They are drying, and the samples I've taken are very promising in effect and taste. I harvested during 2 weeks, but I haven't any picture. I'm going to plant more soon.
Well, it's been a time without news. But I've started smoking the first buds after a very short curing and they are tasty. I've found some very nice earthy tasting ones, and I've sprouted seeds again. I'm going to be more careful this time and I'm sorting the different males I've used to check the best progeny.
These are some of the buds under the winter sun. There is a lot of resin in all the leaves.
These are the Taskentis I planted some days ago, they are still sprouting.
This is a Taskenti F2 from the 2008 run. I've found some signs of endogamy in this line and I have discarded many plants, but it still produces very interesting individuals, with the strongest flavor and effect. I have cuts of this one, just in case.
This one has been flowering for less than 5 weeks.
I've been quite busy these weeks, that's why I didn't post much. But I'm back.
These are mostly SADxTaskenti. I've already culled the males, and I've given them more vegetative time in order to get a better production than last time.
I think I'm in the good way to make the most of the COB lights. These plants are about 60 cm tall, and have been at 12/12 for two weeks. They are fast flowering and they have already started to make flower clusters.
There are also a couple of Black Domina (the shortest ones) and a Bella Mextiza in the right side that stands out for its sativish shape.
Sorry for the bad picture quality, I'll try to improve it next time. I made a picture with the lights off just to have a better impression of their real color.
I've got a couple of SAD-Taskenti in the flowering room. Look at them:
They've been at 12/12 less than 4 weeks. This time I allowed a longer vegetative, that I believe will provide better results. And I will try to have them really mature, instead of harvesting at 8 or 9 weeks like I usually did.
Anyway, after tests I've made, I prefer authentic unmixed Tashkenti, like this one that has been flowering for nearly 6 weeks:
They are stronger and they produce more. I discarded this individual for breeding, but anyway production and effect is very good. I'll cross again some Taskenti males with my Black Domina '98 in order to get a better version of this cross because I believe the males I used weren't good enough.
I've got some Taskenti in vegetative and I plan to make a good selection this time, I'll upload more pictures when the moment comes.
This one is a male I saved from the last run of Tashkenti 2008 F2. I grew and discarded many individuals but I kept this one, this one is special and recalls the selected cut the most. It is branchy and smelly, and the leaves are really dark green.
I'm saving some pollen both for pollinating the Black Domina cut and the next Tashkenti mother I will select between the bunch I've made with my mother and the different 2005-2008-2012 Tashkenti genetics.
I'll upload pictures of these ones soon, they are growing in the veg tent. I expect lots of selection work.
This male has been flowering just for 12 days and it already looks like is going to male pollen soon.
These are some of the plants I'm actually growing. Coming from the best mother (200 and different males from different generations. I've sort them so I'll find the best of the males. They are 8 weeks old and I'll take cuts of them in a couple of weeks.
There are 16 in total, but I've got plenty of seeds and I'll keep planting them. I want to select a new mother and I'll plant as many as I need.
There they are. 16 plants sorted by the male they come from. I can take very good conclusions after that grow. I put them in 3l pots today and in a week I'll put them to flower, after taking cuts.
This cat loves the heat and the light of the tent. Also likes eating some leaves.
I've just taken cuts of 9 of the 10 females, I didn't take cuts of one that wasn't bushy enough, and I've culled the males.