Wudaheo first grow Blueberry DWC

BRAVO!!! I just stumbled on your journal looking for pics of blueberries in bloom. Very impressive. I'm crossing my fingers and toes for your little ones. Hat's off....

I'll be watching. :D
Hey Wud, are you using tap water? I'm thinking of switching mine to a 10 gal reservior, about how far up in the tank do you keep the water level at? And when do you start to add more water if it gets too low?

Also can I find a water pump like yours at home depot? If so what isle can I find it in. Thanks

Each time I fill my tubs I give it about 1/2" space under my net pot and I had the water level drop down to 1" aslong as it making bubbles and wetting the roots it should be ok.

Yes I have been using tap water. I just fill up 5 gallon containers and let it stay for a day so the chlorine evaporates? I also add an airstone in there I think it helps evaporate chlorine faster.

You can find small water pump at most pet stores, some walmart and target sells aquarium pumps too. cost like $10. For the air pumps I suggest getting one with dual diaphram 2 outlets cost like under $20. The stronger the pump the more bubbles u can get.

I will set my timer to 12/12 tommorow night after the lights go off! They are growing too fast.
Day 5 Flowering - I popped in my HPS bulb and set the timer to 12/12 last Thursday. The hps doesn't seem so bright compared to the eye blinding metal halide.

Anyways I noticed one of the leaf had black spots on them. I took a closer look at the leafs and noticed lil bugs on there. They were thrips!? I removed the leave and haven't seen any more of them for now. So black spots = bug poop!

No postive I.D. on the sex of the plants yet. I swore I saw some hair like things indicating female on the mutant plant .. its really small so it's just probably my mind wish it was. And my darn bucket system barely got shipped today! I ordered it last weekend! Also my damn nutrients for flowering haven't ship yet!? The store isn't replying to my emails and its been like 2 week!! I really need them soon.. the roots are getting really big and the plants use like 1g of water each day?!? I'm getting tired of refilling them with 5 gallons of water every couple of days. It hasn't even been hot for the last week or so here in southern cali.

Water PH been changing alot since flowering. It dropped down to 4.5ph a couple times overnight after I got it back up to 5.5-5.9 PH. As for the EC its been at 2 EC all the time.

Anyways I type too much...


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Bad news..
Just got emailed today that my entire order of flowering nutrients is backstocked..the is after 2 weeks from payment. So I told them to cancell it. Then I just ordered from another seller and hopefully will arrive by Monday.

Good news..
I guess I was right about seeing little hairs. After a closer look with my 10x loupe I was correct! Whats cool is i can hold it infront of my camera for closeup pics lol. I can't wait to take close up pics of trichomes. I had a 30x one but I can't find it.The loupes only cost $5.


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dude wtf are those bugs?!?! are they like tiny snails? wtF?!?! i need to know i hope mine don't grow those ahhh

The ones i had were larvae. I found pics of there growth stage.

From some site..
"Thrips are also very, very small and go easily unnoticed. Thrips are also sap suckers. One clue that you have them is the spots of shiny residue they leave on your leaves after feeding on sap. Unlike mites, which are basically round, thrips are oval...the shape of a very tiny grain of rice. They do not tend to gather together in the numbers that spider mites achieve."

"Outdoors, thrips are only a problem for about 6 weeks, around August and September. This is the time you are most likely to get them. Again, a 30x magnifying scope is very handy for taking a good look. Their appearance changes a little as they develop, so here they all are. They are usually a tan, or white, or yellowish color. Finally, thrips spend part of their life in the soil, so you will notice some kind of jumping or flying activity at the soil level if you have these indoor garden pests."

Here some pics from couple days ago. (day 21 of flowering)
So only 1 plant is female and my 2 clones from it died already. :cry:

The buds are starting to grow i'm not sure how big they suppose to be at this stage. But alot of my lower leaves are turning yellow and falling off.

I might move the plant into a bigger 5g bucket! Right now its in a 2.5g bucket.
The bucket is pretty much overloaded with roots. I should take a picture of the roots later.


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very healthy for 21 days! congrats

im sorry to hear about your clones. have you thought about regenerating your lady?

its a good option if you have no clones or seeds.
very healthy for 21 days! congrats

im sorry to hear about your clones. have you thought about regenerating your lady?

Its a good option if you have no clones or seeds.

I will just grow from feminized seeds for my 2nd grow. I already have some feminized white berry and strawberry cough seeds waiting. Hopefully I can clone those.

I also had another experimental blueberry growing on the side with 3 CFL light. It barely grew only like 6" after a month. So i just threw it in the flowering room. So yea to me CFL alone is a joke lol. I'll stick with T5 High Output bulbs.
Day 27
Buds getting bigger!

I haven't received my big bud liquid flowering booster.
Can't wait to see how big they get once I add that.

Another thing to note is there is absolutely no odor from the flowering plant... yet.


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Nice! 1/2 way there on that berry. I've heard that they finish in 7 1/2 weeks under HID. Keep it up.
Day 38
Too lazy to take pictures.. stupid camera battery needs recharging anyways.

Overall buds still looking good. Looks like maybe an ounce once dried from the first blueberry. I couldn't resist it so I broke one of the lower branches off with some small nuggets on it to sample :hump: I let it dried for 5 days then smoked it. I just wanted to see what it taste like but it didn't taste like berry but it was smooth. I was surprised I got a little head high from it.

I'm not sure if this is normal during flowering but after added new water/nutrients some of the leaves are turning yellow with green veins then the tips dry out. Oh I still haven't received my flowering boosters from Advanced Nutrients. They need to get there shit straight. It's been like 3 weeks since I ordered.

I'll try to take some close up pictures of the trichomes with my ghetto camera later this week and also will be germinating my white berry and strawberry cough seed.
Day 41
Took some pictures today after work.
Its hard to tell but some of the leaves are turning yellow and dying out at the tips.
I already flushed out the system with new water twice so I hope she survive for another 2 weeks.

Oh and there is still absolutely no smell of cannabis which is very good :hump:


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Plants look amazing good work...
I was also wondering is it possible to run that dwc without the dripper before plants show roots?
wow this is your first grow?

they look fucking beautiful. during a flush the leaves can change all kinds of colors as the nutrients are drained out of them... all perfectly normal though and looks pretty cool imo.

jesus loves you.
Plants look amazing good work...
I was also wondering is it possible to run that dwc without the dripper before plants show roots?

I think as long as the roots are moist from the bubbles you don't really need the dripper. You can manually water daily from top to be safe.