Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!

Back in the early 1970's I had a job at Boeing in Seattle. I started to laugh at a group of 5-6 "little people" dressed in hazmat suits that were eating in the company cafeteria. They looked kinda like umpa lumpas. My work foreman checked me quick and said those guys were all grade #6 aircraft mechanics and got paid almost twice as much as me (I was grade #3). They were recruited specially for their size and they worked inside the wings of aircraft sealing fuel cells.....I never laughed at them again...:oops:
You seem to be mistaken I'm dead serious I think it would be great
quit being such a bigot. Instead of eating just the rich, give the poor a shot!
I'm just quoting you, I don't care if you want to be a zealous cannibal who forces women to hazard bearing children against their will. I think they made a movie about your Christian society, it was called Soylent Green.

publishing a cartoon does not justify mass murder. Maybe one could say that they knew the risks if the crime came down in a Taliban tribal region. But not in France. Nope, disagree.

publishing a cartoon does not justify mass murder. Maybe one could say that they knew the risks if the crime came down in a Taliban tribal region. But not in France. Nope, disagree.
I agree it’s not justified but they did fucking ask for it

Ummmm...yeah. Sure. Right.

Post the first part of the statement:

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.

And who is Fusion GPS?

Well, they make shit up depending on who pays them. From the New York Times in January of 2018:

In practice, Fusion’s task has often translated, roughly, to finding unsavory things about unsavory people, at the behest of not-especially-savory clients. The firm often represents corporations, hedge funds or law firms, providing a sort of public-records forensics that resembles journalism. It leans on its understanding of the news media, and its contacts among reporters, to elevate its clients and squeeze their adversaries.

It's a hack site like the National Inquirer. They type whatever anybody pays them to type. The absolute fact of the matter is that we have no idea how many women, or men for that matter, are raped "crossing the border". Suprisingly, nobody ever reports anything of that kind because, well, you know, they're fucking illegal and don't go to the cops.

So anybody even posting any sort of "estimate" based on "research" really boils down to "what we think based on what the Trump administration paid us to say because that's what he said on the campaign trail".
I don't know about that but I do know that 100% of all Republicans support turning the mentally ill out onto the streets. In the kind of weather we had this week its not too different from shooting them in the head.

About how many mentally ill people have you housed in your house this year ? (not counting you)

About how many people are you willing to have shot in the head if they refuse to hand over control of their own lives and money to kowtow to your favorite politicians ideas?

holy shite they print their own coin!
Ummmm...yeah. Sure. Right.

Post the first part of the statement:

And who is Fusion GPS?

Well, they make shit up depending on who pays them. From the New York Times in January of 2018:

It's a hack site like the National Inquirer. They type whatever anybody pays them to type. The absolute fact of the matter is that we have no idea how many women, or men for that matter, are raped "crossing the border". Suprisingly, nobody ever reports anything of that kind because, well, you know, they're fucking illegal and don't go to the cops.

So anybody even posting any sort of "estimate" based on "research" really boils down to "what we think based on what the Trump administration paid us to say because that's what he said on the campaign trail".

Omg facts. Let the meltdown begin! Btw this has been reported across multiple news sites since 2014.....
Omg facts. Let the meltdown begin! Btw this has been reported across multiple news sites since 2014.....

And they all cite the same, failed, bogus, paid for source: Fusion GPS.

Other studies have shown rates varying so much that none of them are deemed credible. There's even a theory in Mexico that the Mexican government published a story about high rape rates to try to scare women out of migrating.

But they are in fact all just stories. There are no fact based figures behind any of it.
Wrong again.


When you bully somebody multiple times over the course of over a decade, and you are sued, then warned, then warned again, then they make good on the warning and burn your house down, but you just can't stop bullying them because you're a racist, Christian, asshole organization so you just keep on doing it, then they warn you one last time:

Stop, or you die.

And you still just can't stop bullying them because you enjoy pissing them off.

Then you die.

Sorry, but you are just as responsible for it as they are.

This isn't a case of a lady putting on a nice outfit and being assaulted.

This is a case of a predominantly Christian, nationalist newspaper that hates Muslims constantly offending them by doing the worst thing imaginable: publishing not only graven images of Muhammad, which is the highest sin there is in Islam, but publishing those images in the most defamatory, insulting, and racist manner possible.

Not once.

Not twice.

But dozens of times over a period of nearly two decades.

They were asked.

They were begged.

They were sued.

They were warned to stop.

They simply were having too much fun being racist bullies to let it go.

They fucking asked for it. And the Muslims gave it to them.
Islam is not a race, btw slaughtering people when there is no sharia law is un Islamic and accordingly they have sinned and will “feel the fire at their feet”.
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I never said it was.

The majority of the Muslims in France are Arab. It's racism along with religious intolerance.
No they are not mostly Arab, Muslims come from many races and countries, the Charlie Hebdo cartoons were mocking Islam not Arabs, some Arabs are Christians. What pissed off the terrorists were cartoons of Muhammad with his child bride Aisha.
I get you're very fucking slow, how about that?

The modern Democratic Party started around 1932 in the middle of the depression. The Southerners were racist, Democrats and Republicans.

When a southern president from Texas did the right thing (using his formidable political ability to convince the enough of the south to also do the right thing that JFK wanted), it happened.

Go look at the 1960 electoral map. And the 1964-68-72 maps and see if your fast brain notices that every southern state went from Democrat to Republican after they were forced to respect minorities.

Lyndon Johnson said at the time after passing the CRA, 'We just lost the south for 20 years.'

He may have miscalculated a bit.

Hey smart guy, who were the prominent Texas Democrats who were in the motorcade in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963?

A VP, governor and senator, all Texas Democrats.

After the CRA and VRA, why did all those states change? Some rebels must have got mad and started putting up Civil War statues.

I love that info you showed these people but not matter how you show them, They won't believe it. Although I did stick up for one, Someone said they eat shit sandwiches, I spoke up and said that is not true. and said they don't like Bread.
It was out for about 4 hours front page on Drudge Report only when it started going viral did CNN put it up

That's because Unlike all the other News Sources out here. CNN likes to get True FACTS. and try not to spread BUllshit, like FOX and Friends, and fox new
I love that info you showed these people but not matter how you show them, They won't believe it. Although I did stick up for one, Someone said they eat shit sandwiches, I spoke up and said that is not true. and said they don't like Bread.
I'm more skeptical ...I believe they will eat anything with Trumps scent on it