The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters

So i logged out right after my last post yday and haven’t read what’s been posted since. I had a bit of a think about my online behaviour and have come to the conclusion that everyone here is right, and it’s not “them” at all!! it’s ALL been me and MY fault!! I’ve been absolutely horrible, always attacking innocent people just trying to talk and hurling insults left right n centre, just an all round arsehole and I’m embarrassed it’s taken me this long to recognise just what sort of nasty person I really am!

I wish someone had told me when I first started posting in this thread that it’s more of an experienced growers with extensive knowledge only type “chit chat” thread. And that I should’ve been starting an entirely new thread each and every time I had a question concerning anything weed. I’ve been such an idiot for thinking that just cos I live and grow in Aus that I might be welcome in the “Aussie Growers” thread. Maybe if someone had explained that to me from the start all the abuse could’ve been saved and members wouldn’t have been forced to say things like “ya skinny dog, gutter rat, attention whore, crack whore, meth slut, slag, putrid cunt, dumb cunt, stupid mole, low life, bottom feeder, go suck some more cock for weed, I hope u get run in on and they steal all your weed”, etc etc. I can see now why I deserved it.

My behaviour has been appalling and I really am sorry. If I hadn’t attacked papasmurf for no reason at all then he wouldn’t have had reason to be making threats and wouldn’t have caught the mods attention. And I guess it’s also my fault that mods were even pointed in this direction cos if I wasn’t being such a total “slag” that day, ruby would never have felt the need to pm Rolli and insult him first, and then demand he bans the “toxic bitch”, ultimately leading to his being turtled too.

Fuck. If only someone had said straight out from the beginning “you’re not welcome here”, none of this would have happened! I’m ashamed of myself and I’m so sorry I’ve temporarily ruined what was once such a friendly group of Aussie men only, having their conversations without some stupid mole always trying to chime in!

Well what’s done is done and now all I can do is offer my sincerest apologies for being the trouble making attention whore and all round despicable person that Ive been! I’m sure 30 days is gonna fly and before u all know it the thread will be back to normal and how it should be without me around to constantly stir everyone up. Sorry!!

(Oh and a quick thank you to anyone who did take the time to respond to my stupid grow questions over the time. I really do appreciate it.)

I’m out.
It seems we always lose the good ones.
Leaving us with a residue of ... squirrel!!

that's what this moonshine was called "snake bite" nice smooth peach flavor with a kick of a mule....have to admit it was nice seeing the wife dance like she didn't care in the world with a J in her hand, especially with the afflictions she has...rather proud of her...
Suprisingly it's a patent remedy for Raynauds although my internist will not be amused by my dosing schedule.
Lately, she's been having what the call the MS hugs....simply explained is the squeezing of her chest with spazms.....during the week she told me she just wanted to "let go for a while" i said Challenge accepted lets see what i can last night picked up some moonshine, started the fire pit i have, she invited her sister and her friend.....and she let her hair down for a night......i was defintely surprised and very happy for go girl....