Your savior has arrived

i'm not a religious person. i just do not give a fuck. they can believe what ever they want, on their own time, as long as they don't start trying to make it an issue in their work. when they do, it's time to vote them out and vote in someone who gets the fucking point that church and state are separate entities that should not be combined.
everyone going on about how terrible christians are are just as bad as all the racist assholes who go on and on about how terrible muslims's a personal choice, mind your own fucking business and be tolerant for once in your judgmental little long as they leave the shit at home when they go to work.
I painted that brush on “Christianity” the religion. Plenty who try to live up to the positive image of the good christian they have. Those who would freak out if they’d actually read the bible front to back, openminded. And then argue those old testament parts of their omniscient omnipowerful God’s divine ultimate truth can be ignored.

Christianity is the belief God sacrificed God to God to save God's creation from God. Talking donkeys, lame disproven creation story, ordering to kill babies while being omnipotent and omnibenevolent (“the problem of evil”). Unconditional love with conditions. Zombie Jesus, not known to any scribes or historians when he lived, not written about till a hundred years plus later, for a book of which there are no originals, just copies of copies of poorly translated and edited copies.

The reason atheists don’t believe in Christianity is the same reason Christians don’t believe in hindu gods. Being a Christian requires constantly applying special pleading fallacies. Terrible excercise for the brain.

Besides having to accept ludicrous contradictory (thus against one of the three fundamental laws of thought) nonsense, christianity itself needs anti-intellectualism to survive. It’s a christian tradition from the start and doesn’t go well with maintaining integrity. Don’t eat the apple from the tree of knowledge.

Read Richard Hofstadter’s books (from 1963-65), an American historian who over 50 years ago already described the problem in America. Some of his stuff reads like it was written very recently.

Or.... watch Smallfoot :D
Good for deprogramming christian kids and teaching them to question everything.
EVERY religion is a tool that a small part of a population uses to control a larger portion of a population. the ones doing the controlling are the bad people...the ones who believe and try to be good people aren't doing anything wrong, besides using a crutch to get through their all of us do. it might be a better use of all our time to try to figure out why people need the crutch to begin offer them a better way to get the moral and emotional support they seem to need, so they don't need to invest themselves in mythology....and open themselves to that control to begin with
Says someone who never injects anything of value for either side into any conversation. I understand your mouth is full so often, that its hard to type let alone learn something other than how to rim.
i've yet to see one statement of any value from you in any thread you've posted in. you insult people that don't agree with your idiotic statements, and post ridiculous drivel to support your idiocy.....the only reason i don't ignore you is you have some small entertainment value...but your ratings are slipping
i've yet to see one statement of any value from you in any thread you've posted in. you insult people that don't agree with your idiotic statements, and post ridiculous drivel to support your idiocy.....the only reason i don't ignore you is you have some small entertainment value...but your ratings are slipping

I am devastated that such a self righteous know it all who absolutely knows nothing of me thinks such thoughts. Truly.
Evangelicals hate Catholics. The Irish had a heck of a time in early America. True evangelicals believe in an "awakening" experience or gawd isn't in your personal life. Religion in the last 200 years in America has changed due to Evangelical circuit riders. Thank evangelicals for being able to believe in no gawd!
I am devastated that such a self righteous know it all who absolutely knows nothing of me thinks such thoughts. Truly.
i know the persona you present to us, and i'm not impressed....i use extrapolation to work backwards to the person who would use such a persona....and again, not impressed....
if you'd care to give us a brief history of yourself, i'll read it, and perhaps change my opinion of you (although i doubt it)....till then, i'll work with what you give me to work with...which isn't impressive.....
i know the persona you present to us, and i'm not impressed....i use extrapolation to work backwards to the person who would use such a persona....and again, not impressed....
if you'd care to give us a brief history of yourself, i'll read it, and perhaps change my opinion of you (although i doubt it)....till then, i'll work with what you give me to work with...which isn't impressive.....

