Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
Let’s not forget how Obama funded isis long after its creation, at a time Iran was actively holding any Americans they could get their hands on as ransom. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/03/01/was-obamas-1-7-billion-cash-deal-with-iran-prohibited-by-u-s-law/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1998c053f118

Your own goddess admits it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=Dqn0bm4E9yw
Didn't watch the video but did read the article.

I get that you couldn't understand the article but that doesn't allow you to just make shit up.

You have poor reading skills. The article refutes your assertion. You get four Pinocchios for your bald faced lie.