Dankonomics Genetics

No one ever asks me if I’m him. But he gets mistaken for me all the time. He is a terrible person and I’ve had my Instagram erased multiple times due to him and his friends. The reality though is I own the trademarks on my own company. And I shouldn’t have to deal with sabotage and such slimy tactics but the reality is another thing. So I wanted everyone to know and see this.
No one ever asks me if I’m him. But he gets mistaken for me all the time. He is a terrible person and I’ve had my Instagram erased multiple times due to him and his friends. The reality though is I own the trademarks on my own company. And I shouldn’t have to deal with sabotage and such slimy tactics but the reality is another thing. So I wanted everyone to know and see this.
I've been watching this on IG. I feel for you man, I'd be pissed. If it's not some clown selling bunk seeds, it's this kind of shit. They just keep popping up too, that train isn't stopping anytime soon. Maybe there will be a little more peace with the direction your headed in my man.
No one ever asks me if I’m him. But he gets mistaken for me all the time. He is a terrible person and I’ve had my Instagram erased multiple times due to him and his friends. The reality though is I own the trademarks on my own company. And I shouldn’t have to deal with sabotage and such slimy tactics but the reality is another thing. So I wanted everyone to know and see this.
This line pretty much says it all haha
I've been watching this on IG. I feel for you man, I'd be pissed. If it's not some clown selling bunk seeds, it's this kind of shit. They just keep popping up too, that train isn't stopping anytime soon. Maybe there will be a little more peace with the direction your headed in my man.
It’s whatever. Imagine how many customers of mine thought I was him. And how he responds to them. And yet I’m doing excellent. So just goes to show I could be doing better still. But I’m doing great despite people trying to sabotage me.
I re potted him up 3 weeks ago and he’s already ran through his nutrients and needs a boost to finish out. He’s super vigorous and has excellent frost and huge flowers and the identical smell to his mother purple stardawg. Stardawg #2 male was his father. But he likes to lay back allow the mom to shine and add beef to his progeny. Coffee and cream, sweet wine grape fuel smell. He’s showing some purple color too and I couldn’t be happier with him. He should really lock down the purple stardawg pheno and improve it from the F1 cut. The f2 keepers are very similar but have even more fuely chem richness added from the stardawg 2s side. My f2 cut is even better growing and smokes better and still retains all the f1s best qualities. By f3 these should be a really stable line both as a grower and breeder. The ix I make should pop out improvements as well otherwise identical to Mom. A backcross in-line to try another direction with the line. The f3 are my future breeding stock. And will not be released.
I re potted him up 3 weeks ago and he’s already ran through his nutrients and needs a boost to finish out. He’s super vigorous and has excellent frost and huge flowers and the identical smell to his mother purple stardawg. Stardawg #2 male was his father. But he likes to lay back allow the mom to shine and add beef to his progeny. Coffee and cream, sweet wine grape fuel smell. He’s showing some purple color too and I couldn’t be happier with him. He should really lock down the purple stardawg pheno and improve it from the F1 cut. The f2 keepers are very similar but have even more fuely chem richness added from the stardawg 2s side. My f2 cut is even better growing and smokes better and still retains all the f1s best qualities. By f3 these should be a really stable line both as a grower and breeder. The ix I make should pop out improvements as well otherwise identical to Mom. A backcross in-line to try another direction with the line. The f3 are my future breeding stock. And will not be released.
Looks like a stud! Do you not release the F3's in order to be able to let go of the parents (so you dont have to keep parent around for yrs at a time to continue breeding with)? I've been curious as to what breeders do at a certain point.
Looks like a stud! Do you not release the F3's in order to be able to let go of the parents (so you dont have to keep parent around for yrs at a time to continue breeding with)? I've been curious as to what breeders do at a certain point.
The F1 cut I’m keeping and him and his standout sister. I breed to narrow the pool into the direction I want with a line. I could care less about who’s got what because I’m the breeder of these. I have thousands of f2s still. I haven’t even shucked the #9 males f2 with her yet lol. I have 2 others as well I hit to her for f2s. So I’m not very insecure about her lol like you see often with breeders. I keep the f3 because those are my future breeding stock. Those will be incredibly stable and improved from the F1. I passed the F1 cut out awhile ago. I gave her to some ppl and said no selling it. But that didn’t work lol. That’s the only thing I don’t like. Clone sellers who don’t care about your wishes to make a fast buck on your work. And yeah I can lose the F1 cut or f2 cut and not be concerned. Even though I could get the F1 back. The f2 I’m not passing around though. The F1 is the one I am. I could sell cuts of it when I have my rec license soon. But I would not sell others cuts. Only my own finds I feel is the way it should be done. I don’t like selling cuts though so I won’t be more then likely anytime soon. I’d rather pass them freely to my friends instead and their friends too. The cool people chain
9 of 10 plants in my flower tent are from Dankonomics. Here's an update around day 19 of flower. The Creme Fraische on the right were all moved in there last night after I took clones. Hopefully I end up with some nice females.

This past year I've grown out GG4 s1's, Black Forest Cake, and Banana Glue. All were fire.
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