Cannaventure seeds thread

Thanks for the advice.
That plant always was a bit odd -- and it grew sideways after repotting. o_O

Culling a plant is like ending a bad relationship.
You don't want to lose what you've invested, but the sooner you move on, the sooner you can start working on something better. :leaf:8-):leaf:
I had one of my Gorilla Wrecks start out like that. She wasn’t a big yielder but she looks great and smells dank
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Thanks Bud I reckon I'll wait on Heisens drop them
I ran two. One threw some balls and I gifted it out to buddy who is learning about growing. The other has been great but the yeild is sad, to the point that it wasnt worth my time. I will eventually pop the remaining seeds, mybe cycle one or two into the garden but I have loads of seeds and it's time to move on from CV for now.

I will keep the LVTK for a few runs.
Hey it wasnt those. Not the pure ghosts

Hey that may have been me. Sorry for the miscommunication. I was referring to the cali connection tahoe og I had. Regulars of the tahoe og threw herms.

I've ran 3 pure ghost ogs so far and ALL have been good and HERM FREE. Just my experience tho. I'm actually planning on revegging one of my pure ghosts and buying another pack.
Hey that may have been me. Sorry for the miscommunication. I was referring to the cali connection tahoe og I had. Regulars of the tahoe og threw herms.

I've ran 3 pure ghost ogs so far and ALL have been good and HERM FREE. Just my experience tho. I'm actually planning on revegging one of my pure ghosts and buying another pack.

Yeah that's why I asked you on IG. I apparently misread it. Or didnt see you said Tahoe and then we started talkin about cannaventure 100% my fault. that's why I went back n checked.
Still pretty funny though. I guarantee if it tosses nuts on him and he finds a way to deal with it, he'll be far ahead of the learning curve.
Would be awesome. Unfortunately, he has no idea about plants in general. This was an opportunity for him to keep it alive and while he managed okay, he still failed to follow simple direction. He wanted me to pop a bunch of beans for him and he proved that would be a colossal waste of my money... I will root him some clones though.

Didn't hiesen have a pure ghost that he thought was pretty nice, like 1000 pages back in the gps thread?

Heisen can certainly grow so he very well might have, but the GPS thead is kinda like the general forum within the seeds and strain subforum and it is buried lol.

The one I gifted looked amazing, minus the balls. Healthy, vigorous and looked like it would yeild well. Unfortunately, the one I kept was just did not yeild but the smoke report is not in yet...

I have more seeds then I can reasonably grow, so unless something blows me away I usually just move on. I only grew out a few beans and I was quite happy with the LVTK.
Would be awesome. Unfortunately, he has no idea about plants in general. This was an opportunity for him to keep it alive and while he managed okay, he still failed to follow simple direction. He wanted me to pop a bunch of beans for him and he proved that would be a colossal waste of my money... I will root him some clones though.

Heisen can certainly grow so he very well might have, but the GPS thead is kinda like the general forum within the seeds and strain subforum and it is buried lol.

The one I gifted looked amazing, minus the balls. Healthy, vigorous and looked like it would yeild well. Unfortunately, the one I kept was just did not yeild but the smoke report is not in yet...

I have more seeds then I can reasonably grow, so unless something blows me away I usually just move on. I only grew out a few beans and I was quite happy with the LVTK.
I've tried getting my buddy and my nephew that smokes more than me to grow for a long time now, they're lazy and don't want to put in the effort. So you putting it like that..... maybe I'll just shut up, lol.

You might want to give the one that tossed nuts a second go, a lot of times they just gotta get it out of their system and they're good to go.