Well-Known Member
This is where my passion for living soil comes from right here. You think the weed you can grow in it is dank? Just wait until you grow your own food in it. Studies have shown that the way the roots communicate with the microbes in a living soil are via exuding terpenes, the same terpenes we're all after in terms of getting flavorful cannabis. If you take that same soil and put literally any kind of vegetable or fruit in it, you will not only experience incredible results but the quality will be so unreal you won't go back to your grocery store if you can. I'm finding out that I like a lot of vegetables I thought I "hated". Turns out the vegetables didn't suck, the methods used to cultivate it did.
With a quality living soil, left to it's own devices the plant and the soil will literally take care of everything for you. That means that with this knowledge, anyone can not only grow cannabis but food! If everyone had the means and knowledge to do this, not only would shit produce lose it's demand but people wouldn't go hungry anymore.
it's funny you should should mention the produce; I got into living soils because I wanted quality food for myself. I made raised beds outside and got into organic gardening practices and one day I was out there and it dawned on me... "I should be doing this with my indoor cannabis too!" I hopped online and found the organic forum here and never looked back. My background in biology made it very easy to adjust to living soil growing. I think I'm into my third year now of water only gardening. Cheers!