Hope7187 said the app date was Jan 2nd. If you scroll up a bit.When did you apply?
Hope7187 said the app date was Jan 2nd. If you scroll up a bit.When did you apply?
I applied electronically on 1/21/19 and got my provisional with QP tonight.When did you apply?
1.2.19 online.When did you apply?
ur guna get the paper card in the mail within 21 days..i applied oct 19th and still haven't got mine but i am pretty sure its in the mail and will be here tomorrow..they still arent printing cardsAgreed. My mailed in app from the end of October was finally approved (told that when I called) on 1/28 but yet I don’t get provisional access and get to wait for the printer. That and when I just registered to see if the provisional access link would work for me they had a letter in my email wrong. Hopefully that doesn’t make anything longer for me.
lucky u only 10 day wait..i waited 90 more daysI applied electronically on 1/21/19 and got my provisional with QP tonight.
Only bummer is no changing dispensary while on PA.
I’ve been following this thread for a few weeks now. Applied via mail (ugh) 12/20. A bit disheartened to see provisional rolling out but happy for the progress.
My medical documents are all less than 90 days old and the state hasn’t cashed my check. Wish I could get the go ahead to just put a stop payment on my check and reapply online but haven’t even attempted to call the state. Anyone have any info?
i used to live in lansing..what the hell happened to the farmers market at The Lansing Market and all the dispensaries down Cedar street??it went from 30 dispensaries to 6!!My shop is 4 miles from my door, and has some decent prices. Ounces of popcorn flower for under 275. Nice selection of Indica Doms too, I'm happy.
But can't wait to see what else the state has to offer. There is a few shops around my home town so I'm looking forward to visiting those shops when I visit home, that is whenever my card comes lol
I moved to Michigan a couple years ago to become a paitent. I loved their prices, and the ability to grow. But up there most shops let people touch and smell the nugs, and very few shops actually tested their product. Everything at my local shop now is tested, of course that drives the price up but I'm willing to pay for those test.
just means u havent done ur first visit to your dispensary yet..u will be active after today just like me!!!!finallyDoes anyone know what the status under the 'Verify a Registry Identification Card' link means? When I go to that page and enter the QP# that was on my PA letter, the status states "Inactive". Does this mean that I am not able to go to my assigned dispensary or does it just mean that I have not registered with my assigned dispensary since I just received the PA letter last night?
i used to live in lansing..what the hell happened to the farmers market at The Lansing Market and all the dispensaries down Cedar street??it went from 30 dispensaries to 6!!
there was this old guy i used to talk to at the farmers market and he had some really good shatter i would buy for $420 an oz. i cant find his number now!!! thanks for the info about town too..it was soooo good for a few years buying whatevr u wanted dirt cheap. i got 100mg edibles for $6 from anywhereThe state came in around Feb of 18 and shut down about 40 shops. That place included.
That place was all around super illegal, as anyone could come sell there. Technically you can't sell without a caregiver card, even then you have to submit info to the state which no one there did. Loved the prices though, and met some great growers I still speak with today.
But as for the rest, Most were out of zone (too close to school or church etc), others were not utilizing the seed to sale system (tracking of seeds to flower purchased) and the rest were operating in the grey market, they had submitted applications and we're open before approval.
It was crazy that month, you never knew who would be open as they were raiding shops all month long.
They ended up moving all the shops to one neighborhood on the edge of town, it went from 50+ shops to like 10 lol.