Those of you that got the “Printer is Broken” letter (not PA). are you able to switch dispensaries, or do you have to wait for your actual card to do so?
That's the longest wait I've seen reported here. You need to call the IDPH, or if you don't have the patience to get through, send the IDPH an email. They do respond.It sucks that provisional access isn’t for anyone who applied before December 1, 2018 online...114 days and counting since I applied online...
Whatever. Why would sending it in by mail even be an option. I need a screenshot of where it says that online is “obviously” the better option because there are people that have applied online that haven’t gotten their cards neither.
And no one should MIND following the law, but the main problem is, for other patience and myself, is the 3-4 MONTH WAITING. That’s the major problem. Another issue that stings me, is that around the time I was getting ready to apply, they falsely advertise/say that it would be 30-60 to receive the card in the mail.
About the pre December 1st applications, no. That's the screwing from IDPH being secretive and lying.
Not IDPH employees but regular people telling everyone to not apply by mail any more, yes there are plenty of screen shots for that. Not obviously better until PA rolled out, which nobody knew when it would be or how it would apply, but if you had any hope of getting access faster yes online has been the obviously better option since the law was signed.
Actually many people who have applied online since Dec 1st have got access today while people who applied by mail on that same day are waiting.
You are somewhat correct that they should do away with mail options. Although I can see some people only being able to apply by mail (I don't know, Amish, maybe?).
I totally blame IDPH for their waiting period (and that is what it is). I even blame them for being secretive about how online applications will get provisional access. I really blame them for being secretive and giving a royal screwing to October and November applicants. I even blame them for the arbitrary Dec 1st backdating, the US Constitution says no ex post facto laws, the law was signed 8/28, their rule is the 12/1 date.
All I'm saying is for the people who applied by mail and are looking to blame someone else for that choice, it's been very clear for many months that provisional access was only for online applications. (Although there has been plenty of confusion being spread by IDPH and bloggers about that.)
Leela, WHO Exactly, are "They"? It has been well known For a year it takes 85 to 105 days.
The people who work for idph isn’t my biggest issue. Duh, i’m not there to actually see how fast they’re working, how many people are working, how many application they actually have, etc. I’m not mad at the employees there most of the time when I have spoken to them over the phone I didn’t connect with someone “rude”.
It’s just the fact that regardless of wheather someone send in their application through mail or online. The waiting period is crazy. And now someone wants to say it’s BEEN like this. That’s even more $&@? up. So please.
Thank you for understanding where i’m Coming from though. Appreciate it.
Welcome to IllinoisCorrect. I had a defective vape cartridge, so I had to get out of line, go outside and on to the Property next door to have him try it.
Ok I want some clarification on what the provisional access is. Is this only for opioids patients ? Is it for people who’ve applied online ? The medical cannibis patience that applied by mail, or online, do those people have to wait the full 90+ days?
I want to know who is getting access sooner and who has to wait.
I applied by mail, they received my application November 19th.
I tried that when you sent it, but after I enter my name, last 4 of social and b-day I get measage “No match found”. I’m assuming it should find me at that point??
Those of you that got the “Printer is Broken” letter (not PA). are you able to switch dispensaries, or do you have to wait for your actual card to do so?
I took it to another step, after getting no info, I filed a complaint with the main inspector general of Illinois...My complaint was that the IDPH had never told me why the process took over 90 days, why my health records were being sent to the Secretary of State (I have past health issues that could have revoked my lincense because of military injuries occurred during combat) and why I was approved so early in the process and yet to get a card or letter...basically fraud, waste and abuse. I also pointed out the fact that provisional clients get their card immediately and I, along with other clients are being forced to wait is discriminatory...I also plan to to talk to my Illinois Assembly member next week...
Your information was sent to the Secretary of State because the law requires cards to only be issued to Illinois residents. The SoS is the office that confirms your address information to ensure you meet this statutory requirement. This is stated in IDPH materials.
Actually it's sent to the SoS so they can add your card to your driving record so the police can see who has a card without having to actually see someone do something that makes them need to know they have a card.
Do they do that for benzodiazapine prescriptions? Opioid prescriptions? Alcohol sales? There is some discrimination there and it opens sick people who use mmj up to abuse from random bad cops who are against mmj.
Anyone can check a vast majority of people's addresses free on the internet, but small businesses who sell ecigs have to buy 3rd party services to do it so even that can't be that expensive.
I applied online 11/5/18 and was approved as of 1/24/19. I did not get provisional but was lucky enough to get my paper card in the mail yesterday.
You did get provisional. What you describe - that's provisional. Provisional access means getting access before you get your card in hand, while waiting for your card.
Actually it's sent to the SoS so they can add your card to your driving record
It's great that you're concerned about your rights. Feel free to spend some timing reading 410 ILCS 130/25(k)(1) ("Mere possession of, or application for, a registry identification card or registration certificate does not constitute probable cause or reasonable suspicion, nor shall it be used as the sole basis to support the search of the person, property, or home of the person possessing or applying for the registry identification card."). Lots of other strong legal protections in the statute too -- best laws in the country, according to independent reviewers. So maybe stop throwing around charged words like "discrimination" when they clearly don't apply ... just my $0.02.