How many plants can I fit?


Active Member
I'm planning a growbox (limited space):
21.5"X48" 64" tall
400w hps
soil grow
first grow

I'm positive I can do two very nice plants in my space, but would it be worth it to try and squeeze three or four in there.

Strain recomendations for my situation would be appreciated too.


Active Member
you could easily do 8 plants it seems to me... try 8 plant grow in 1 gallon 10" pots with SOG or SCROG youre better off that way imho..


Well-Known Member
I'm a little reluctant to point out the obvious, but here goes: you could easily fit anywhere from 1 or 2 plants up to 32 plants in there! "How many?" is purely a function of "How big?" and "How big" you plan on growing is completely up to you. You could grow one "Big Monster" or SCROG a few - or do a "Sea-of-Green" with a whole lot of small plants.


Well-Known Member
if you made it 2ft by 4 ft that is 8 plants comfortablly.why not make it a whole foot rather than almost 2 ft but not quite? but they are all riht with it depend son how big,how long you veg,and what pots you use ask yourself what your goals are with it first and then figure it out based on the knowledge on this site


Active Member
if you made it 2ft by 4 ft that is 8 plants comfortablly.why not make it a whole foot rather than almost 2 ft but not quite? but they are all riht with it depend son how big,how long you veg,and what pots you use ask yourself what your goals are with it first and then figure it out based on the knowledge on this site

my width is limited to the 21.5" its in my attic thats the space between trusses (i think they are called trusses) that run the whole attic. Pretty shitty space to work with. I think a bunch of small plants will have a faster reward than a couple big ones.

oh and can i effectivly light this space with the one 400 watter?


Well-Known Member
That i dont know man for sure due to the 4ft width but im sure oyu can get by with it....actually beein in an attic and all i mean seeing how oyu have apparently a bunch of them spaces cause there are more than one trussell (i think on you should do a veg room with a 4 ft flourescent t5.that shit would ft in there perfectly as the 6 bulb is seriously like 20 1/12 inches think on some of them ive seen as i look for myself ya know. anyways you can do that and they are a little more than 4 feet though like 48 1/2 inches....anyways throwing that out there to think about.
but yeah the 400 might not cut it maybe invest in 2 150watters or some shit like that????


Well-Known Member
I think the best lighting would be 2 250's in there, but that's just me. And if I were you I would go SOG as well. I have a cabinet that is only 24"Wx15"D and I am planning on my next grow to have 12 plants going.


Well-Known Member
oh and with that height no need for anythign just cut the vegging time down bro...or the ones ive seen really produce great were the lst and scrog....sog does to but you need more plants in my opinion but may not be necesarry.
but with scrog and lst it really limits the heigth growing as sog jsut makes it concentrate on one single cola.