Redeyedfrogs Aussie outdoor 2018 grow

It's looking pretty damb good after a slow start shes gone past the others looking like blue og again. I reckon I'll get double last years haul which was about 4 oz
Had to tie the girls down getting too big lol. Blue og being the largest of the lot. Going to get some great lateral budsite development on those branches by opening up the canopies to let more light in. I'd say at this stage these are my biggest in pots to date bar the Burmese kush and mk ultra
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Dude I'm stretching hard now! These fuckers are gonna climb up the fence and over lol.tallest one was 2.4 meters I really hope I'm in stretch anyways lol the only one not going crazy is Burmese.
Chemdog #4 is the star of the show this season perfect structure just everything about it is good, easy to grow loves a good feed recovers well heat doesnt bother it at all, hopefully the smoke is good lol.
These 45 gallon pots are making a huge difference over the 30s I mean huge if I dont average 10 to 12 oz per plant it will be a disappointment
So everything's just falling into place, all the gals are throwing hairs like crazy, I'm all tied down and there are just going to be dozens and dozens of buds sites on these ladies They are all flat topped spread out and the interior of the canopy is filling out beautifully (except holy grail)
Have had to flush a few times as I dont even need to feed these girls anything the soil is just doing its thing and any extra I add is just too much lol so just a seaweed foliar some lacto and silica, I've had to cut supplemental feeding of worm tea, guano, seaweed down to 25 percent and that seems to be the sweet spot. And I cant even look at others pics because I started 4 to 6 weeks later late October due to a major fuckup that was my fault totally lol it was mass murder.
What I can say is for my late start and a ph issue that stunted them for 2 weeks these gals are amazing 3 out of 5 are outstanding being blue OG mk ultra and chemdog#4, those 3 take up the space of 4 normally, I am totally convinced that organic growing is a superior way to grow
But a bit trickier getting the balance right but once you do its bang on autopilot almost, I've found praying mantis ladybugs spiders guarding my gals so I know there's some pest but its balanced with predators and besides a mild oil or soap spray I leave them alone and let nature do her thing besides the odd squished Caterpillar lol, if u look real hatd in the first pic you can see the 2 autos, what a waste of time!20190114_095154.jpg 20190114_095109.jpg 20190114_095136.jpg 20190114_095043.jpg 20190114_095029.jpg 20190114_095019.jpg