Green's Gorilla Glue #4


Well-Known Member
You got 14 inches easy
that was exactly my goal! to end up with 10-14 inch colas, now I just need to adjust my veg time slightly to fill 100% of my net, I've got a few inches on the outside that didn't get filled, but over all I'm very happy, she's super healthy and pretty green color, and she is starting to drink like a dam fish, my Rez is running empty in about a week rather than 2, I'm assumption is that she's just so big, she requires a lot more water!
This Mofo has paid to silence my voice. He has sold me hermies of the worst nature. Pure. Hermies. He doenst take any effort in his product and expects that all customers took it upon themselves to accept punishment via reality than do the actual effortless work to stabilize a strain.

Do not trust this loser. He is cheating you. He wants money and nothing else.. and he will scam for short periods to make millions.. dont make the mistake!!


Well-Known Member
This Mofo has paid to silence my voice. He has sold me hermies of the worst nature. Pure. Hermies. He doenst take any effort in his product and expects that all customers took it upon themselves to accept punishment via reality than do the actual effortless work to stabilize a strain.

Do not trust this loser. He is cheating you. He wants money and nothing else.. and he will scam for short periods to make millions.. dont make the mistake!!
who in the hell are you? I don't sell anything, to anyone, and I dam sure didn't sell you any hermies? wtf. lol


Well-Known Member
I mean shit, I don't even grow any males, or breed or self or any of that shit, I've never sold anything to anyone, so u mind getting the fuck out my thread? u must have me confused with someone else!


Well-Known Member
and besides the point. heisen doesn't even have anything ready yet! he sent out stuff for free bc it was untested and not ready, THAT'S WHY IT WAS FREE! so how in the hell can this dude go around making those accusations, when his product isn't even ready for sales, and he's flat out said that! lmfao, I mean dam, these guys ain't got shit better to do than just shit all over everyone else's work! shit man get a life, and go work on a project of your own rather than trying to break someone else down! I will never understand these dam ppl! it seems the trolls are multiplying!


Well-Known Member
and besides the point. heisen doesn't even have anything ready yet! he sent out stuff for free bc it was untested and not ready, THAT'S WHY IT WAS FREE! so how in the hell can this dude go around making those accusations, when his product isn't even ready for sales, and he's flat out said that! lmfao, I mean dam, these guys ain't got shit better to do than just shit all over everyone else's work! shit man get a life, and go work on a project of your own rather than trying to break someone else down! I will never understand these dam ppl! it seems the trolls are multiplying!
don't waste your energy on trying to understand, just laugh and forget about it :)


Well-Known Member
and besides the point. heisen doesn't even have anything ready yet! he sent out stuff for free bc it was untested and not ready, THAT'S WHY IT WAS FREE! so how in the hell can this dude go around making those accusations, when his product isn't even ready for sales, and he's flat out said that! lmfao, I mean dam, these guys ain't got shit better to do than just shit all over everyone else's work! shit man get a life, and go work on a project of your own rather than trying to break someone else down! I will never understand these dam ppl! it seems the trolls are multiplying!
I hurt his feelings on another forum. Dudes a suck ass grower with nothing else better to do.
Guess he thought I was joke and now he seeing my shit all coming together doing exactly what I said I was gonna do and he cant handle it.
That cuts you got is the real bro and dont let this clown distract you. 6 months this dude gonna be making purchases at


Well-Known Member
I hurt his feelings on another forum. Dudes a suck ass grower with nothing else better to do.
Guess he thought I was joke and now he seeing my shit all coming together doing exactly what I said I was gonna do and he cant handle it.
That cuts you got is the real bro and dont let this clown distract you. 6 months this dude gonna be making purchases at
lol I'm ready to make a dam purchase lol, I wanna try some of the mac crosses, and maybe a few of the others that ur keepin hidden from everyone lol!


Well-Known Member
lol I'm ready to make a dam purchase lol, I wanna try some of the mac crosses, and maybe a few of the others that ur keepin hidden from everyone lol!
Me also, I wished I had gotten more from Heisen than just the WC. It was my loss, that WC he has, is one of a kind!
That is, those "random" weeks when I had her "1/2 ass'd" dialed in. Can't imagine what it will look like when I get it right. lol
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Well-Known Member
Me also, I wished I had gotten more from Heisen than just the WC. It was my loss, that WC he has, is one of a kind!
That is, those "random" weeks when I had her "1/2 ass'd" dialed in. Can't imagine what it will look like when I get it right. lol
yea I'm hoping the crosses are just as good but a lot more forgiving!


Well-Known Member
trying to get new pics, at lights out!

but dam it's day 18 of flower(since 12/12 flip) the buds have barley even started to form, and I'm already looking at the start of frost rails! or what ever the dam name of it is, I can't remember! but none of my other plants have trics like this. (or even at all for that matter) I could if I wanted, harvest right now, run through some bubble bags and actually get something off it! I won't, obviously that's stupid and a waste! but still the fact that it's already forming trics running down the leaves is crazy! I was told this strain would change my life! I took that statement with a grain of salt, but still each day this plant still surprises me!

she is still stretching, but a lot slower, I have about 6-7 inch stalks coming out the net, few more inches and I'll be very satisfied with height! for my first time running this strain, I've very pleased with myself, amd my technique with the sip, and mostly the strain it self! super happy grower!

but I really think the sip, has a lot more to do with it than the strain! she's an extremely fast grower for being a clone, but all the other cuts in regular pots are not impressing me the way the gg4 in the sip is!

