Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!

Back in the early 1970's I had a job at Boeing in Seattle. I started to laugh at a group of 5-6 "little people" dressed in hazmat suits that were eating in the company cafeteria. They looked kinda like umpa lumpas. My work foreman checked me quick and said those guys were all grade #6 aircraft mechanics and got paid almost twice as much as me (I was grade #3). They were recruited specially for their size and they worked inside the wings of aircraft sealing fuel cells.....I never laughed at them again...:oops:
That's fucking awesome!
Ah, so that makes it ok in your book.

Got it.

You shouldn't get moralistic with anyone else, considering how badly broken yours are.

I never said it was right.

You did.

I simply said they asked for it, and they did.

Two wrongs never make a right, but it does mitigate the judgment one should apply. They (Charlie Hebdo) were just as responsible for the situation getting out of hand as the Islamic people were.
I never said it was right.

You did.

I simply said they asked for it, and they did.

Two wrongs never make a right, but it does mitigate the judgment one should apply. They (Charlie Hebdo) were just as responsible for the situation getting out of hand as the Islamic people were.
Well, they asked for it.
That's exactly the same kind of thinking that says women deserve to get raped if they wear miniskirts.

That's exactly the same kind of thinking that says women deserve to get raped if they wear miniskirts.


Wrong again.


When you bully somebody multiple times over the course of over a decade, and you are sued, then warned, then warned again, then they make good on the warning and burn your house down, but you just can't stop bullying them because you're a racist, Christian, asshole organization so you just keep on doing it, then they warn you one last time:

Stop, or you die.

And you still just can't stop bullying them because you enjoy pissing them off.

Then you die.

Sorry, but you are just as responsible for it as they are.

This isn't a case of a lady putting on a nice outfit and being assaulted.

This is a case of a predominantly Christian, nationalist newspaper that hates Muslims constantly offending them by doing the worst thing imaginable: publishing not only graven images of Muhammad, which is the highest sin there is in Islam, but publishing those images in the most defamatory, insulting, and racist manner possible.

Not once.

Not twice.

But dozens of times over a period of nearly two decades.

They were asked.

They were begged.

They were sued.

They were warned to stop.

They simply were having too much fun being racist bullies to let it go.

They fucking asked for it. And the Muslims gave it to them.
I never said it was right.

You did.

I simply said they asked for it, and they did.

Two wrongs never make a right, but it does mitigate the judgment one should apply. They (Charlie Hebdo) were just as responsible for the situation getting out of hand as the Islamic people were.

publishing a cartoon does not justify mass murder. Maybe one could say that they knew the risks if the crime came down in a Taliban tribal region. But not in France. Nope, disagree.
Religious zealots kill people over cartoons. Remember Charlie Hebdo?
People that believe something deeply would be crushed to find out the truth. In science we have peer review. Religion none. Religions main goal is to spread itself. It could not exist without madrasas. People are being exterminated as we speak for not being the correct religion. Yemen and Palestine just to name a few. Imagine if some would leave the dark ages. I was raised church of christ. Speaking in tongues etc. I just didn't get it. My parents gave a lot of money to Jim and Tammy Baker they didn't have.
Instead of screaming non-sequiturs rather than address the facts behind a statement

How about if Republicans work with Democrats to find a solution to homelessness in the US?
turn half of them into Beyond Homeless® slurry and use it to feed the other half.

You idiots know the Lt. Governor is black, right? And there are 3 yrs. left in that term to get positive publicity.

So when Fairfax takes over after a resignation, are you going to bitch about that too?

And even if it wasn't racist and insensitive as fuck, what idiot would put fucking shoe polish on his face?

If I want to look like a clown, I'd just wear a Trump mask and say there's an emergency at the border.
You idiots know the Lt. Governor is black, right? And there are 3 yrs. left in that term to get positive publicity.

So when Fairfax takes over after a resignation, are you going to bitch about that too?
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And even if it wasn't racist and insensitive as fuck, what idiot would put fucking shoe polish on his face?

If I want to look like a clown, I'd just wear a Trump mask and say there's an emergency at the border.

You've got a problem with black people or something?