You posted one example.
Nobody agreed that you were targeted.
You're completely delusional. Just because you keep saying something doesn't make it true.
The tooth fairy is real!
The tooth fairy is real!
The tooth fairy is real!
It's still not true.
It has nothing to do with what I believe, pal. I'm not the one making bogus, delusional, self serving claims.
You are.
You've been asked over and over again on myriad points to provide proof of anything you claim.
Your answer to that is simply no, that you don't have to.
In your world, Ted Bundy was innocent because he said so, the earth is flat because they said so and Trump is a stable genius because he said so.
Seek help. Seriously.
There is no credibility here to defend.
I have nothing to justify. They do.
Whats wrong with you? I showed how i got banned.
Uh oh. You shouldnt have ended your comment with that particular word. Folks get banned for saying that word.
Well only folks that make you upset.
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I got banned 2 months for this horror. Better watch out for the rules actually applying.
i have to think it's something to do with you....because i try to piss buck off from time to time, and i've never been banned from any threads that i'm aware of.....i don't think anyone here will tell you that i'm an overly nice person...i don't go out of my way to be an asshole, but if it seems like an appropriate attitude to have...i'll have it in spades....and still haven't been banned from a thread....Did you see the screenshot of my most recent banning? I still havent used any inapropriate language.
And when rollie let me back in he bragged about it.
Pay more attention. One of the bucksocks complains when there feelings are hurt and banning and censorship happen.
And they are proud rats and cowards.
and you do realize this is not a government run public forum? this is a privately owned site with admins....they are the authority here.
there is no constitution here, no bill of rights, no arbitration if you don't agree with them....they can ban you because they think you dressed yourself funny today...they don't even have to see you, they can just think it so, and act.....and your only recourse is to pack the fuck up and leave if you don't like it...
And you went off on a conspiracy theory about it and refuse to put forth any sort of evidence that proves that. My post was deleted as well, but you don't see me going off the rails on a conspiracy theory, do you?
No. Of course not. I'm a man. I understand why it happened. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.
You on the other hand cry like a little girl and make wild, completely unsubstantiated allegations. You've been in tears all damn morning long over it.
Is the moderation poor? Yes.
Is the moderation inconsistant? Absolutely.
Is the moderation team out to get you and only you because you disagreed with @UncleBuck ?
No. Stop being ridiculous. I've let him have it and he's let me have it more times than I can remember, and neither one of us ever got a ban over it.
Frankly, I think your post got deleted, you pitched a fit like a little girl like you are now and stormed off thinking you'd never come back because you got a four week ban or some shit like that. But you being you, you lie, make shit up and exaggerate and call it a two month ban.
And guess what, pal? My theory actually has more credibility than yours. How? Simple. I have these little things called 'facts' and 'proof':
You said you got banned for two months, right? Let's review:
Guess what, pal? The date on that post you say you got banned for is November 4th, 2018.
Now, if you got banned that very day for two months, you wouldn't have been able to post until January 4th, 2019. So how is it you were posting in December as if nothing had ever happened?
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That's only 53 days.
Who programs in a 53 day ban?
It was probably a few days, or maybe even a couple weeks, I could even buy it being a month ban, but being the sour grapes, conspiracy theorist, everybody-is-out-to-get-me crybaby that you are, you just stayed away and frequented other forums until they too got sick of your complete shit-posting and you came crawling back here to once again repeat your complete drama-queen bullshit.
Care to explain?
You know what? Never mind. You'll just spew out more complete bullshit without anything at all to back it up.
I know. Im just making others aware because they are lying hypocrites.
I know. Im just making others aware because they are lying hypocrites.
Are you suggesting that he is Tty?You sound like a vague wishy washy whiner.
You are what your record says you are.
You won't even state what you stand for when specifically asked. You cry and whine about mods and others and act like you have some entitlement here.
Whine me a river.
You are what your record says you are.
I've found riu to be the best site. They allow discussion. This site has vendors I trust. Peer review is a must. The other sites do not allow real discussion. I spend zero time there now. Riu is complete.
The discussuons in here have to follow the party line or they are subverted.
Its only this subforum i am complaining about. I am not allowed to offer my opinion without unruly attacks, deletions and banning from almost every politics thread. automatically. Its only this moderator and his protected babies.
And if i embarrass them enough banned from the whole site. But they are permitted to continue.
I am not including you in my negative posts. I dont fully agree with you but enjoy reading your info and opinions.
In fact i have only had this problem with known internet frauds pretending to be someone they are not and manipulate or worse take money from others dishonestly.
Funny how fogbuckdog got upset with me right away the first day while others talked to me just fine. Even welcomed me in.
And my first post agreed with buck. But he chose to attack me. I just tried to keep up. I did. I kept him up all night crying. They will never let it go.
And its obviously bad enough since they follow me to other subforums to post insults and lies even in grow threads that i feel the need to protest.
Used to be a lot more posters in here. Where did they all go?
Some are at thc farmer. And they all have the same story.
You are in denial. People all over this and other sites already know what i am saying to be true. Some confirming were here since the beginning and are moderators elsewhere now.
Some are previous advertisers.
It is a pretty well known fact. Why do you think none of them commented on my unfair banning post with the proof yesterday?
They cant shut up otherwise. They even have to answer comments the next day if they missed them from me.
Just like you. But you only have doubts. I dont think you are complaining to management.
Its obvious who is though.
Ahh the YKnee one is back
This forum was much too enjoyable now the Debbie Downer has returned all is a disaster