I truly hope some of you living organic guys will give this method a shot! I'd be willing to bet my left nut, that after one run you will be switching like me! don't do anything different take your existing living soil, make a sip like I did for less than 20 bucks! plain em1 and water in the rez and top dress with grokashi! I swear on my first born, that if you try this! you will as happy and excited as I am! the growth is almost as fast and big as hydro! literally zero fucking work! easiest dam grow I've done in 5 years! and by far the most successful of my entire life! here's a link to my diy sip, has measurements, and everything u need to build it exactly like mine, or just take my ideas and make them your own! just make sure to post the results! I'd love to improve my design!
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Well-Known Member
got a Lil taste for yall!

also wanna tell a quick story, it's about 2 jelly pie cuts, and how I only had one sip extra built, so only one of the three could achieve greatness! lol

first pic is of the day all three were the same size age, and health!
next pic shows the one that was chosen for the sip, and still looking the same size!
and the third pic shows, how successful this sip pot really is! the other 2 jp clones are the tiny Lil things hidden to the right of that monster!

and last is just a far shot, of the entire 5x5, only 1 plant is in a sip! 9 plants total, next grow will be only 4 grils all in sip pots, just gunna have to do some serious training to control them! may even start flower when they are smaller!

if I wasn't a wasteful person, I'd go outside and burn every smart pot I've ever bought! but Im going to hang on to them, bc you never know, I don't like to waste and I don't like to kill girls either bc of lack of space, so it's possible I may throw an extra girl into a smart pot again, and just set it off to the side and let it flower! if I have to, rather than killing it!


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Well-Known Member
I have had ppl say that sips only grow bigger and faster bc of the space that's the roots have! well that's a 18g tote! after I cut the top to make a floor and rez, my guess is maybe 12g left! the smart pots are #10! so there really isn't that much a difference in dirt that it holds!!

I've also had ppl tell me it's bc it's a sip, the plant and soil drink what they want when they want, without any human error! (as in over or underwatering)

now that part I agree with, but with results like this! it has to be more than just that, I believe its a combination of everything! the sip, the space, the probiotic method, and just the way this design supports and helps the microbial life not only survive but FLOURISH! but all I know for sure, is that this is BY FAR the most easiest and successful way (not to mention fool proof) I have ever seen anyone grow personally with my own eyes! I've checked out a few grows, and I've been growing for years myself! and I've never seen results like this, other than with hydro and having things perfectly dialed in! but organics taste the best! and hydro is just a shit ton of work, and not even to mention the cost of meters, and nutrients, and equipment! also you must check it daily! if not more! if a pump goes out ur girls die! of you mess up the amounts your girls die! this probiotic sip thing is so forgiving, I could pull a @Heisenbeans and piss all over this girl, and the life would just fix it on its own! if you guys don't know what I'm talking about, YouTube Heisen, and best Greenpoint nutrients! lol. I'm still laughing at that shit...

sorry if I'm babbling on but I feel like I just discovered the gspot for the first time! it's absolutely amazing! I hope I can convince at least one of you to give this a shot! it will be the only way I grow for the rest of my life! I just want to share this with everyone!
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Well-Known Member
two more things,

1 a good friend sent me some of these "gromets" and gave me this incredible idea, I won't put him on blast but he knows who he is, his idea worked flawlessly! took a Lil work, and messing up a few times! but dam this is great, my problem was being able to tell if the sip is empty or dry, and how much the girl was drinking at any Givin time! well here's the results!

behind the middle piece of tape, is my overflow hole, hard to see, but I added that small piece of tape to know when to stop filling! also I THINK that 1 inch space gap between the highest water lvl, and the lvl of the floor(where the soil sits) I THINK it's very important, can't prove it, but I've heard some things! I wouldnt do it without that "air gap". besides it prevents anything leaking from where I shoved the pvc pipe through the tote!

and for those of you that just don't give a shit about the sip pot or organics, and are only following along to see the gg4, here ya go, pic taken a few min ago, clearly the lights aren't out, but what I did was put my sun glasses over the cam, and set the cam settings to "incandescent"(it's a setting on my phone camera)

it's the morning of day 19 flower, since flip of 12/12. will post more and better pics at lights out, this trick only works well with pics taken from about 5-6 feet away!

also I swapped out the second led, bc it was just garbage, and half the lights weren't working, so to keep things even I had this big ass CFL laying around decided to replace it with that, I've been rotating the lights around and also swapping sides to keep things even, the hps, stays where's it at always!20190119_045850.jpg
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Well-Known Member
the pics at lights out that I promised, and also you can see the frost rails that I was talking about, very impressed to see this much tric growth this early in flower! out of 10 other girls growing none have the amount of trics, that this one does, once again morning of day 19 flower since 12/12 flip!

CM190119-062745002.jpg CM190119-062843005.jpg CM190119-062952009.jpg CM190119-063042011.jpg CM190119-062921006.jpg


Well-Known Member
dam I posted a lot this morning, lol guess I'm just a little bit too excited! almost filled a whole page, with just my post lol! oh well hope yall enjoy!

oops forgot one...

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Well-Known Member
You could try using a 3" holesaw and a 3" net cup. The cup has a rim that will catch the edge, and it fits perfectly in the 3" hole. The nice thing about net cups is that they're open all the way around, so it'd work very well for wicking.
btw, your net pot idea works amazing, but I do add some cheese cloth to the net pot, bc of the amount of holes and space, the soil is always falling through and filling up the rez! but another change I've made is adding A LOT of very small holes in the bottom of the floor (the lid that I used to make the floor above the rez, that the soil sits on) I believe this will help give me more "water roots" and also more ways for air to move its way up and into the middle of the soil!