Documentaries on mental well-being?


Well-Known Member
my SO has recently gotten into watching health and diet centric documentaries that are coming out on Netflix etc recently. Some of these are great, interesting, and engaging.

Im looking for us to continue this kick, by delving into mental health. Could you suggest some mental health, happiness and well being documentaries that follow a similar format, that are watchable, and informative?

my SO has recently gotten into watching health and diet centric documentaries that are coming out on Netflix etc recently. Some of these are great, interesting, and engaging.

Im looking for us to continue this kick, by delving into mental health. Could you suggest some mental health, happiness and well being documentaries that follow a similar format, that are watchable, and informative?

The Ritual is a really good movie.
"documentaries" are notorious for being slanted to present the view point of the documentary maker....which i understand, they are the ones making the thing....but i just don't watch them, at all....if i'm trying to learn about something, why would i purposely look at anything that is biased to begin with? your own research, form your own opinions, and quit listening to anyone, anywhere, till you have some information of your own, and have spent a little time thinking about it...and then remember that documentary makers have an agenda....
"documentaries" are notorious for being slanted to present the view point of the documentary maker....which i understand, they are the ones making the thing....but i just don't watch them, at all....if i'm trying to learn about something, why would i purposely look at anything that is biased to begin with? your own research, form your own opinions, and quit listening to anyone, anywhere, till you have some information of your own, and have spent a little time thinking about it...and then remember that documentary makers have an agenda....
All information is biased! so long as you come at it with that in mind and in your awareness, you'll be able to take it in the right light.
information has no is purely information...the way it is presented can be biased, and your own perceptions and experiences can cause you to use your personal biases in you interpretation of that information.....but facts are facts.... the properties of water?
Could you suggest some mental health, happiness and well being documentaries that follow a similar format, that are watchable, and informative?

Have you heard about "Flow," what we call being in-the-zone? Not really a documentary but maybe interesting. Descriptive words for "Flow" could include "fully immersed," "energized focus," being fully involved" and "enjoying the process."

The author did a Ted Talk:

If you do a search all kinds of things will pop up. His name is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
This entertaining and inspirational movie based on the best-selling book of the same name is hosted by author and teacher Louise L. Hay. This film gives penetrating insights into Louise's fascinating personal story; and shows how her views on self-esteem, abundance, and the metaphysical causes behind physical ailments were developed.

It also reveals how she applied these concepts to her own emotional, spiritual, and professional life. A number of luminaries in the fields of self-help, philosophy, health, spirituality, and New Thought join Louise, giving their take on success, happiness, and the myriad ways in which people can heal their own lives. And there are also gripping firsthand accounts from others who have been positively affected by Louise's work.

Not a Documentary but everyone should listen to this at least once.

James Allen - As A Man Thinketh Audiobook

"As a Man Thinketh" is a literary essay by James Allen, published in 1903. It was described by Allen as "... dealing with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. Allen has tried to make the book simple, so that all can easily grasp and follow its teaching, and put into practice the methods which it advises. It shows how, in his own thoughtóworld, each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life, and that, by working patiently and intelligently upon his thoughts, he may remake his life, and transform his circumstances. It was also described by Allen as "A book that will help you to help yourself", "A pocket companion for thoughtful people", and "A book on the power and right application of thought.

Earl Nightingale - The Dean of Personal Development

1. The Miracle of Your Mind - 0:23 2. Being a Leader - 12:00 3. Recognizing Opportunity (Acres of Diamonds)- 23:04 4. The Goose or the Eggs - 33:45 5. The Rewards of Service - 37:34 6. The Strangest Secret (We become what we think about most of the time) - 48:35 7. The Magic Word (Attitude) - 1:08:36 8. Your Self Image - 1:22:47 9. The Personal Commitment - 1:29:45 10. The Boss - 1:33:38 (+). The Power From Within - 1:45:17

PLUGGED IN : The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed (Mental Health Documentary)

Spiraling rates of mental health issues among young people including increased suicide rates and a near doubling of eating disorders led us to look into the effect Social Media could be having on our youth. From this investigation was born a documentary: "Plugged In", a shocking exploration into the hidden toxicity of the social media platforms and the way they deliberately provoke negative emotional and mental states in end users for profit.

Mr. nice on YouTube is pretty good by chance the rapper. Don’t judge, just watch it till the end. Enjoy dudes:peace::bigjoint:
"documentaries" are notorious for being slanted to present the view point of the documentary maker....which i understand, they are the ones making the thing....but i just don't watch them, at all....if i'm trying to learn about something, why would i purposely look at anything that is biased to begin with? your own research, form your own opinions, and quit listening to anyone, anywhere, till you have some information of your own, and have spent a little time thinking about it...and then remember that documentary makers have an agenda....
Wow. So no curiosity stream for you! I think the rise of the continents documentary was great. All facts.
Wow. So no curiosity stream for you! I think the rise of the continents documentary was great. All facts.
documentaries about nature, the environment, natural phenomena are one thing...i don't mind them at all...i don't put Nova and Cosmos on the same field as "Don't Vaccinate your children" and "meat is evil" bullshit stupid personal opinion presented as fact "mocumentaries"....and i form my own opinions about issues, i don't need these idiots biased opinions to form my own opinions...i need facts, not innuendo, slurs, lies, misinformation....
and i forgot till a moment ago...the name of this thread is "documentaries on mental well being"......which puts me on the defensive immediately....what are these peoples qualifications to even have an opinion on "mental well being" they even have any? any psychologist making these "documentaires" ?...or schmucks with too much time and money?
documentaries about nature, the environment, natural phenomena are one thing...i don't mind them at all...i don't put Nova and Cosmos on the same field as "Don't Vaccinate your children" and "meat is evil" bullshit stupid personal opinion presented as fact "mocumentaries"....and i form my own opinions about issues, i don't need these idiots biased opinions to form my own opinions...i need facts, not innuendo, slurs, lies, misinformation....
That's the problem with history channel etc. They were bought out years ago. I'd have to Google who owns them now. I really don't watch those. I agree. But some actual believe those prepper shows etc. I did see a little clip of one where some prepper lady figured you could bend the plastic nozzle on a 1 gallon plastic sprayer and use it for a bidet! I was born in Appalachia with no electric. We only bought flour etc. We butchered in the fall and hunted and fished all year long. You didn't see deer back then. Everybody ate them. We were lucky enough to raise a few hogs, chickens and a beef. I'd like to see people today make lard. I still have the lard press and black iron kettle. Flowers in the kettle now.