Has anyone ever lost a seed (fell on floor and couldn't find it )


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Staff member
A while back i lost a feminized White widow seed cause I accidentally wiped it offothe fridge. To this day it still bothers me anyone else ever have this happen to them. I tried looking for it never did find it
LOL I run seed tables. I've lost hundreds. It's like when you first start growing and you suddenly realize you don't need every last bit of weed. Now self a plant and you will never think of that seed again ;D

Good luck


Well-Known Member
no i am very careful because of how much im paying for seeds i don't want to risk that happening. i've had something similar happen to me in the past but it wasn't seeds. it was crickets i kept in my room to feed my jackson chameleon. knocked over the damn cricket bin and a few jumped out. couldn't find them for a few days. the damn chirping kept me up all night ( i usually keep the crickets in the hall way so i don't hear them but i bring the bin up to my room to feed ). surprisingly i found all of them. it's not easy to find them despite they are chirping


Well-Known Member
I've lost tons of seeds. In fact I see one on the floor right now. I make so many that some even end up getting swept up and tossed in the trash because I don't bother to pick them out of the dustpan.

T macc

Well-Known Member
Dropping them on carpet is the worse. I have a few seeds down there in the carpet somewhere.
You should water your carpet with a watering can lol jk

I lost a blunt when I was younger. Never saw it again =( but I did find a nug in my bed! And most recently behind a storage tote


Well-Known Member
If lost seeds. (Just bag seed). I've had a lot of run ins with mice. When I was younger I would hide my weed in a tile ceiling at my parents house. Reached up to get a quarter bag and it was gone. I just know it was mice. I was crushed. A quarter bag for a 16 year old is like a million dollars. Then 8 years later or so I had a half a joint hidden in my shop. The little shit heads sniffed and out and it was gone.


Well-Known Member
A while back i lost a feminized White widow seed cause I accidentally wiped it offothe fridge. To this day it still bothers me anyone else ever have this happen to them. I tried looking for it never did find it

It just happened last summer, my last Delahaze seed rolled off my desk into semi-shag carpeting. I got a hold of hand vac (Black and Decker), cleaned it out thoroughly, and vacuumed the area where it fell. Luckily is was collected in the dirt res and in the end I got a nice pheno out of it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
if you have a vacuum with a hose, get a pair of pantyhose, stretch a piece of the pantyhose over the vacuum hose, and run it all over the floor....if you don't find it...it's gone...


Well-Known Member
Yeah 16 years later .... still looking j/k
I had some real deal Thai Stick that gave me a seed ...I will put this on the desk and put away after this joint ...
I smoked the weed forgot about the seed and when I did remember it was GONE .


Well-Known Member
Yeah 16 years later .... still looking j/k
I had some real deal Thai Stick that gave me a seed ...I will put this on the desk and put away after this joint ...
I smoked the weed forgot about the seed and when I did remember it was GONE .
Oh btw so was the buzz .....double FUGG


LOL... Ha Ha... Thanks for this thread! Sure brings back some wonderful memories of a 1982 September Clash Concert in Toronto at the CNE! Though not a Cannabis Seed, I dropped a hit of Acid and was on my hands and knees for many minutes (sure seemed like all day, but it was a toilet break). So, on my hands and knees just outside one of the cans, I'm frantically am hunting around for this hit.
Then... I see a pair of Mounted Boots in my face! I look up (real slowly! Just like watching CBC's "Friendly Giant"). Up, Up Up go my eyes until we meet face to face, me on the ground, he standing proud!...
I pipe up "My Contact! I lost my contact lens"! (Pointing to my right eye)!
He turns around and signals to a group of Mounted Police "come over guys" he calls out. They block off a 20 foot radius around me, and 3 cops are on their hands and knees with me "Hunting" for my contact lens!
I started laughing so damn hard, I just had to get up and head to the can to relieve myself!
I left them on the ground still hunting for my contact lens, I walked right through them to get back to my seat at the concert!

Everyone had a pathetic laugh, and no one could believe what just transpired!

I just had to share this silly story! I guess only Canadian's who were born in the 60's or earlier will understand "The Friendly Giant" attachment to this story! Google it! Check out a few YouTubes to see how they Open and close each episode.

Thanks for refreshing those memories!