Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Right? lol no cigarettes for you
It will be really weird living in a world where weed is legal and cigs are not, topsy turvy world. New black market, people will be growing tobacco indoors. How long will it take before people figure out prohibition doesn't work and stop their elected officials from decreeing them criminals o_O for a plant, or an economy.
Possible prohibition is Hawaii? I'd better get down there and start growing tobacco to sell to elementary school children. I finna make a killing...

Yeah this is funny.

Prohibition totally works lol, history doesn’t lie.


Did you read the part about how tourists can bring them in? Making a whole new class of cigarette smuggler. I can’t wait to see what kind of language they use in the law.
Yeah this is funny.

Prohibition totally works lol, history doesn’t lie.


Did you read the part about how tourists can bring them in? Making a whole new class of cigarette smuggler. I can’t wait to see what kind of language they use in the law.

Lol. My asshole is gonna have to get used to having rectangular packs of cigs stuffed up there. I'll start with packs, then I'll move onto the cartons...
I vaguely remember people smoking in malls. They can smoke in their cars or at least go somewhere away from the doors so others aren't force to choose between leaving or walking through a poison stink cloud.
I grew up with mama smoking Pall Malls in the car. I can relate. I hated it.

Even so, I'm not a proponent of prohibition. People should be somewhat free to do stupid things. But I do like not having too smell cigarette indoors.
I vaguely remember people smoking in malls. They can smoke in their cars or at least go somewhere away from the doors so others aren't force to choose between leaving or walking through a poison stink cloud.

In Chicago there are signs is front of most public establishments that read 'No Smoking within 25 feet of Entrance.' No one obeys it, but at least it's the law. I think many smokers are resentful that people are so against their habit that it is a conscious decision to rebel. On the other hand... When I still smoked cigs I'd often light up with no one around, and sit on an outdoor bench or curb to people watch. Often someone would come by to sit next to me, then complain about my smoking. I'd always reply that you saw me smoking here and chose to come over and put yourself in this situation. People are funny...
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I was replying to this last night and the site stopped working for me.

I grew up with mama smoking Pall Malls in the car. I can relate. I hated it.

Even so, I'm not a proponent of prohibition. People should be somewhat free to do stupid things. But I do like not having too smell cigarette indoors.

Prohibition hasn't worked here. They've essentially made cigarettes illegal for the young and poor through taxation. A pack a day habit will cost you over $400 a month. I don't know many people my age with that much disposable income. All they've done is make people who can't afford it go to untaxed native cigarettes. My dad smoked in the house when I was a kid but thankfully never in the car that I can remember. I think he still sneaks a smoke every now and then.

In Chicago there are signs is front of most public establishments that read 'No Smoking within 25 feet of Entrance.' No one obeys it, but at least it's the law. I think many smokers are resentful that people are so against their habit that it is a conscious decision to rebel. On the other hand... When I still smoked cigs I'd often light up with no one around, and sit on an outdoor bench or curb to people watch. Often someone would come by to sit next to me, then complain about my smoking. I'd always reply that you saw me smoking here and chose to come over and put yourself in this situation. People are funny...

We have a 9 meter bylaw that nobody follows and I've never seen it enforced. That's not cool. If you're smoking and not hurting anyone besides yourself, I wouldn't come over and complain about it. I find vaping nicotine a lot less offensive than cigarettes. At least you can't smell it in your clothes and hair.
We have a 9 meter bylaw that nobody follows and I've never seen it enforced. That's not cool. If you're smoking and not hurting anyone besides yourself, I wouldn't come over and complain about it. I find vaping nicotine a lot less offensive than cigarettes. At least you can't smell it in your clothes and hair.

Yep. I love the fact that I, my clothes, and my home don't stink like cigs anymore. I vape expensive tobacco juices and the habit only costs me about $160 per month. I feel much better and sleep like a baby. Never thought I'd quit, glad e-cigs came along...
I'm pretty sure mom paid for my birth with these. She was a Pall Mall smoker too.
I switched to Copenhagen(30 years ago) when they wouldn't let me smoke around dynamite. (never spit, that's just disgusting)
It's amazing how the addiction works and how well I supplied myself over the years, I didn't really realize it till I forgot my stash when heading on an all day fishing trip.
I had my herb and oil, but the bait shop at the dock only had Marlboro (must of been years old) cause I smoked half, ate the other and must of looked like a crack head trying to get a buzz.
If anyone can cut back or quit I tip my hat. Good luck.
My mom also used to smoke Pall Mall when I was little.
She thankfully quit smoking.
Was 46C today, which Google tells me is 114.8F.
My mom smoked Pall Malls too. Mine never quit and lived to her mid 80's. Died of unrelated causes and never developed COPD. Sorry about the heat. It's roughly -2C here and I'm trying to be stoic about it.