken from Amazon. Everytime I get my check it would be wrong. It's the reason why I quit. I want to get paid for what I do. Stealing money out of my paycheck isn't cool. Check it out online I'm Not The Only One.
Yep I hear he's a real prick to work for, but he might have Pecker by the balls since he has a plea agreement with the feds in the Cohen/ individual #1 case and it looks like he might have broken it. Vote democratic for fair labor laws and gun regulations!
Are you Democrats pushing for Canada to become a socialist country? Cuz that's what's Happening Here. And I can't help but think that can't be good for your country either. When Donald Trump at the State of the Union Address says America will never be a socialist country and none of the Democrats clap is downright scary.
Are you Democrats pushing for Canada to become a socialist country? Cuz that's what's Happening Here. And I can't help but think that can't be good for your country either. When Donald Trump at the State of the Union Address says America will never be a socialist country and none of the Democrats clap is downright scary.
I have free high quality health care and pay a third less for prescription drugs, have Canada pension and next year OAS (Old age security at 65), no complains from me or the vast majority of Canadians.
I have free high quality health care and pay a third less for prescription drugs, have Canada pension and next year OAS (Old age security at 65), no complains from me or the vast majority of Canadians.
there's a big difference between social democracy and socialism.