What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Lets see, welded up a bunch of columns to go into a stupid building on monday, which I'll be there to do, then came home and played with the pups. Made a trip to get some beer. Now I'm smoking, watching tv with the wife. trying to figure out what liquidizer product I want to try. So thats still something I'm trying to accomplish. Also trying to figure out why I have such a hard time getting along with people. Its definitely me, but Im not sure why its my natural instinct to push people away and not get along. I mean, i guess I know why, shitty time in childhood, yadda yadda yadda but I hate that I'm not "over it" or whatever. sorry RIU i'm a loner and just need to complain sometimes.

gonna wake up early tomorrow, make coffee, get some good Farcry 4 playing in. maybe go find a dewar style bubbler somewhere.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lets see, welded up a bunch of columns to go into a stupid building on monday, which I'll be there to do, then came home and played with the pups. Made a trip to get some beer. Now I'm smoking, watching tv with the wife. trying to figure out what liquidizer product I want to try. So thats still something I'm trying to accomplish. Also trying to figure out why I have such a hard time getting along with people. Its definitely me, but Im not sure why its my natural instinct to push people away and not get along. I mean, i guess I know why, shitty time in childhood, yadda yadda yadda but I hate that I'm not "over it" or whatever. sorry RIU i'm a loner and just need to complain sometimes.

gonna wake up early tomorrow, make coffee, get some good Farcry 4 playing in. maybe go find a dewar style bubbler somewhere.
Instead of liquidizer why not use CCell cartridges and smoke it without adding PEG, PG, or VG?


Well-Known Member
Instead of liquidizer why not use CCell cartridges and smoke it without adding PEG, PG, or VG?
because I flip them, pay my mortgage and more, and could give a fuck less about smoking pure distillate. Not like vaping pure distillate is great for you anyways. I do already use CCells, and I've been through this with you already.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
......snip... Also trying to figure out why I have such a hard time getting along with people. Its definitely me, but Im not sure why .snip...
Below is your answer.
because I flip them, pay my mortgage and more, and could give a fuck less about smoking pure distillate. Not like vaping pure distillate is great for you anyways. I do already use CCells, and I've been through this with you already.


Well-Known Member
when i was a kid, i used to sneak out of bed on sunday night and watch Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, the Young Ones, and Red Dwarf on pbs.....my mom would catch me out of bed every once in a while, but she would usually let me finish watching.....i was the only ten year old i ever knew who knew that Heidegger was a boozy beggar, or that Socrate's himself was permanently pissed....you smeg heads...
I always tuned in to see The Young Ones. They tripped me out.


Well-Known Member
because I flip them, pay my mortgage and more, and could give a fuck less about smoking pure distillate. Not like vaping pure distillate is great for you anyways. I do already use CCells, and I've been through this with you already.
If you were a ,”really big Jesus freak” you would recognize your hipocrocy. Now prove my point and lash out at me.

I grew up Around religion and always got a good laugh at how people really act outside of church. Lmao!! I no longer attend but I treat people with respect and that’s more than I can say about a wanna be Jesus freak..


Well-Known Member
If you were a ,”really big Jesus freak” you would recognize your hipocrocy. Now prove my point and lash out at me.

I grew up Around religion and always got a good laugh at how people really act outside of church. Lmao!! I no longer attend but I treat people with respect and that’s more than I can say about a wanna be Jesus freak..
hahaha opsec much? I have also had this conversation with them a few times now, where they just swoop in and offer their unsolicited advice despite having been told already what I'm using. So i'm fucking sick of her.