Furloughed Federal Employees are Still Paid More Than You

I am not sure what is worse. Stealing money from everyone to house degenerates.


Making money off the degeneracy of morons.

What do you all say? Bring back banishment?

We already do it to the homeless.
I am not sure what is worse. Stealing money from everyone to house degenerates.


Making money off the degeneracy of morons.

What do you all say? Bring back banishment?

We already do it to the homeless.
I'm not sure what's worse

Wasting 12 years of tax revenues to give you the opportunity to learn


Public assistance to "treat" the drug habit you developed while wasting tax money sending you to school
I am not sure what is worse. Stealing money from everyone to house degenerates.


Making money off the degeneracy of morons.

What do you all say? Bring back banishment?

We already do it to the homeless.
You don’t even pay taxes

Sit this one out white pride guy
I am not sure what is worse. Stealing money from everyone to house degenerates.


Making money off the degeneracy of morons.

What do you all say? Bring back banishment?

We already do it to the homeless.
You should stop.
No comprendo?

Do you believe promoting banishment is going to save your lot in life?

Tough question for you, considering there's a group of people somewhere in your leadership that has placed you on such a low life scumbag mission.
Do you believe promoting banishment is going to save your lot in life?

Tough question for you, considering there's a group of people somewhere in your leadership that has placed you on such a low life scumbag mission.

Is banishment going to save tax payers and prisoners a live of enslavement?
One Nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.

Boring to the spoiled.
Tell that to your homeless neighbors.

The pledge of allegiance isn't a law bro. In fact the supreme court ruled it cannot be used to compel speech.


What is constitutional about taxing(stealing) from poor people to house murderers, rapists, and other nasty perverts, that you identify with?

Banishment would solve two problems at once.

Get rid of your friends at the con college. Permanently.
decrease the national deficit.

I mean with all the money saved from tearing down the prisons we could build an even BIGGER wall. With lazers and sharknados.