Va Governor Blackface or KKK robe? Your choice!


Well-Known Member
Is this where you say Democrats invented slavery and that Senator Byrd was a KKK wizard?

As if nothing can change in this world? Well maybe it's true that nothing will change for you but other people have brains that work.


Well-Known Member


"I didn't see the report from the intelligence," Trump said, before curiously adding, "When you read it, it is a lot different than what is covered in the news."

aaaahhhaaahaaahaaaaahhhaahaaaahhh, boy howdy that is really awful. If I had to defend a president who said that, I'd look deep into the past to find something else to use other than that man's words.


Well-Known Member
So no outrage to resign. I thought College and high school were no longer off limits. Do not forget who set that precedent..
Does not surprise me for a second the left are the most closed minded and intolerant.
This loser is having a bad week. Trying to allow infantcide and now this.
Not surprised old knuckedraggers like you two are obsessed with the distant past. I wouldn't want to talk about Trump in today's world either.

White House Abruptly Canceled Trump’s Meeting With Intel Chiefs
The cancellation came a day after top officials gave testimony to Congress seemingly contradicting key parts of the president’s foreign policy.

American presidents typically meet with their top intelligence officials—or with those officials’ deputies—every day to discuss pressing national security issues. During the Trump administration, it has not been unusual for the White House to cancel those sessions. The abruptness of this cancellation, however, was outside the norm.

The cancellation came a day after CIA Director Gina Haspel and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, along with a number of other senior intelligence officials, discussed their assessment of national security threats in a way that undermined a number of Trump’s recent claims.

Of course he cancelled. He might have actually learned something and then be answerable for a stupid decision.
Ha Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
thump does worse than this every day......he's a fraud and a traitor....lock him up
Tell me again about the party who favored the Dred Scott decision 7-2 that made slaves property,
who left the Union to protect slavery,
killed Lincoln once he got a Democrat VP to unite the nation,
hampered all reconstruction efforts,
segregated everything under Jim Crowe,
helped create and benefited from the KKK (both times),
fought Eisenhower and the SCOTUS chief Earl Warren after on Brown vs Board which forced him to send in the 101st to Little Rock, filibustered the 57 voting rights act,
filibuster the civil rights act of 1960,
filibustered the the Civil Rights act of 64 for 75 days (which only passed because of 80% GOP voted in favor).
the party of LBJs "war on poverty" which incentivized mothers to ditch fathers for more $
fights daily to kill preborn children (19 million (35%) of 60 million since 1973 of which are black)

Tell me about the Democrats again?
Tell me that bullshit again about how the parties switched
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Well-Known Member
Mitch McConnell, Enemy of the Vote
The Senate Majority Leader mocked a bill expanding ballot access while staying silent on foreign threats to our elections