I never had an issue with you and actually think I was generally concerned in the past when you were dealing with the fires around your home and I would again if it happened to you. I don't or try not to disrespect anyone for just no reason Roger. Maybe you often come late to the game or whatever, it doesn't matter. You are entitled to feel the way you want. I have nothing to prove or win from you and will carry on just the same knowing you don't like me.
And even though not baptized the baptists believe he's saved. You must be born again!......
i'd like to think Lincoln was a little like myself. someone who had faith in a creator, but not much faith in those who claimed to have intimate relations with that creator.
someone who thought that the reason to do the right thing, was that it was the right thing...not because if you do the right thing, you get to go to a special place later, and get a cookie....
i don't really believe in the bible...but when i swear i prominently use the name of god and jesus both....why do i do that when i'm not sure jesus ever actually existed, and i'm certain that if he did, his father was a guy named joe, and not god? probably the same reason Lincoln used religious quotations, universal recognition, and the fact that at least some people will automatically react to opposite ends, to be sure, but the process starts the same way.
the knee jerk reactions through this whole thread are amusing....say God and some people salivate like pavlov's dogs...they just have to enlighten the ignorant....but it's hard to enlighten the ignorant when you're just as ignorant, operating from beliefs you don't understand any better than the religious understand their own religions....
I never had an issue with you and actually think I was generally concerned in the past when you were dealing with the fires around your home and I would again if it happened to you. I don't or try not to disrespect anyone for just no reason Roger. Maybe you often come late to the game or whatever, it doesn't matter. You are entitled to feel the way you want. I have nothing to prove or win from you and will carry on just the same knowing you don't like me.
thank you for your concern, and know that i don't personally dislike you, but i don't like a lot of the positions you take....there are very few people here that i actually dislike, and they know who they are. just because i don't agree with you doesn't mean i hate you.
and anything i post before noon my time is apt to be a little terse and blunt...takes me at least that long to get my humanity warmed up for the rest of the day....
i'd like to think Lincoln was a little like myself. someone who had faith in a creator, but not much faith in those who claimed to have intimate relations with that creator.
someone who thought that the reason to do the right thing, was that it was the right thing...not because if you do the right thing, you get to go to a special place later, and get a cookie....
i don't really believe in the bible...but when i swear i prominently use the name of god and jesus both....why do i do that when i'm not sure jesus ever actually existed, and i'm certain that if he did, his father was a guy named joe, and not god? probably the same reason Lincoln used religious quotations, universal recognition, and the fact that at least some people will automatically react to opposite ends, to be sure, but the process starts the same way.
the knee jerk reactions through this whole thread are amusing....say God and some people salivate like pavlov's dogs...they just have to enlighten the ignorant....but it's hard to enlighten the ignorant when you're just as ignorant, operating from beliefs you don't understand any better than the religious understand their own religions....
I am watching a nation reborn episode 3. It's going over Lincoln now. He rejected Baptists as a youth and believed god was personally unknowable. The Baptists southern and northern actually split over slavery. The south actually used the Bible to condone it. Amazing how things swing.
Washington, D.C.
September, 1862

The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party -- and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect His purpose. I am almost ready to say that this is probably true -- that God wills this contest, and wills that it shall not end yet. By his mere great power, on the minds of the now contestants, He could have either saved or destroyed the Union without a human contest. Yet the contest began. And, having begun He could give the final victory to either side any day. Yet the contest proceeds.

at one point in time i was very supportive of the Israelis, they had been persecuted, hunted, treated like shit most of their existence....
but their treatment of the Palestinians has not impressed me at all. instead of trying to be good neighbors, they've ignored them, and kept trying to force them out of the area. instead of embracing them, and trying to forge bonds, trying to be good neighbors, they've set up walls, gates, checkpoints, armed guards......
i do realize the Palestinians are about as guilty as the Israelis at this point...but i probably would be too, if a foreign government told me that i had to leave my families ancestoral home and turn it all over to a hereditary enemy....
so yeah....not so keen on the Israelis at the moment....
or trump..interfering in things he has no fucking understanding of....again...
Washington, D.C.
September, 1862

The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party -- and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are of the best adaptation to effect His purpose. I am almost ready to say that this is probably true -- that God wills this contest, and wills that it shall not end yet. By his mere great power, on the minds of the now contestants, He could have either saved or destroyed the Union without a human contest. Yet the contest began. And, having begun He could give the final victory to either side any day. Yet the contest proceeds.
God cannot take a direct hand in our lives and still give us free order for us to be responsible for ourselves, and the masters of our own fates, there can be no more deus ex machina.....or we're just toys for god's amusement. not one single person alive has the faintest idea if there is a god, what god's design for us is if god exists, what god wants......and ANYONE who says any different is either a liar, crazy, or badly mislead....
God cannot take a direct hand in our lives and still give us free order for us to be responsible for ourselves, and the masters of our own fates, there can be no more deus ex machina.....or we're just toys for god's amusement. not one single person alive has the faintest idea if there is a god, what god's design for us is if god exists, what god wants......and ANYONE who says any different is either a liar, crazy, or badly mislead....
Actually I don't believe. But I find it amazing. Now we are going through the American Jewish history. Briggs just brought up that Moses didn't write the first five books of the old testament. And he brought up things that don't make sense. That's when the inspired by god became. 1893. I just hate that so many lives of people just trying to get ahead have been lost due to beliefs. I don't mind what people believe. Just don't phuck up my world doing it.
at one point in time i was very supportive of the Israelis, they had been persecuted, hunted, treated like shit most of their existence....
but their treatment of the Palestinians has not impressed me at all. instead of trying to be good neighbors, they've ignored them, and kept trying to force them out of the area. instead of embracing them, and trying to forge bonds, trying to be good neighbors, they've set up walls, gates, checkpoints, armed guards......
i do realize the Palestinians are about as guilty as the Israelis at this point...but i probably would be too, if a foreign government told me that i had to leave my families ancestoral home and turn it all over to a hereditary enemy....
so yeah....not so keen on the Israelis at the moment....
or trump..interfering in things he has no fucking understanding of....again...
Even left and right sides of various religions fight each other. It seems some feel insecure when around people who are different. I myself have felt and watched that feeling in me. I've found in life to ask why I believe something the older I get. Things change as religion has. I would imagine if I was having land taken I'd be a bit p1ssed...