Aussie Growers Thread

@Venus55 Theres LED ones you can buy from Kmart camping section for 2 bucks each they look just like a light bulb but weigh nothing run on batteries and fairly bright with a clip on em for easy hanging.
I use em in my shed have Bout 5 would go really good in a tent.
I’ve had major disaster today. I had to untie everything on the one that snapped so I could move it and the whole fucking thing is just sorta askew all leaning to one direction which is just weird. I’m not even showing a pic cos it’s all sorts of fucked up. I’ve ended up having to chop half the branches off cos they were just all twisted and shits everywhere it’s hard to explain. I shouldve stuck to the 52Ltr pots I reckon. Something’s just not right. *(They’re far too big for their pots). There’s no way in hell those other ones will ever see the inside of that room! Fuck that.
I keep thinking damn serves me right for tooting my own horn the way I did. Always the way.

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What sort of return you get? As in how much rosin per gram do you get?

I tried rosin using a hair straightener and clamps but the returns were not large enough for me to go any further with it.

Wondering if its better with a press like yours
I would say it def depends on the type of weed, but I’m going to squash a quarter I’ll let u know what sorta return I get. I squashed a .7 nug and what I had come out looked like enough for a good dab, ive got collecting tools and a mat, so should make things abit easier
Yesterday was fucked lol no rui all day well from 2 til 9 anyways. That tb4 is soo strong, one cone was all I needed to pass the fuck out last night, I would say this butter the strongest, I don’t get the same throat tickle off any other strains.
Ha I just caught that copycat genetic dude out hard on the greenpoint thread he posts all these pics saying the real copycat genetics, anyways his fourth pic down is tropicanna cookies f2, image is flipped and cropped and enhanced in photoshop but i have a keen eye for trop buds atm and I got the fucker, reported for being a snake cunt.
Ha I just caught that copycat genetic dude out hard on the greenpoint thread he posts all these pics saying the real copycat genetics, anyways his fourth pic down is tropicanna cookies f2, image is flipped and cropped and enhanced in photoshop but i have a keen eye for trop buds atm and I got the fucker, reported for being a snake cunt.
You snitched on him ?
Ha I just caught that copycat genetic dude out hard on the greenpoint thread he posts all these pics saying the real copycat genetics, anyways his fourth pic down is tropicanna cookies f2, image is flipped and cropped and enhanced in photoshop but i have a keen eye for trop buds atm and I got the fucker, reported for being a snake cunt.
Well spotted though
+Rep for that
if I have just stopped the wanker from scamming some poor cunt out of his money like I got scammed, is it snitching? I like to think of it more of passing on information that could benefit anyone not looking to get scammed lol
Reporting is the same as snitching,calling someone out for being a their and a scammer isn't.
If someone is stupid enough to buy beans from a guy called "Copy Cat Genetics" then let them get scammed
Yesterday was fucked lol no rui all day well from 2 til 9 anyways. That tb4 is soo strong, one cone was all I needed to pass the fuck out last night, I would say this butter the strongest, I don’t get the same throat tickle off any other strains.
I didn't even know it was down dont you have a life on a Saturday lol
Reporting is the same as snitching,calling someone out for being a their and a scammer isn't.
If someone is stupid enough to buy beans from a guy called "Copy Cat Genetics" then let them get scammed
tru tru

I didn't even know it was down dont you have a life on a Saturday lol
nope no life man, I don’t have many friends these days, but it’s a choice I chose